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Focus on Cuba at the UN Commission on Human Rights : Comments

By Tim Anderson, published 10/5/2005

Tim Anderson argues that the USA is using the UN Commission on Human Rights to further its imperial designs in Cuba.

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Yes Mr. Gerbil H Schnorkel-Balaclava – John Howard, George Bush etc. are big mean war criminals, gross abusers of human rights and by far the most evil men on the planet. How dare they criticise Mr Hussein or Mr Castro for the cold-blooded murders of thousands upon thousands of their citizens when they themselves are guilty of atrocities such as locking up a traitor and terrorist and deporting a woman, who insisted she was German, back to Germany? Fancy detaining people who break our immigration laws, we have no right to treat them as…….. well…. Lawbreakers! You don’t see immigrants to Iraq or Cuba treated in such a manner.

Yes it matters not how many people are murdered and terrorized by scumbags throughout the world, they all pale into insignificance when compared to the monsters of the West.

Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka – do you realise how ridiculous and pathetic your words are?
Posted by bozzie, Monday, 23 May 2005 11:37:55 PM
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Tim, present us with evidence that is clear & concisely referenced (from sources that are not obviously biased). We the reader are your jury in terms of your argument. You are not going to convince anyone (new) with an argument that is unreferenced & comes to a conclusion before discussing the facts. Don't let your articles become self indulgent intellectual leftist rants, whose main purpose is not to communicate & convince the reader - but to let off your own steam! :)

How, can you reasonably argue that the world is black & white in terms of morality/ethics Tim? Why not acknowledge that shades of grey exist in people. Argue that Castro is light grey & Bush is dark grey. Fine, I (& prob. Rhian?) don’t have a problem with that argument. The problem in not acknowledging at least some failing in Castro's human rights record, is that people are likely to dismiss the rest of your argument as false/biased
Posted by stu, Sunday, 2 October 2005 4:50:18 PM
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We had yet another bombing and people killed and all we seem to get is politicians being power hungry and making more and more laws robbing us of our freedoms. The fact that it will not resolve the problems is another matter.

As I have made clear time and again that, the only way to fight terrorism is to fight the cause of terrorism.

All we seem to be getting is governments wanting to rob the people of their civil rights all in the name of war on terror. If the same were to be translated in “war on criminals” then we would have a lot more laws.
Where government could not legislate to allow police to invade a person’s property without a warrant in regard of crimes, now the Sa and WA government appears to allow such invasions without warrant under the cover of being terrorist laws.
In my view, they are power hungry government wanting to use the “terrorism” as a way to introduce draconic laws they otherwise never could have succeeded in.
But, with all the legislation it will not fix terrorism problems as they simply are ignoring to seek to address the cause of terrorism.
What ever Saddam Hussein may have done in his own country, was under protection of the (then) Iraqi constitution, and we have no business to interfere with that. Not because we may approve of what was happening, but we would neither want other nations to invade us for the mass murder of Aboriginals, and the other crimes we (as a nation) did upon Aboriginals!
Look at the British using poison gasses in 1919 against the Kurts. Why was that any less then what Saddam Hussein is accused of having done?

We slaughtered Iraqis in an unconstitutional war and have no right to criticize other! I disapprove of any violence, and we should first look at ourselves before trying to tell others what to do.

To fight terrorism is to fight the cause of terrorism. And, it is this what is being ignored!

We use violence and they (regretfully) respond in kind!
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Sunday, 2 October 2005 11:38:04 PM
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