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No time to rest on our Kyoto protocols : Comments
By David Madden, published 6/5/2005David Madden argues now is a good time for Australia to warm to the challenge of climate change.
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Posted by Grey, Monday, 9 May 2005 10:48:17 AM
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b Light at the end of the NSW Sewer Outfall.
Sydney Water sends more than seven times the amount of primary sewage into the ocean than any other water utility, according to a Federal Government map of water use in Australia. It is high time to end the dumping of raw and partially treated sewage off Sydney's coastline and recycle the water for industry and agriculture," said the parliamentary secretary for the environment, Greg Hunt. Earlier this month, the NSW Auditor-General found the State Government had failed to secure Sydney's water supply against the effects of climate change and increased population. Comments: I think Mr. Hunt has been reading the New York Times Environment forum or getting feedback from it: The current, seemingly endless NSW drought is caused by low entropy heat from central Australia being consistently blown out to sea towards high entropy pollution plumes off the NSW coast in accordance with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. As it leaves landfall, depending on the season, it takes all the local moisture reserves and much of the precious top soil with it as it heads for Antarctica to melt a local Ice shelf or two. This phenomenon is a temperate latitude RECCE ( Regional Ectopic Climate Catastrophe Event) in action. It is the unconditional cause of prolonged drought in temperate latitudes. The only way to calm these RECCEs to acceptable levels is to stop coastal pollution. Mr. Hunt has outlined one method, sewage treatment. The other method is the use of EWBs (1-2 acre Engineered Wetland Basins). NSW Farmers have a responsibility here too. They must work with governments and sacrifice a few acres here and there to systematically construct EWBs that keep farm effluents in local wetlands.They must not allow anything back into NSW rivers before EWB 'secondary treatment' can occur. Message to NSW farmers who are at their wits end in the current NSW drought: John Howard and Peter Costello are Glabial (lip service) Warmers. Check them out! Posted by KAEP, Monday, 23 May 2005 11:54:50 AM
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b NOAA blames Greenland ice Melts on Global Warming.
NOAA has just released a report on Greenland Ice Melting. It stated that this was a Global Phenomenon. That's just one more small mistake for NASA and it's affiliates and one more giant catastophic leap for mankind. NOAA must understand that it's the dumping of raw sewage, farming, industrial and stormwater effluents that are causing specific focused REGIONS like Greenland to melt. The entire THERMODYNAMIC balance across the surface of this planet can be and is being altered by population increases in coastal cities with attendant fouling of coastal seas and currents. Currents which end up in places like Greenland and the Ross Shelf where yes, melting will occur. I suggest that NOAA demands that US coastal waters cease to be pollution dumps and climate change progenitors. The thermal Heat Capacity that drives climate changes is in the oceans. The Heat Capacity in the Atmosphere accounts for less than 10% of those climate changes. Forget about 'glabial warming'. Forget about greenhouse gas warming. The world will need to use coal and produce CO2 in one form or another as an energy source for at least another 50 years because that is how long it will take the only serious alternatives (space based dynamos and geothermal ) to be fully engineered. In the meantime, the biosphere will handle the additional CO2 without thermal runaway warming IF you guys fix up the oceans. Definition: Glabial Warming. The warming that comes from the LIPS (labia) of those who are condemning our oceans and our stability of climate to an uncertain and violent future Posted by KAEP, Monday, 23 May 2005 12:20:43 PM
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shows. The reduction in industrial emmisions and filtering in car exhausts is leading to global warming.
Good thing all these environmental scientists know what they are talking about.