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Carr’s rightward lurch hits public servants hard : Comments
By Lee Rhiannon, published 23/2/2005Lee Rhiannon argues that the NSW Labor Government is cutting back on too many departments
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Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 23 February 2005 11:56:45 PM
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Where are my detractors?Would some one please prove me wrong?
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 26 February 2005 11:11:53 PM
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I read this morning that the Public Service has three times the rate of claims in Workers Comp. to that of private enterprise.$672million for the last year!6.5%of Public Servants in NSW go out on workers comp.each year.Mental stress was the most common complaint.Unfair dismissal makes it almost impossible to be sacked,unless you commit a crime.Where is the mental stress?Work cover is currently in debt to the tune of $2,500 million.If the claims by the Public Service were brought into line with private enterprise,the debt could be paid off in 3 years.The NSW Govt solution is to expand Work Cover ,bring in a whole lot of dracoanian rules and punish private enterprise with fines and regulation.Under new rules the employer pays the premium and if there is a claim pays for the claim out of his own pocket.This is sending businesses broke and reducing employment.
So the solution to a problem of their own making was crucify private enterprise ,the life blood of their taxes and generate more bureaucracy.They make "Yes Minister" look like a serious drama.It is beyond a farce. If Jeff Kennett would like to help,I'll carry his walking stick and turn his respirator on each morning.Even the Pope could do better. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 27 February 2005 10:03:50 AM
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Kumbaya and the Art of Making Our Governments More Socially Responsive
As a Victorian ALP member I’m often bemused by the likes of Lee Rhiannon declaring the Carr government’s measures to streamline its administration as a deviation from the ‘Labor cause’ or even worse, an act of treason to the ALP rank and file? Instead of assessing the potential impacts such changes may have on government services, or even better, presenting an empirical case to show how government policy and initiatives will be impacted, Rhiannon has basically presented an ideological defence of government bureaucracy and departmental privilege. There appears to be a school of public social thought, largely drawn from the public service or ‘public funded’ dependent sectional interest groups, which equate departmental budgets and bureaucracy size with policy delivery success. Often, as is the case with Rhiannon’s article, there is little if any explanation of this linear relationship. It is simply assumed, this is how an effective socially responsive government works. Their mantra is quite simple, keep us flush with funds, keep our senior departmental posts; keep those grants flowing through to our community stakeholders; create those specific units and departments; print those glossy reports and everyone will be part of one big happy family. To summarise Rhiannon’s position, it is assumed successful policy delivery needs a consistent sized annual budget irrespective of policy results or justification based on need; a separate ‘NSW Department of Women’ to look after the interest of females in NSW; and full time presidents to run Commissions or Boards. Based on these arguments alone, together with a lack of empirical insight into the effectiveness of public policy and it becomes very clear who the potential losers are. It’s the bureaucrats and their interest groups. Garry Drougas Posted by G Drougs, Tuesday, 1 March 2005 2:40:38 PM
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Garry ,how can a bureaucrat be a potential loser?It is a contradiction of terms.If you stuff up in the public service ,you either get promoted or moved sideways.It is not about achievement but those who play the system best.Once upon a time we had people who did what was best for the common good.Now we have interest groups and short term gratification.Our society is in serious decline.The real losers are the tax payers who work long hours in private enterprise just to survive.They pay the taxes for all this bull dust and have almost no family life.As a result we have marital breakdown and many angry disillusioned people.Just get Govt off our backs!!The socialist state has failed!!
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 2 March 2005 8:33:16 PM
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Don't bring back Jeffrey Bring me back. At least I know what the cuts will really cost
Posted by Sirhumfree, Thursday, 17 March 2005 5:03:31 PM
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When are we going to realise that violence and crime are the responsibility of individuals,since the state has removed this onis, both crime and domestic violence is getting out of control.Have you ever noticed that Govts seem to achieve the opposite of their offical policies?Could this be due to a pandering to minority groups with their own agenda of self interest? Perhaps Bob Carr has realised this and is reaccessing his priorities.
I hope John Brogden has a good team because he has less of clue than Bob Carr.His silence on many problems condones the errors.The body language tells me that the task seems too big.We need a Jeff Kennett who can cut Govt waste and inefficiency.Would someone please give him a tripple bypass?