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Voters' bravery gives Iraq a real sight of liberty : Comments
By Alexander Downer, published 14/2/2005Alexander Downer argues that the Iraq election has been a success.
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The West encourage the Iraqis to invade Iran to get rid of that Anatolia chap.
Iraq also had WMD's and contacts with terrorist groups, which I will attempt to cover as briefly as possible. [a] we know Saddam and his sadistic crazy sons and monsters like "Chemical Ali" used chemical weapons on the Kurds. It has been admitted that they had a stockpile left, some said 10,000 litres. It has never been accounted for. I don't think Saddam destroyed it do you? The US weapons inspectors do now and so did Hans Blinx team. The Iraqs simply did not document it very well.
[b[ UN Security Council Resolution 1441. passed unanimously in November 2002 recognised" ... the threat Iraq's non-compliance with Council resolutions and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and long range missiles poses to international peace and security." The UN was convinced. Yes they were convinced with sexed up and down right doggey intelligence.
[c] ALP Spokesman Kevin Rudd told Parliament on September 17, 2002 that Saddam " has invaded his neaghbours in complete vioation of International Law, and he is in possession of weapons of mass destruction which in the past he has used against his own people and his neighbours. "None of these matters are the subject of dispute."
The Labor Party was convinced.
[d] Chief Weapons Inspector David Kay stated" Iraq's WMD programs spanned more than two decades, involved thousands of people, billions of dollars, and were elaborately shielded by security and deception operations, that continued even beyond the end of "Operation Freedom".
In response to a question from CNN as to whether the was was worthwhile, Kay responded:"Absolutely, and not just for the Iraq's. "I think the world is far safer. "I actually Saddam and Iraq were becoming more dangerous to us, not less dangerous".
Kay was convinced.
David Kay to the US senate “Let me begin by saying, we were almost all wrong, and I certainly include myself here”
[e[ The Flood Report into Australia's Intelligence Services reported: "The Iraqi leadership retained the ambition and intent to have a WMD program [and there there was indeed a weapons program, if not stockpiles of weapons.." [f] The Butler report into British Intelligence reported that Iraq "... had the strategic intention of resuming the the pursuit of prohibited weapons program, including, if possible, its nuclear program...."Flood and Butler were convinced.
[g] Kay's successor Charles Duelfer reported that Irag was necotiating with North Korea for missiles, and its chemical wapons program could be reactivated at short notice. Duelfer was convinced.
Connections with terrorist organistations [1] In 1994 the deputy director of IIS {the Iraqi Intelligence Service} Faruq Hijazi met Osama bin-laden in Sudan. [2] Iraqi vice-president reportedly met Osama bin-laden in Baghdad in January 1998 and bin-laden's deputy Ayman al Zawahiri in February 1998. The purpose of these meetings was to establish terrorist training camps in an-Nasiriyah and Iraqi Kurdistan.
Rumsfelt met with Bin-Laden as well does that mean he was in with him?
Most people who thought the intel was either being spun or fabricated generally had to resign to make their concerns know the most high profile one was former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook in his March 2003 resignation speech:
Iraq probably has no weapons of mass destruction in the commonly understood sense of that term -- namely, a credible device capable of being delivered against strategic city targets. It probably does still have biological toxins and battlefield chemical munitions. But it has had them since the 1980s when the US sold Saddam the anthrax agents and the then British government built his chemical and munitions factories.
Many others made the assumption is that Saddam had the WMD, but that they weren't very dangerous.
Australian Intelligence officer Andrew Wilkie in March 2003:
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program is, I believe, genuinely contained. There is no doubt they have chemical and biological weapons, but their program now is disjointed and limited. It's not a national WMD program like they used to have.
Again, the WMDs are there, just not much of a threat. And so on, with the most skeptical voice coming from Russian President Vladimir Putin saying in October 2002 that it's unlikely that any weapons exist, but even so, the Russians worry that they might. So everyone thought they were there, but only the Bush administration thought they were an imminent existential threat to the United States.
There are other instances I could quote, but I recall reading that a terrorist training camp had been found in Northern Iraq in the first days of the war,
Iraq hates America. Osama bin-laden hates America. It's logical that they would get together, especially if Osama pledged that no activities would be launched against Saddam as captured documents reveal. What documents ?
Kenny, you asked me to read up on this, but I don't think any of it has helped your case.
I don’t think you looked hard to find views that didn’t support yours have another look. I’ll give you this link to a right wing think tank the very famous Cato group.