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Democracy by the sword : Comments
By Shlomo Avineri, published 7/2/2005Shlomo Avineri argues that a society needs a civil society tradition before democracy can take root.
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Marks theory of 'value'.. I must look that up. *googles* it.
As is pointed out, Marx viewed society as a WHOLE, and his system fails unless society is restructured along those lines.
But my goodness, he was WAYYYY behind the 8 ball, for 2 reasons. Firstly, he neglected to factor in basic human nature which is aspirational, family oriented (which he appears to have tried to destroy, replacing it with the State) but more than anything, human nature is ETHNIC.
All he had to do, to see where his theory would fail, was to read the book of Acts. Its also a good place for current political theorists, specially those of the 'multi-cultural' ilk to learn why such policies are not only doomed, but dangerous.
Can I persuade you to read the passages concerned ? It is most revealing, whether one is an atheist or believer, it is still most instructive psychologically.
GOOD NEWS: Acts 2:42 to end of chapter (this is true 'communism')
BAD NEWS: Acts 6:1-4 (this is why it will fail)
I don't believe any social 'system' will ultimately 'work'. They always degenerate into the condition of the 2nd passage I listed here. Only when people are restored to the condition of the first passage, can a system work. (justice, caring, beneficial)
I'd be happy for you to try to kick the stuffing out of my view here :)