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Global warming is happening right now : Comments
By Des Griffin, published 31/1/2005Des Griffin argues the evidence pointing to global warming is being ignored for political and economic expediency.
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All you need is love .... and Thermodynamics 101 .... and political independence.
As for anyone entertaining thoughts of greenhouse gas warming from human sources?
All they need is ... well I'm too polite to say:
1. The Biosphere is a quasi closed thermodynamic system. It is regularly pumped from an equilibrium or stasis by geothermal events and climate catastophe events.
2. Greenhouse gas warming scenarios are the expression of a GLOBAL thermodynamic equilibrium or stasis. Given the energy inputs in point 1, far greater than any waste heat or pollution mankind can supply, greenhouse warming from anthropogenic means cannot happen.
3. Where we do want localised or regional thermodynamic equilibrium, is at coastal cities and towns. It's relatively easy to arrange for this to happen by cleaning up coastal ocean buffers and riverine systems.
4. World governments are NOT prepared to tolerate the consequences of accepting that greenhouse gas warming CANNOT occur. Why?? Because it will mean they must put an end to ocean dumping of industrial, agricultural, sewage and urban waste waters and solids.
Cleaning and maintaining pristine coastal ocean buffers and riverine catchments is how we can prevent large global energy currents from violent and negative interaction with our cities and towns.
World governments are relying on media hype and amateur opinions to stage a bogus greenhouse warming scare to facilitate the staus quo approach of oceanic waste disposal at great personal cost to us all. They cannot do this forever.
Increasing coastal ocean cleanliness will lower the incidence if climate catastrophes.
Installing thousands of 1-2 acre strategically placed engineered wetlands (EWs) is the preferred method of holding back and treating wastes before release to rivers and oceans. This has MANY other advantages to our lifestyles than creating thermodynamic equilibrium on our coasts and preventing climate catastrophes. These EWs will lower the entropy of our living areas on a REGION by REGION basis and that means our energy levels and health will be raised to new standards. This applies to politicians, industrialists, developers and farmers as well. Their negative stance on cleaning oceans is not in their interests either if they thought the situation through.
To all the amateur climate commentators: Don't be a patsy for big business and the politically ambitious. Outside of making money these people aren't that bright when it comes to the cost/benefit analyses of thermodynamic science.