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The Forum > Article Comments > Senate report into the forgotten Australians: Child abuse in institutional care > Comments

Senate report into the forgotten Australians: Child abuse in institutional care : Comments

By Ben Mathews, published 9/9/2004

Dr Ben Mathews discusses the Senate Committee Report which exposes a record of abuse in Australian children’s institutions

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My fianc'e was in care since he was three months old. taken by his mother becouse he was white. he has opened up about some thing that had happened to him. example. adopted out to a white family and then sent back to the childrens home becouse he was getting darker. one thing i do remember is him telling me that his adopted mother use to sing"your the biggest dissapointment in the family". he had rhuematic fever when he was a baby in care. it ot that bad he had his lungs drained. i want to know how is it a three month old baby gets it and how does he ask for help! after reading about cases of neglegt in the homes were he had been placed over the years of his childhood i actually cried. i now know why family is so important to him and why he looks so sad sometimes. how he lives with his pain, i do not know.
Posted by guragun, Sunday, 26 March 2006 10:28:21 PM
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I was one of the children affected by the so called helping hand of the Salvation Army in the 1950 - 1960. Now at 62 I still have nightmares and I am still battling depression. It was not so bad while I was totally absorbed with raising a family and working, but for some reason now I keep having flashbacks and the memories of the humiliation and horrors seem to be getting more vivid. I do not think that these demons will ever go away. At least now I know that I am not the only one. Thank you for your article it has made a little easier knowing that there are others out there.
Posted by sadmemories, Tuesday, 9 May 2006 9:14:50 PM
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I am a Forgotten Australian who submitted my story as I remembered it at the time into the inquiry. Since this inquiry I have remembered profound abuse and am now dealing with the impacts of this knowledge as an adult. As a child I surpressed it to survive, thanks to something greater allowing me to use my wisdom to do this. My submission does not reflect anything that I experienced because I had not remembered enough. I am glad we had this inquiry because it opened up something that needed to be put into Australian history. We are many us Forgotten Australians and I know many of us. I speak to many who are drastically affected by their time in care. I have four brothers who have never married. I grew up with over 100 boys in my particular home and a lot of them are now for the first time speaking openly about the dreadful things that happened to them as children. I am glad to see that Dr Ben Mattews has written this article and how spot on he is. Some of us 'healers' of our people have been recently getting negative feedback in relation to how we can never be healed but we refute that and are now looking into the best ways to heal our people. Some of us have recently been partaking in a pilot program in healing and we are confident if we can access our people that we can help them. The true essence of the soul is still whole and always will be no matter what is done to the body and the mind. This is hope! WHOLESOUL
Posted by WHOLESOUL, Monday, 24 July 2006 11:40:49 AM
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Hi I was also put into Institutions 1962-65.State concentration camp
Hay goal & Parramatta girls home.
What the State and the perpetrators have got away with is CRIMINAL.

My ghosts never really hit me till the Senate Enquiry either and now I am trying to deal with them,
I am nearly ready to go threw court, which is going to be very traumatic, but is going to be worth it to be able to speak out at what happened in those brutal years, maybe they might look at what is happening still today to our children and no one wants to know about it.

HEAR NO ,SPEAK NO, SEE NO. Any one that does any of these three are as guilty as the perpetrators.

I dissociated all my life witch was good other wise i would not be hear today. Australia has not too much to be proud of with the rearing of there children in both State and church run homes.
And just as much pride and responsibility with children today.

We still have the same Welfare system nothing has changed only by name Docs.
Not too much can happen for the Forgotten Australians past.

But we have to stop what is happening now to our Vonerable Children
Posted by Wilma, Sunday, 16 September 2007 5:05:50 PM
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I seek redress/remedy from long-term extreme cruelty, excessive physical and mental abuse, emotional torment, psychological trauma, violence, bastardisation as child (1951 through 1954); followed by bastardisation and long-term bullying with extraordinary deprivation through improper summary incarceration, also illegal summary dismissals from Australian Defence Forceduties (1954-1968); Expert Witness stated discharge improper dismissal.

As result I:
1.Was diagnosed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder linked to abuses; unspecified Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder PLUS physical disabilities.
2.Asked Veterans' Affairs help with limited success BUT, on top level advice, compensation is inadequate and I suffered many injustices, including:
i) DVA twice reneged settlement $2,000,000 to $4,000,000
ii) Orchestrated DVA vilification and attempts frighten me; threatening long-term imprisonment, sue ridiculous criminality PLUS; resulting 11 + 4 consequential detailed complaints including DVA & FPC improperly finding criminal guilt with extreme pressure to settle PLUS – no complaint investigated, despite PM's promise !!
iii) Proof DVA cover-up
iv) Total rejection specialist diagnoses; improperly collapsing serious conditions into minor accepted condition so limiting DVA liability - DVA forged my claims – now threatens to sue for FRAUD !
v) Failure of DVA, Defence Department, or FPC review case, or arrest and try me as reqired for alleged criminality, PLUS hundreds unanswered letters, whilst AAT, CDPP, Ombudsman refuse remedy under UDHR.
vi) Top UN adviser to AG advises my life at risk in dealings with Veterans' Affairs!

I prepared reports about:
a) The unqualified shame of “Australian white-man’s stolen generation during 20th Century”.
b) Brainwashing
c) Deliberate Denial veterans entitlements – supported by press and recent revelations Case involving Richard Miller Director of Litigation Defence Legal found destroying critical evidence
d)Events and actions hidden by underlying RAN culture mirrored by government in dealings with veterans. ALSO extreme discrimination, disability discrimination, deprivation, shame, vilification, cover-up and distrust brought by government and ADF practices and cultures.

Can anyone help on how to obtain remedy/fair resolution observing Senate Reports etc ?

Anyone know solicitor in this area and possibly one who knows the Veterans' Affairs system ?

Posted by Induna, Thursday, 22 November 2007 2:49:38 PM
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