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The Forum > Article Comments > Dodging the issue: the Biden administration report on Israel's use of US weapons > Comments

Dodging the issue: the Biden administration report on Israel's use of US weapons : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 20/5/2024

How high a body count does one need before the intention to kill is evinced?

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Palestinians are the ME untouchables: Their core values are terrorism, and their National dream is the extermination of Israel.
The only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian, and Israel is on target dealing with the issue.

Binoy is sadly deluded on this issue, but understandably.
When he grows up, leaves school and heads out into the big nasty world, the Penny will drop; specifically, the understanding among University elites and their poor deluded activists, that opinions forced onto a population much larger in number than their own, will dilute a perceived superiority activists assign to their radical genocidal opinions, and will be treated with the contempt it deserves.

Promoting Antisemitism and acting on their own shrill, is leading to an awakening of a community force which is in sympathy with Israel’s need to continue its essential need to prosecute a war against a genocidal foe to the end.
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 20 May 2024 3:54:08 PM
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Nuremberg Dan,

You say; "Palestinians are the ME untouchables: Their core values are terrorism, and their National dream is the extermination of Israel.
The only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian, and Israel is on target dealing with the issue."

Sounds like the same reasoning that was used by others, some peoples folk hero's of today, to exterminate about 6 million Jews. I take it that YOU have no problem with the mass murder of millions of women in children in Gaza? The war criminals in Washington and Jerusalem don't have a problem with that.

Ironic; The leader of the most murderous state on the planet, and a war criminal himself, Old Joe Biden, is crying foul with the ICC issuing arrest warrants for the arrest of the Zionist mass murderers Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant. Rightly, the ICC also wants to arrest several Hamas war criminals as well. Good on em'.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 May 2024 8:07:12 PM
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Nimbin Paul..14.05 miles from the truth!

Dearest Paul,

It’s actually Palestinians with the mandate to slaughter Israelis . (From the river to the sea Palestine will be free..a land claim over the Sovereign State of Israel).

The agents of genocide are Palestinians, Israel defends itself by eliminating Hamas terrorists,
who crossed the Israeli border and carried out the brutal murders of 1300 innocent Israelis on Oct. 7 th. in the most diabolical assassination of Jews since the murder of six million Jews in Europe during the course of WW11.

The only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian matches the Palestinians chant for the death of all Jews in Israel, (and wherever they may be found globally).

And much more truth, the Albawongs ABC chooses not to mention.
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 21 May 2024 10:25:07 PM
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Nuremberg Dan,

I am dismayed at your attitude towards the 14 million Palestinians world wide, with only 5.3 million living in the Middle East they are one of the most displaced peoples on the planet. Your wholesale call for their annihilation is shocking in the extreme, surly only a madman in the image of a Hitler would make such a call. I read your words with disgust, to say; "THE ONLY GOOD PALESTINIAN IS A DEAD PALESTINIAN" (My capitals) is barbarous, you would murder small children, old women and all those in between, simply because they are Palestinians! Unlike Hitler, and fortunately for the Palestinian people you are not in a position to carry out your wish (Nursy will be around shortly with your nightly dose of 'Doz Ezy' and its off to La La Land once more for you). BTW I'm sure you wouldn't want to stop at the Palestinians, there must be lots more people on Earth, you believe should also be exterminated. Hummmm!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 May 2024 5:36:36 AM
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Dearest Paul …14.05 light years from reality.

You’ve got your money on a Nag.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 22 May 2024 9:15:28 AM
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