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The Forum > Article Comments > Government censorship threatens health, safety, and scientific freedom > Comments

Government censorship threatens health, safety, and scientific freedom : Comments

By Kara Thomas, published 5/2/2024

Medical regulation now appears designed to control the thoughts and speech of Australia's 850,000 Health Professionals.

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I'm sorry, but I disagree. Just because a tiny, tiny minority of antivax, foreign trained "doctors" didn't believe in the best we had at the time, COVID vaccine.

Did not give them the right to refuse vaccine treatment for their patients.

Who might have been Asymptomatic, yet still very contagious and affecting countless others in as little as 15 seconds as they go about their normal close contact, activities.

Natural immunity is great, but just like typhoid Mary, it never ever gives them the right to go out there and effectively kill or seriously harm others.

In law, ignorance is never an excuse! Moreover, medieval belief in a flat world never made it flat!

Nor can we accept medieval medical practise, fake professors, or allow this tiny, tiny and abysmally ignorant group of "doctors" to sway public opinion away from best practice, lifesaving medication.

Imagine, what would we get if we applied their medieval "medical rationale" to smallpox or polio. To name just a couple.

Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 5 February 2024 10:56:18 AM
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Seems to me that regarding medications, a classic example of government censorship regarding health, safety and scientific freedom is that directed towards Black Salve. Sale of it is banned in Australia and US and doctors risk prosecution for recommending it. Black Salve is basically development of old remedies to treat some cancers. Being relatively cheap and easy to make after obtaining ingredients - including from recipes available online, the cancer treating divisions of pharmaceutical industries obviously exert a lot of influence on trying to suppress information on it and stop its use. What is really needed is more proper studies so well informed recommendations can be much more widely publicised. There are horror stories regarding its use around. However, as for many other medications, many of these would be due to improper details regarding administering it. For a start, seems to be lack of knowledge - or wanting to know about main principle of its mode of action. Apparently cancer type cells often occur but the body's immune system normally destroys them. Cancerous growths occur when the immune system fails to regard these as foreign and attack them. The active ingredients in Black Salve on contact with at least some cancerous type cells activates immune response against them. Note that to achieve this contact, sometimes some skin damage is necessary to facilitate absorption. Why zinc chloride is often included as an ingredient. Usually best to quickly clean salve off when immune reaction starts. This can develop looking like an infection. Sometimes is very sore. Develops a black scab. Then eventually the whole thing drops off, initially leaving a hole where cancerous growth was. This usually later heals itself. Apparently reaction of some doctors not familiar with black salve is on seeing what appears to be an infection, wanting to administer antibiotics. Also sometimes wanting to cut out the whole area around the lesion. Not understanding that if left alone, this will normally heal itself.
Posted by mox, Monday, 5 February 2024 11:06:52 AM
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Mox, apparently you are referring to small skin lesions. Radium weed is also used as an alternative that is included as a natural skin cancer remedy?

But the best is the alpha particle, bismuth 213. Which is derived as a waste product of MSR thorium nuclear power plants.

I've seen scans of a liver with three tumours and after treatment with bismuth 213 all clear 66 minutes later.

It's a miracle cancer cure that has been used to successfully treat many death sentence cancers, including ovarian cancer and some very nasty inoperable brain cancers and many others in eastern Europe and elsewhere.

Sadly, we've had MSR thorium for over fifty years and with-it bismuth 213. But not us with our insane self-imposed nuclear embargo.

There's all this talk of pandemics that may take as many as million lives worldwide.

Cancer takes at least a million a year every year and as the population grows, in spite of recent success stories, that number remains stubbornly high.

It's really a question of affordable medicine and who can afford it.

Others are effectively euthanised by every increasing pain relief. Morphine and or other heroin derivatives over two or three days.

Nuclear power is like electricity, a good servant and a bad master. That's why we should opt for walkaway safe MSR thorium and its miracle cancer cure byproduct, bismuth 213.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 5 February 2024 1:47:32 PM
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Footnote: I've heard prediction that cancer will grow to 22 million a year by 2050. Many of whom could be saved and sent into remission with treatment with the alpha particle, bismuth 213.

Imagine, if we had bismuth 213 freely available to all who wanted it. The huge cancer industry and finance raising activities would but shut down, including the Benie sales for brain cancer and the cancer council, who currently has the hand out for annual millions for research into breast/ovarian cancer?

My oncologist told me they knew about bismuth 213, but, wouldn't use if available, as that would all but shut down highly lucrative cancer surgery, plus, also highly lucrative follow up radiation therapy.

millionaire Doctors would need to find other means to earn a living. General practice perhaps?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 5 February 2024 4:17:25 PM
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Alan and Mox,

Don't you imagine that people in the medical field, their families and friends also suffer from the same terrible diseases as the rest of us? Don't you guys think that they might be just as keen to see effective treatments developed? Have you considered that the treatments you advocate might not work as their proponents suggest that they do?

I would also draw to your attention that most of the alternative and complementary pharmaceutical products are produced by big pharma. I'd also point out that the more effective a treatment is, the more it might also do harm, necessitating care and caution with its use. Radiation therapies are a good example, where charlatans jumped on the miracle cure bandwagon shortly after Becquerel's discovery. Many people died very horrible deaths before the dangers of radiation began to be understood.

Medicine is about understanding and developing the underlying science. It isn't about being an arbiter of magical cures.
Posted by Fester, Monday, 5 February 2024 10:15:54 PM
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