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The economic debate 2024 - monetary policy : Comments
By Ben Rees, published 22/1/2024The RBA assumed the money supply endogenous which meant bank credit determined the domestic money supply. The following equation illustrates the domestic money supply.
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Simply put, the elephant in the room is the cost pf energy and its disastrous impact on the cost of living/inflation.
While this may have resulted in windfall taxes and mineral royalties etc. It has not helped joe average who like me found the bill at the supermarket has literally doubled.
And the money is going out faster than it's coming in. Meaning I have to eat into meagre savings to make ends meet/take of household maintenance.
All because owned Labor has locked us on to 19th century energy paradigms, i.e. coal, gas and oil.
And hasn't the wit nor the testicle fortitude to transfer to nuclear energy as clean, walk away safe, cheap MSR thorium and or MSR nuclear waste burners burning fuel we are paid annual millions to take.
Meaning industrial energy could be all but free, more so, if the reactor was on/under the industrial estate. And encased in a concrete box 200 hundred feet below, to prevent any rogue rads escaping/doing harm!
We don't need miles of wires leaking as much as a total of 75% of the generated energy as transmission and distribution losses. Losses the mug consumer is supposed to pay for. And currently eating hugely into the discretionary spend/domestic economy!
Governing the country is more than kowtowing to the unions/foreign investors or simply winning power! It's about walking the walk, not talking the talk.
Monetary policy. Bah humbug!
Alan B.