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The Forum > Article Comments > Futile and dangerous: bombing Yemen in the name of shipping > Comments

Futile and dangerous: bombing Yemen in the name of shipping : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 18/1/2024

As US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was promoting a message of calm restraint and firm control in limiting the toxic fallout of Israel's horrific campaign in Gaza, a decision was made to strike targets in Yemen

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I disagree, one cannot and must not negotiate (diplomacy) with terrorists or give concessions (diplomacy) derived by attacking unarmed merchant navies.

I believe the time has come when this activity must be met with massive retaliation or even pre-emptive military action.

There should never be any gains obtained via terrorist activity, just massive retaliation that escalates with every such attack.

Attacking merchant navies is a declaration of war!

Iran must pay for her involvement. A cruise missile delivered in the bedroom window of the Ayatollah as he sleeps, would be a good start. The rest of the Iranian Cabinet, ditto!

If that's what they want, let's give it to them in spades with gravy.

Oh no, not the gravy, please no!

Apart from that, merchant shipping of the future needs to be submersible so they're not such easy targets of choice for terrorists/the Devils Disciples/absolute evil personified!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 18 January 2024 10:41:24 AM
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Alan. Terrorist one day, national hero the next! That was the first president of Israel as I recall.

Remember the bombing of Cambodia? And Vietnam? Together, that was equivalent to between 500 and 3371 Hiroshimas in TNT terms. That terrorist of course continues to be the West's hero today!

God bless America. But can't we try to be a little more civilised and not continue to be a side-kick to the evilest empire in human history?
Posted by Chek, Thursday, 18 January 2024 11:12:53 AM
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This attack against the Houthis by US and UK was not authorised by the UN Security Council. Then some US Congress members claim that the action by their President was not authorised by them and should have been. This may not have achieved majority support. Also, any action by Australia should have been approved by Parliament. Not just Albanese deciding to give what probably is little more than moral support. At least did not try to send an Australian warship though. Now look what the Houthis are are trying to achieve. The poorest Arab country is world leader in attempting enforcement action against the genocide attacks by Israel against Palestinian civilians - which are against the 1948 Genocide Convention which US and Israel have both signed. Houthis have stated that any ships travelling to Israel or there is some Jewish involvement with may be targeted until attacks by Israel against Palestinian civilians stops. Which there is supported by virtually everyone in the world except to those in US, Uk and others pandering to ruthless Zionist influence. Seems ships going near Yemen that Houthis know have nothing to do with Israel should be unaffected. However major costly disruption has been caused to Israeli port of Eilat especially. All Yanks and Poms have achieved with their attack has made ships with association to them possible targets and helped turn world opinion against them. Then will only make Houthis more determined to keep up their actions. Remember they have recently withstood about 9 years of bombing etc from US efforts to try and reinstall the former Yemeni government. The main problem with this action is there are innocent victims who have to bear increased freight costs. However, drawing attention to this should increase pressure on the Israeli government, whose policies are strongly opposed by many decent Jews to stop committing atrocities.
Posted by mox, Thursday, 18 January 2024 11:53:25 AM
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Chex, Mos, you are entitled to your opinion, and I take the point on Vietnam. But on this occasion, I disagree. Two wrongs don't make q right anymore than two Wongs make a white.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 18 January 2024 12:28:58 PM
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These gutless cowards attacked unarmed, non-American ships. Now all those that hate America, can go froth at the mouth and tell us What crimes the US has done.

And that may be correct, but that does not give terrorists any excuse to attack the unarmed non-American ships. If they have a beef with Israel, then they should attack Israel! Ditto the US.

As always with these gutless wonders, they target those who cannot fight back! Innocent women and children and unarmed merchant shipping.

It is written, there is no place in paradise for those who spill a single drop of innocent blood.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 18 January 2024 4:25:41 PM
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Remember that aim of the Houthis is to cause maximum disruption of shipping to and from Israel until the Zionists stop their gutless and cowardly attacks against largely defenceless Palestinians. Seems there is still a lot of continuing marine traffic that has no involvement with Israel or Jewish interests in the Red Sea. Also, Yanks and Poms cannot complain if their ships are now designated targets after attacks against Houthis. Now note that despite almost universal condemnation of their despicable genocidal actions, Israelis have been largely thumbing their noses at it. As they long have regarding UN Security Council resolutions proposed against them regarding mistreatment of Palestinians. Apparently these have been vetoed about 45 times by the Zionist dominated US, one of the five permanent members with this authority. The US has much less power to "veto" or whatever the obviously very effective actions by the Houthis against Israel and its supporters.
Posted by mox, Thursday, 18 January 2024 9:40:44 PM
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Agree with mox 100%
The US are complicit in facilitating the genocide of innocent Palestinians in Gaza.
They're also guilty of invasion and annexation of land in Syria from which they steal millions of barrels of oil, and also conduct piracy themselves, through the use of terrorist designations and civil forfeiture. The US talk about human rights, but I'm pretty sure Guantanamo Bay is still accepting new residents.

Saudi Arabia and the US fought the Houthis for 8 years and did not destroy them.
Now after the US and UK bombed them they are at war with the US and UK and collective West.
Its the citizens of the West who will suffer increased shipping and military expenses because the US would rather help Israel murder civilians than do anything to stop it.

So now we all have to pay for it, so Israel can keep murdering women and kids.
America and the collective West not going to invade Yemen.
They'd be lucky if half of their troops were even able to land on shore.
And if America couldn't defeat the Taliban, then they're certainly not going to defeat the Houthi, who have an army...
and ballistic missiles...
The West are too weak to succeed in such a venture, and certainly couldn't attack and invade Iran.
They would be annihilated.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 18 January 2024 10:38:03 PM
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153 Nations voted in the UNGA for a ceasefire, the US and Israel voted against it, and also the UNGA is non-binding.
Nothing was achieved the killing of women and kids continued.

The fact that Israel has been labeled an apartheid state, gives South Africa cause to weigh in on the matter. 'Aparteid' is a word from the days of Colonialism and the Dutch East India Company describing the system of racial segregation South Africa.

South Africa, with their complaint of 'genocide' and 'incitement to genocide' - are representative of those 153 nations that voted for a ceasefire, but could not make the killings of innocents stop.

The Houthis, with their targeting of Israeli bound shipping are attempting to strangle the Israeli state economically.
Which is no different whatsoever to what the collective West has been trying to do to Russia.

South Africa and the Houthis, are kind of like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.

South Africa are trying to raise attention to the situation the legal way, the accepted way, but to little or no effect, where the Houthis, are saying we're not accepting this killing of innocents, and we're prepared to do something about it.

The collective West, for all their talk of 'human rights' are big on talk, but short on action, they won't even support South Africa.

Meanwhile, The US, and the UK have launched this attack on the Houthis, there was no UNSC resolution, they just went and did it.
The US is in no position to talk about what's right and what's wrong.
- When it is helping facilitate the genocide by providing the arms deliveries, and using its UNSC vetoes to prevent any ceasefire.

You want to know why a 2 State Solution is not possible?
Because for decades, any time the matter is raised
- The US and Israel vote against it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 January 2024 1:13:57 AM
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It’s simply an on-going partnership between stupidity & hypocrisy !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 19 January 2024 6:42:27 AM
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UK orders Iran. Iran doesn't care. Pathetic display of inflated ego and false confidence.

David Cameron, isn't is a bit too late to be making demands of the Houthi?
They are now at war with you, after you decided to bomb them.

These Western leaders, are idiots.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 January 2024 5:21:59 PM
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