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The Forum > Article Comments > Why I've changed my mind on Victoria's anti-vilification laws > Comments

Why I've changed my mind on Victoria's anti-vilification laws : Comments

By Amir Butler, published 9/6/2004

Amir Butler argues that Victoria's anti-religious vilification laws have been counter-productive

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Amir, we would disagree on some subjects, but I am with strongly with you on this one.
Posted by Big Al 30, Tuesday, 21 December 2004 10:28:25 AM
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Further to the above, I think that the Victorian State Labor Government has used a pile-driver to smash a peanut. It's a draconion law designed to catch the maximum number, regardless of whether they really deserve it. The State aleady has Defamation Laws which could take care of any serious abuses. The old-time Labor Party stalwarts must be turning in their graves to see a LABOR GOVERNMENT enact such a law when Labor Party members have for generations denounced censorship, and screamed about "freedom of speech" often quoting the French politician Voltaire's famous statement: "I fiercely disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

So much for Labor principles! And where are the Civil Libertarians?

Do they only come out when it's a Liberal Government or the Americans in the firing line? One thing I am confident of, is that the only people to be prosecuted under this destructive law will be Christians. You can bet your life they won't have a go at anyone else.

Also, Christians are much less inclined to run complaining to the Government, despite being pillioried at every opportunity in the media for some years. The amount of good they do in the community, spiritual and charitable is rarely if ever mentioned. Try looking through the Capital City phone books and see how any organisations helping the poor, sick and disadvantaged are run by the Catholic, Anglican, Salvation Army and other Churches. Dozens. How many are run by their attackers? None. This unfair law is likely to promote intolerance, not the tolerance it professes to do.
Posted by Big Al 30, Wednesday, 22 December 2004 7:04:57 PM
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Clearly Amir has little influence in the Islamic Council of Victoria or the case against Catch the Fire Ministries would have been dropped long ago.

One way to defeat the law is to haul all the TV stations, radio stations, newspapers and journalists who indulge in religious vilification before the Victorian Civil and Administrative Apeals Tribunal (VCAT). VCAT would soon be choked with cases into the middle of next century. The Media would be pointing out the problems with it loud and long. The meadia moguls (Kerry Packer, Rupert Murdoch and others) would be telling the politicians to fix it because their bank accounts will be bleeding legal fees.

The Australian Broadcasting Commission would probably cop such a large legal bill it would need to go off the air, no money to pay for anything else.
Posted by Ken, Sunday, 2 January 2005 1:33:17 AM
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I would have to disagree with the writer. These vilification laws are a needed protection since certain people are unable to respect others without a law to thump them back into their place. Sad but true. The problem of Christians taking notes of Muslim speakers is not justification to abandon this law. Their intimidation is reason to stand up strong for yourselves.

Let's look at the case of Olivia Watts in the local council region of Casey. Olivia is a local lady who is a Witch who had unsuccessfully ran for the local government elections. When times got tough for the local council due to mismanagement, a certain councillor spread lies of Olivia Watts casting spells to create disorder on the runnings of the council. This councillor also spoke to local churches seeking a day of prayer to drive out the demons.

In response, the local response amongst certain Christians was to vandalise Olivia's house and car. People violently attacked her, when man repeatedly king hitting her in the forehead. Her business was destroyed as was her life.

The councillor with support of the Christian churches refused to apologise for the scare mongering and refused to take back their comments made against Olivia Watts. Unfortunately, Olivia's ability to seek legal recourse was minimal as being a Witch at that time, was still illegal. Were this to happen now, she could have taken the full length of the law.

These laws are needed. Unfortunate but necessary.
Posted by Spider, Tuesday, 25 October 2005 10:14:32 PM
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amir, it's clear you see the dangers of where we're heading as far as free speech is concerned...and i as a christian agree with you there...i have no desire to see any muslim silenced unless of course it promotes things such as rape of young australian women and such...freedom of speech is a precious right that we all possess and can't be silenced...i would far prefer to sit with you and other muslims in quiet discussion and we could lay out our case together
it's interesting that the one post here that wants religious free speech silenced is arguing regarding the case of a witch...witches say and do what they please in today's world, so spider, you can't be arguing for their freedom ...why do you really want christians silenced spider? what are your connections and agendas and what are the agendas of others like you? christianity is stronger than you think whether shouting from the rooftops or being forced underground...we will never be silent...and we haven't for two thousand years
Posted by sonlight, Wednesday, 18 January 2006 6:45:07 PM
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I have not called for Christian's to be completely silenced at all. I have supported the religious vilification laws because there are those such as I listed who only wish to become violent.

How dare people like you feel the right to vilify others but get all upset and high almighty when someone only questions you. Your posting of my comments stinks of bigotry and hate. Not that it should surprise me.

As for agendas, what are taking for your paranoia? We aren't bombing the Middle East or anywhere else for religion, we aren't trying to dominate the world but live in peace with nature, with the community, etc. Your wishing of spreading a hate campaign on us is absolutely ridiculous.

You said we can do what ever we want now. Does this mean you want to ban us? I suppose you want to start burning people too. I fully expect to see you out front baying for blood as you salivate. Oh yes, your Christian moral values is coming out. Just like Howard's who puts kids in prison camps with rapists because of their race.

We, are law abiding citizens. We are not vilifying anybody else but minding our own business. If you find yourself blaming us Witches for the worlds ills, I suggest you visit your local Psychiatrist.

Remember, that when it comes to who has caused the most deaths, handed off the most torture, committed rape against children then cover it up - it, is the Christian Churches.

There are those who are Muslim and Christian that I will happily sit with and then there are those like you, full of hate bred by the politics of the corrrupted Institutions of the Christian Churches.
Posted by Spider, Monday, 21 August 2006 11:29:59 PM
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