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The Forum > Article Comments > Biden changes stance on adopting UN two-state solution > Comments

Biden changes stance on adopting UN two-state solution : Comments

By David Singer, published 27/10/2023

Biden's use of the phrase 'a two-state solution' instead of 'the two-state solution called for in United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334'has great significance.

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The idea of HKOPS assumes

That the residents of West Bank settlements (under control of the PA) will join with the HK and the latter's security forces will maintain a presence on the border with Israel to ensure a relatively peaceful co-existence continues. But what's to say that the newly minted citizens of the former HK will not succeed in openly or covertly seizing control over the military and manning the border in a manner that suits them and not necessarily the Hashemites? and

HKOPS also assumes

That the current installed undemocratic rulers of the HK should still run the joint after a confederation with what now is land under the control of the PA. Would it not be better for the new citizens and well as for Israel if the newly enlarged state of Jordan was subjected to a free vote of all its citizenry?

Who they choose will be their choice. The West should assist in ensuring transparency in the voting process.
Posted by Jonathan J. Ariel, Friday, 27 October 2023 12:48:48 PM
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As I see it, it is still a two-state solution that emphasises a negotiated outcome, nothing more or less. And leaves room for compromise to finally end the senseless and generational homicide.

Endless generational homicide serves nobody whatsoever!

When a two-state agreement is done, we will need the blue hat peacekeepers in numbers to oversee an agreed outcome, not corrupt warmongering traditional adversaries!

Personally, I'd nuke the entire area of conflict with neutronium nuclear bombs, turning the entire area into a sea of glass. Killing all organic life without damaging infrastructure, and safe to re-enter in around six months!

You really want to exterminate each other? Let me help!

This should be seriously offered to all participants as an alternative to a negotiated and permanent peaceful outcome.

Get on with and get it done, the clock is ticking and patience nearly exhausted!

Way too much innocent blood spilt already! Enough already!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 27 October 2023 1:21:50 PM
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Rabbiting on about a two state solution is ridiculous.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 October 2023 7:18:03 AM
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Rubbish (I'm all right Jackie the PLO can go visit the nearest taxidermist) ttbn, a two-state solution is the only solution with wings.

Suggest you try talking from a little higher next time.

You're full of it!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 28 October 2023 12:02:10 PM
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