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The Forum > Article Comments > Recognition and closing the gap are lost in the Voice debate > Comments

Recognition and closing the gap are lost in the Voice debate : Comments

By Dinesh Malhotra, published 28/9/2023

The question though is – is the Voice the only way and the right way to do that?

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Banjo Paterson,
i should have bought a lottery ticket for knowing up front that this is how you'd reply !
Seriously, "may or may not be available in Australia" isn't that exactly the crux of the problems with Bureauracy ? Stuff the 'may' we need certainty ! The Voice is one massive uncertain "may" which will keep the gap open & that is not a "maybe" that is a definite "will" !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 4 October 2023 6:48:21 AM
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Dear Indyvidual,


You didn’t say if you contacted either of the organisations for which I posted links, hoping that it may be of assistance to you, Indyvidual.

Is your interest purely theoretical ?

Also, you wrote : “Stuff the 'may' we need certainty !”.

Some of us need it more than others, Indyvidual. Life is full of uncertainty. It’s impossible for us to be certain of everything we encounter during our lifetime.

For some of us, uncertainty is a major source of anxiety and stress. We can’t control it, and only relax when we feel certain about what we know or expect. However, the world is full of uncertainty and so are most aspects of our life.

But instead of looking for certainty where it does not exist, we would be better off learning to appreciate it and how to deal with it.

I’m not so sure everyone would really like to know with certainty exactly what life has in store for him in matters such as health, well-being, good or bad fortune, pain and suffering, life and death etc.

I’m not so sure we all need or even want to know all or any of that with certainty.

It could make life unbearable.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Thursday, 5 October 2023 3:16:20 AM
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