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The Forum > Article Comments > Hope for resolution in the long running Assange case > Comments

Hope for resolution in the long running Assange case : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 23/8/2023

The US has until now resisted backroom Australian persuasion and requests to resolve the Assange case.

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A stark sign of our US captured Government, and little concern for Australian citizens captured in its evil web! No hope!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 8:31:26 AM
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The only resolution involves Assange turning himself in and facing the music: something he should have done years ago, and saved us all from hearing about his stupidity from stupid people who don't know right from wrong.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 8:48:05 AM
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Dear ttbn,

Assange exposed the crimes US forces were committing. I thought such activity was not stupidity but what a journalist is supposed to do.

The US soldier who supplied Assange with the material has been punished.

Daniel Ellsberg was not punished for his exposure of the Pentagon Papers.

The Pentagon Papers revealed that the United States had expanded its war with the bombing of Cambodia and Laos, coastal raids on North Vietnam, and Marine Corps attacks, none of which had been reported by the American media.

Assange has acted in a similar manner to Ellsberg.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 9:16:35 AM
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What, ttbn says!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 23 August 2023 11:13:43 AM
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Assange gets 170 years in Gitmo. US military who shoot unarmed civilians as revealed by Wikileaks are presumably scolded not to get caught next time. The US needs Australia as much as vice versa. We have critical minerals and Pacific ports. We could buy subs from the UK. Also the US gets uranium from Russia despite sanctions; we have plenty.

If Assange were returned to Australia he might need low level protection from self appointed Rambos. The Feds should wear the cost.
Posted by Taswegian, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 11:30:29 AM
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I wonder if Assange still thinks Leftist idealism is worth the trouble ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 6:34:13 PM
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As a journalist said on NightLife Newsroundup ABC Radio that Assange as a publisher did embarrass the US by publishing its war crimes; however, Australia as a US ally, embedded within their military deserves a small favour in return, to Free Assange. Bring Assange Home.
Posted by Francesca, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 7:27:12 PM
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The US could do Australia a bigger favour by giving Assange a fair trial. I suspect his avoidance of justice reflects his awareness of the unknown multitude of people who suffered and died for the sake of him wanting a scoop. Thanks to Jules lots of people disappeared.
Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 23 August 2023 7:39:05 PM
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Who did Assange cause to disappear?
Posted by JF Aus, Friday, 25 August 2023 6:04:19 PM
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The naive and narcissistic Assange did much to help the right, Russians, GOP and Trump, while throwing journalists and others, inc. himself (with Trump's help), under a bus; under reported in Australia to maintain his 'sainthood'.

David Corn (US left) Mother Jones:

'Denounce Julian Assange. Don’t Extradite Him. The prosecution of the conniving WikiLeaks founder poses a threat to American journalism... PR problem with the case is that Assange is a highly unsympathetic character, for he is partly responsible for the damage done by Donald Trump during his presidency..

...In 2016, he collaborated with the Russian attack on the US election to help Trump win.....The Senate report notes that Assange’s group “timed its document releases for maximum political impact.” That is, WikiLeaks wasn’t acting in a noble information-sharing manner.

It sought to weaponize the information pilfered by Vladimir Putin’s operatives to cause harm to candidate Hillary Clinton, whom Assange and WikiLeaks had disparaged as a “sadistic sociopath” and a threat to the world. (“We believe it would be much better for [the] GOP to win,” WikiLeaks had tweeted.)...

...when the Washington Post on October 7, 2016, published the Access Hollywood video showing Trump bragging about grabbing women “by the pussy,” half an hour later WikiLeaks began releasing emails Russian hackers had swiped from John Podesta, the chair of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. This was a counterblow, an attempt to rescue Trump with a distraction. And to inflict the most pain it could on the Clinton campaign,'
Posted by Andras Smith, Monday, 28 August 2023 6:45:08 PM
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