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The Forum > Article Comments > The censors down under: the ACMA gambit on misinformation and disinformation > Comments

The censors down under: the ACMA gambit on misinformation and disinformation : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 17/8/2023

Gone is the frontier utopianism of an open, untampered information environment, where bright and optimistic netizens could gather, digitally speaking, in the digital hall.

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Another dose of logic.

Worry not!

There once was a time, not long ago, we needed not social media.

It’ll be a good thing gone; along with television, rendered useless by banality.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 17 August 2023 7:32:45 AM
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When you have a voting system that allows a party with less than a third of the primary vote to be the government, you are already rooted. This one we have now is not the slightest bit shy about its totalitarian aims, and the so-called opposition isn't interested in actually opposing. There is no need for the far-Left Albanese to censor us; he doesn't take any notice of what we do say, and continues down the path to totalitarianism.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 17 August 2023 7:49:26 AM
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The Woke seem to think that Democracy means minority rule !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 17 August 2023 11:50:30 AM
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I assume that we are all aware that some of the things we all say here
can easily be assumed to be misinformation.
If I say that Global Warming is a load of rubbish an ACMA censor who
happens to be a Global Warming fanatic will demand my comment be
removed. Unless there is a method to tell everyone else what has been
done to my posting no one would know.
A note listing whose posts had been deleted when you log in perhaps.
However letting everyone know what I wrote would be in contravention
of ACMA's order.
Do all posts have to be submitted for approval ?
If not so now, then it would not be long before they think of that.

Somehow Graham, we need a method to tell us all what is going on.
I think this legislation is coming what may, and there is nothing that
can stop the government.
Even if the Labor Party loses the next election it would take a while
for the next government to remove it, presuming they they want to.
Posted by Bezza, Thursday, 17 August 2023 12:17:57 PM
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I agree with the government on this one. Way too much misinformation online and the publishers/platform providers need to be held to account for what they publish/allow!

All other print media are required to validate their information before going to print.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 17 August 2023 12:58:38 PM
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What Albanese and the Left in general call 'misinformation' or 'disinformation' is just things they don't want to hear, and it is usually the truth, which they also don't want to hear.

When I say left, I include the Morrison Liberals. Morrison was into censorship up to his neck.

I'm not sure that I can think of any Australian politician who believes in freedom of speech these days.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 17 August 2023 3:26:48 PM
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Well Alan, who would you trust to decide what is misinformation, and
is an unknown bureaucrat to be trusted ?
Lets face it they never realised how impossible it is to install
28,000 solar panels in one day.
They also thought we can build houses for 1800 immigrants a day.
What makes you think they can possibly make sensible decisions on all
those hundreds if not thousands of news items and posts every day ?

Frankly, I doubt that even IA systems could do it.
Typical public service, wouldn't have a clue as to what is involved.
Posted by Bezza, Thursday, 17 August 2023 4:02:28 PM
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Kudos Bezza, Indyvidual, Diver Dan, ttbn. Binoy is right that censorship is bad- but wrong that national security shouldn't have a level of censorship.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 17 August 2023 4:50:44 PM
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Yes Canem, I agree that defence matters are different but surely this
latest fad AI could hold those posts for defence experts.
What if the PM said something that was misinformation Like;
"I did not read those pages, why would I"

This very post could be said to be misinformation. My implication is
that Albo did read those pages, after all it would be dereliction of duty to not read them.
This just shows what a muddle everything could get into.
I hope Graham reads this, as his organisation will have to make a
policy on what to do after the legislation becomes law.
Do we just do as we are told ?
Do we tell the poster what happened to his post ?
Do we tell everyone on here why his post was deleted ?
Do we publish statistics on how many posts deleted and why ?
I can see a lot of legal discussions will be needed.
Glad I won't have to be involved.
There is a system that does not use the internet that could carry
posts internationally. Hmmm.
Posted by Bezza, Saturday, 19 August 2023 11:25:46 PM
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My last comment was predictive.
I have just this morning have read about a system that cannot have
posts deleted.
Have a look at and it has a system which I have not worked out
exactly how it uses "Block Chain" which I thought was a financial
ledger for record keeping etc.
It may well be a way to put a finger up to ACMA.

One of the worst parts of the proposed new legislation is that it
does not apply to the government, and how wide is that, pollies also ?
Posted by Bezza, Tuesday, 22 August 2023 11:42:41 AM
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Aaaarrrgghhh, I forgot to add its URL !

Strange one that !
Posted by Bezza, Tuesday, 22 August 2023 2:06:33 PM
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