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The Forum > Article Comments > Algorithmic fairness in Australia's healthcare: fostering inclusivity for indigenous communities > Comments

Algorithmic fairness in Australia's healthcare: fostering inclusivity for indigenous communities : Comments

By Vince Hooper, published 15/8/2023

Algorithmic bias: an impending peril

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Best of British luck in reforming the Australian health care system, especially our third world hospitals.

No need for algorithms, the system is very stable, and operates successfully on overservicing the wealthy self insured and ignoring the poor, irrespective of race.
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 15 August 2023 7:56:33 AM
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According to activists traditional Bush medicine would be preferable to modern health care !
Why not give it a go & use the money saved for the disadvantaged !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 15 August 2023 9:18:11 AM
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Something else the Voice would not change.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 15 August 2023 9:33:02 AM
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Algorithmic fairness produced Robodebt. And not to be trusted.

What is needed is better funding of health care so as to avoid a two-tier health care system where money and wealthy hypochondriacs gets the best deal.

What we need and have needed for some time is a means tested system that allows all comers an equal opportunity for the best available care and allow the private system to therefore, fully participate.

Let's put humans and humanity back into health care and stop the rorts aimed solely at winning elections. Suggest the "Professor" stick to Saudi Millionaire health care where he is on home ground.

Suggest all Australian practitioners be fully acquainted with Beri, Beri/Thymine deficiency, as a matter of urgency and the often-horrific health outcomes that pertain to it! Particularly for first Australians!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 15 August 2023 10:58:52 AM
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Onya Alan B.,

Your on target with all of that.

And my observation through the years is Aboriginals lead the race to the bottom in the health care stakes.

Since closing the gap simply enriched NGO’s, and still leaves sick Abiriginals languishing.

If the ruling clowns are serious about indigenous health outcomes, the simplest way to achieve that aim is to sign all Aboriginals up for the top health care insurance package.
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 15 August 2023 12:17:37 PM
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What is needed is better funding of health care
Alan B,
That goes without saying, the dilemma we face is how can we get back to levels of integrity that enable us to place bureaucrats with a healthy enough mentality of care into the positions that administrate health & other care ?
I'm tired of stating the obvious but I'll state it again because it needs to be stated. We need a kind of National Service focussing on instilling a mentality of care, responsibility & decency !
Those who object can always provide evidence that it doesn't work !
No-one can deny that when the big Goaf traded integrity for votes it was the starting gun for the deplorable mentality that is now making much of the Public Service an increasingly unaffordable circus dishing out problems rather than provide help & solutions.
This would not happen with people who were exposed to a less self-centred mentality such as they would experience & even more appreciate by participating in a National Service !
The Public Service Union should be there for the Public Service rather than just for their members !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 15 August 2023 12:27:47 PM
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