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Tough gauntlet ahead for new Reserve Bank chief : Comments

By Graham Young, published 21/7/2023

The RBA's target is now going to get even vaguer because it is being given the mutually incompatible twin targets of inflation between 2 and 3 percent and full employment.

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Thirty eight years working for the RBA. She will be imbued with all the bad habits, then. I worked in the public service on and off for over 40 years myself, and I know how stunting and mind-numbing it is. Like politics, no one should be allowed to hang around for too long; fresh, un-brainwashed people, still with initiative and new ideas, should regularly replace the old drones. And, that was my opinion before I got to Graham's third paragraph.Great minds ….
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 21 July 2023 8:54:27 AM
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As I like to say, it is Steven Kennedy Treasury, setting the economic "levers" for astonishing population growth, lousy productivity growth, profits (and wealth) hogging the GDP, and steady economic decline.

Interest-rate hikes are about done. RBA "lifer" Michele Bullock is barely relevant. Her most useful function? Woke Well Being Chalmers will keep on blaming RBA, for economic adversities that are all of his own doing.
Posted by Steve S, Friday, 21 July 2023 10:01:55 AM
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Mutually incompatible targets are a recipe for failure and a scapegoat for future governments to target, as opposed to actually doing something themselves, although politically unpalatable.

What they can do but won't! Is embrace nuclear energy as MSR we build, own and operate.

Financing and facilitating energy co-ops to enable the most cost effective, free market, private business model, to succeed and prosper itself and the nation, all while destroying inflation.

The other thing they should do is build the very rapid rail. And put a hold on anything but temporary guest migration to fill real skill shortages here. TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 21 July 2023 11:47:54 AM
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The Australian public 'service' can't even get the MyGov app to work properly. The Australian public 'service' employs people, not according to qualifications or ability, but according to gender, race, disability and ideology. Hence all the useless dills.

Centrelink epitomises the horrors of the APS. Robodebt is only the tip of the iceberg. Anyone having to deal with Centrelink knows this.

Fortunately we plebs don't have personal dealings with the RBA.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 21 July 2023 12:08:57 PM
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Thanks Graham Young. The Albo Govt wants the new Chair of the new RBD Board to achieve two mutually impossible outcomes. Should not be a problem because JC will step in and sort things out - the Board is no longer independent of course.
Posted by Pliny of Perth, Monday, 24 July 2023 2:32:23 PM
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Not sure if Phil Lowe was the 'Wizard of Aussie' or the Mad Hatter from 'Australia In Wonderland', but he's on his way out.

Love that euphemistic jargon from the right; "remove red tape". What they are really saying is give the Capitalist the unfettered right to unhindered control of market activity to their own ends. Heard the saying; "the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer" that's what these free marketeers want, wealth distribution that massively favours the rich. They are foolish adherents to the discredited theory of 'Trickle Down Economics".
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 24 July 2023 3:30:55 PM
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Interesting title GY- thanks. Need to spend some time for worthy comment though. Kudos.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 26 July 2023 4:40:19 PM
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Seems to be based on the opposing forces of Keynesian (low unemployment) and Friedmanian (low inflation) economics. But it's the Labor party that seems to be the cause of high unemployment during Corona due to shutting out of the workforce the unvaxxed- even now. This will lead to higher taxes and unemployment benefits spending.

But communists (Marxists, Keynesian's) do want to destroy capitalism (Friedmanian's).
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 26 July 2023 4:45:22 PM
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This change to the Reserve Bank seems to be dangerous blame-shifting of unemployment issues away from the government- it seems that Corona policy has been driven by the Communist Left- shutting down business in the name of public safety despite the dangers to the flow of resources within nations- now causing shortages and inflation and unemployment. Many people are still shut out of the national economy- and are forced to become burdens on society- reliant on the social security system. Like "Devils Snare" from Harry Potter- so the entrapped need to follow the same solution as Hermione Granger. Sad for the old and young alike for their career productivity and for the nation. As Sun Tzu says take away what they value and they will listen to you (and obey you)- the Communists seem to have used this strategy since Corona- holding the community hostage.

At some stage the community will have nothing to lose- it's probably better to do something about it now. But rarely is a civilization aware of the end of the line.

In reality nations and communities need a more balanced approach to crises.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 27 July 2023 5:42:12 PM
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