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The Forum > Article Comments > If government is serious about tackling the housing crisis, it must help private investors > Comments

If government is serious about tackling the housing crisis, it must help private investors : Comments

By Graham Young, published 14/7/2023

You have to wonder whether Australia's federal and state Labor governments are trying to drive private landlords out of the residential market.Thi

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The government doesn't seem to be serious about "tackling" anything; and looks like heading down the WEF trail of 'you will own nothing and you will be happy'. Given the cost of living situation, the 'own nothing' bit is just around the corner. Certainly 69% of Australians are pessimistic and believe things are going to get worse.

The Albanese Leftist government has it in for landlords who, unlike the government itself, do provide housing. In SA, the Leftist government is working on preventing property owners from barring tenants having pets. Landlords have enough trouble with dirty, destructive tenants without adding animals to their woes.

Instead of putting the boot into landlords, the government should be building public housing. Last year, the waiting list was 17,000. Just keep meddling with private investors, and there will be a lot more.

And, the idiots, knowing the problem with housing are going to bring another 700,000 immigrants here over a couple of years.

As Graham suggests, the housing problem is a government problem. Labor or Liberal; and it's a good bet that the people most affected by the housing shortage and mass immigration are still voting for one or other of these incompetent parties; neither of which, plus the extreme Greens, give a stuff about them.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 14 July 2023 9:10:34 AM
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There is NO housing crisis.
There IS a huge population crisis.
A solution to the second solves the first.
Posted by ateday, Friday, 14 July 2023 9:51:10 AM
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It's insane to bring in 700,000 more people when we can't house those already here. The housing crisis won't be fixed by helping greedy debt laden landlords. It will be fixed by year on year out public housing.

Or by legislating public domain and resuming a 3-mile-wide rapid rail corridor. Then with the route finally fixed and bolted down, the balance of the land could be rezoned as residential.

The sale of this land would all but pay for the rail build.

The government thinks 125 Klms an hour is rapid rail! And could never ever concede that 900 klms per hour is doable. Even if it is! And faster than air which spews tons of CO2 into our atmosphere annually!

Got to look after mates in trucking and air! And Eff the CO2 these operators add to our air!

If the government is to support housing investment, then it needs to help first home buyers, and steer investors into brand new houses.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 14 July 2023 12:02:27 PM
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Why do you want the government to steal private land to pay for housing Alan, don't you like people who have bought & paid for their land.

Yes the answer is to stop the ridiculous level of immigration as the first step.

Yes private people would have to be mad to invest in residential rental in the current climate. I saw some bird, something to do with the Queensland Council of Social Services, ranting on a news program, with a whole range of anti landlord restrictions she wants to help tenants, all at the cost of the house owner. Anyone not frightened off becoming a landlord by these idiots must be as stupid as them.

Hell, even Keating realised landlord bashing was counter productive, when he saw the loss of rental housing when he stopped negative gearing. He damn soon reversed that bit of stupidity. You can't expect mum & dad investors to become landlords if the government & the welfare NGOs want to bash them to death, & stop them making any money at all from their investment.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 14 July 2023 2:42:01 PM
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Nobody doubts there is plenty of land in Australia, but houses don't build themselves, for free. In 2020, Australia ranked NUMBER 4 in the OECD, for its rate of dwellings completion, compared with dwelling stock.

As AteDay says, it is beyond doubt a population problem, not a housing problem. No country in the developed world could keep the dwellings up, with "United Nations" Albanese's insane 1.9% population growth.

This is THREE TO FOUR times most of Europe, also US, China, Japan. And TWICE as high even, as Modi India. Albanese is much more dangerous than Morrison, and will do irreparable damage, over the next five years. Get used to it - there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Posted by Steve S, Friday, 14 July 2023 8:07:21 PM
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Leith van Onselen wrote in 'Macrobusiness' yesterday, " … the Albanese Government’s reckless mass immigration policy means that Australia’s housing shortages will continue to worsen, driving up rents and forcing thousands of Australians into homelessness."

The main cause of the nation’s housing shortage is the federal government’s reckless mass immigration policy. Australia’s population rose 497,000 in 2022. There will be 1,194 more people every day in Australia during 2026-27. And Australia would need to add 478 homes each day, with 329 just for new migrants.

But, building rates have declined, and it is predicted that it will have declined by 21% over the three years to 2025. And costs are soaring.

The homeless and homeless to be in the Socialist State of Australia need to start looking for discarded galvanised iron, hessian bags, and anything that will shelter them.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 15 July 2023 9:09:08 AM
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Eminent domain doesn't steal land but pays fair market value. Not the hugely overinflated prices those (me, me, me, selfish, self-centred, dumb-ass R soles) who aren't smart enough to invest in something besides land.

Our best ideas and people are forced to look offshore for investors. Then foreigners make the millions or trillions that which could have stayed here!

Land bankers then try and blackmail developers and the community, by refusing fair value for Land the whole community needs!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 15 July 2023 11:30:55 AM
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Welcome to the white missions and shanty towns on the edge of town as a permanent feature, as Australia turns itself into South Africa lite; and if the voice referendum succeeds, a similar black Government.!
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 15 July 2023 8:43:06 PM
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If someone would invest in something much better than land? Then how about my new engine that has no moving parts and instead devotes all the energy into forward or upward motion.

And will eventually power all modes of traffic/travel anywhere, including the universe. Where light speed could be achieved.

Clue. Magnetism is a stronger force than gravity, and I have conceived how to apply it to defeat gravity and provide forward and or, upward propulsion, or both.

And up to nine tons potential drive per engine with far less energy expenditure than any other engine, rocket, scram jet or conventional engine.

New printed solar panels and nuclear batteries enough to take this engine and payload anywhere.

Income potential? Annual trillions. And I predict, will shatter all land, sea and air speed records! Make Sydney to London in a couple of hours nonstop. And carbon free!

Willing to take lie detector test to prove my honesty and that the concept is scientifically sound. Recently very ill and one deaths door.

It'd be a crime and the height of stupidity if this concept is buried with me. As all the plans and blueprints are solely in my head for security reasons.

Want to build single prototype as first step and only require one investor to back me and the build of a working phototype.

I will require absolute control and security.

Graham has permission to pass on current email to bona fide, STAR DRIVE, investors.

But only if you want something way better than land or anything else currently offered!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 16 July 2023 11:10:41 AM
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Hasbeen, Rapid rail will require some tunnelling to bypass some private land. And possibly cheaper than paying overinflated, overhyped market value.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 16 July 2023 11:30:00 AM
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Graham Young said "You have to wonder whether Australia's federal and state Labor governments are trying to drive private landlords out of the residential market"

Answer- The communists see the Bourgiouse private landlords as the enemy- as the Labor party moves in steps further to the communists this is expected- soon they will tax land owners much higher in certain areas. Perhaps this would all be unnecessary if the Communists pulled in the same direction as the Traditionalists to build durable goods that sustain life- rewarding those that do a good job. Instead of reverting to "from those with the ability to those with the need"- resulting in communities of whingers each individual trying to justify why they are more needy.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 28 July 2023 1:49:36 AM
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