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The Forum > Article Comments > Never more relevant: Ted Kaczynski, technology and trauma > Comments

Never more relevant: Ted Kaczynski, technology and trauma : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 20/6/2023

The profiles of the victims, actual and intended, constituted a true fruit salad, at times erratic and scattered.

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Wow..We could have a field day with this subject.

Was Ted Kaczynski correct in his thinking as he claimed, or were his oppressors, (they being the handful of the elite in receipt of the major useful benefits of technology), fearful the truth would destroy their tenacious hold on the goodies of excess, being taken from them and distributed to the masses by means of Socialism?

He was more in tune with the truth that Democracy is a calamitous failure for the majority enslaved and grossly unhappy with its bitter fruits of loss of personal identity, it’s lonely isolationism and blank future.
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 20 June 2023 8:29:43 AM
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By their fruits ye shall know them!

This creature was clearly out of his tree! Even the insane can sound logical and completely rational.

It's what they countenance that show who and what they are!

In this case a murderous fruit loop that murdered from a distance with letter bombs.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 20 June 2023 10:37:48 AM
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a murderous fruit loop that murdered from a distance with letter bombs.
Alan B,
And, how do those with drones do it ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 20 June 2023 10:07:13 PM
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His manifesto was interesting... perhaps his methods were ineffective... but he got the manifesto published.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 8 July 2023 7:16:27 PM
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