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The Forum > Article Comments > By design, Albanese’s ‘huge Australia’ population-drive has bypassed voters > Comments

By design, Albanese’s ‘huge Australia’ population-drive has bypassed voters : Comments

By Stephen Saunders, published 8/6/2023

Big Australia was - is - an undemocratic project. Rocket-fuelled, after a year of Albanese Labor. The people might never get a say. Could anything else ever disrupt the project?

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This "skilled" migrants business is a lie; we hardly manufacture enough or do enough of anything these days that requires much skill. What we are getting more of are, taxi drivers, couriers, construction labourers, telemarketers, cafe-owners and aged- care givers who can barely make themselves understood in English. Skills my arse!

If we didn't have so many lazy, useless Australians, we wouldn't need any migrants.

It's not just Albanese ruining the country by importing masses of people completely different from the host population; the entire political class, apart from One Nation, are intent on wrecking the country with multicultural foreigners.

Dutton is opposing mass immigration in the hope that it will mean votes for the moribund Liberals. But, the people who would have once voted Liberal, know full well, from experience, that if the Liberals ever gain government again, they will do exactly the same thing as Labor is doing on immigration.

As for a "sizeable" number of voters not wanting a Big Australia, bullshite! They keep voting for one or other of the big immigration parties and, more than ever, Australians are not interested in anything that doesn't affect them personally. They might notice the evils of mass immigration when they are sleeping under cardboard out in the open.

Six pages of waffle will change nothing. Australia is still rooted.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 June 2023 9:26:56 AM
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When you keep adding water to a bucket it eventually fills and overflows.
Australia`s bucket has well and truly overflowed and is drowning us all.
Sheer madness this, out of control population growth, philosophy of government.
We are breeding ourselves out of house and home. Not just OZ but the entire world.
Just stupid!
Posted by ateday, Thursday, 8 June 2023 9:27:23 AM
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Magnificent work from Stephen Saunders. The el nino is on its way.Soon the government appeals and laws will begin requiring us to save water. The panic will begin from the deficient,sub standard political classes,pretending this is entirely unforeseeable and the hoi polloi must cooperate. They will blame climate change,not themselves.
Posted by watersnake, Thursday, 8 June 2023 9:30:42 AM
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At a recent stint in hospital I noticed that several staff communicated in a language that was not English. At least they had a properly paid job and somewhere to live. I sometimes wonder if the aboriginal parliament is a smokescreen to distract from other issues such as immigration, interest rates and power prices. The government's publicist the ABC dutifully complies by glossing over these issues. Perhaps the thinking is we will enter a golden era when it all works out.

Reasons why not. If aborigines are the true owners of Australia's wealth then 700,000 migrants in 2 years will dilute that wealth in terms of housing and health budgets. After 3 years of La Nina and plenty of water in the rivers we may have become complacent about Australia's water needs. If desal is needed water rates will go up. I also suspect some heavy industries such as aluminium won't survive the full round of coal closures. Roll on 2030 with mass layoffs and unaffordable prices. The ABC will still have its job nattering about the irrelevant.
Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 8 June 2023 10:27:47 AM
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Agree, TTBN. Waffle changes nix. Agree, we're screwed. But we Aussie Voters stoutly resist, the proposition that we're nearly as dumb as Dr Jim Chalmers PhD Keating-Ology. In the article itself, I cite three proofs, that we would vote for Low Migration. If only we could - like in Sweden.

Point One: Best-In-Class Betts-Birrell TAPRI Survey. Point Two: Young Rupert Hisself, courtesy News Dot Com. Point Three: Repressive British Guardian Partisan Poll, unkindly brought to you by Fake Pollster Peter Lewis. I could go on.
Posted by Steve S, Thursday, 8 June 2023 11:06:16 AM
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This is mad hatter's economics.

Grow the economy by growing the population and therefore demand. And as economic madness personified.

A much better way to grow the economy, is via cheap energy.

This worked before and made us the third wealthiest nation state and a creditor one at that. When coal was king and as cheap as.

When (privatised, corporatised) greed was good, energy prices rose to the point where the energy bill became higher (30+%) than the wages bill (average 16%) and all but killed the manufacturing sector.

No prob said the pollies, we can buy all we need from China and become a service and mining economy.

And with that, we squandered mining booms 1&2 and look on course to repeat this stupidity?

Cheap energy again? No way, say the manure for brains, laborites. We WILL NOT DO NUCLEAR!

And slowly we sink into an economic abyss of our " own" making. We cannot house the current population and do not have the needed reliable water resources for more people.

And coal, gas and renewables are much dearer than nuclear as MSR thorium which could be as cheap or cheaper than 3 cents PKWH!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 8 June 2023 11:48:26 AM
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ttbn said- If we didn't have so many lazy, useless Australians, we wouldn't need any migrants.

Answer- Some industries are becoming so dominated by toxic leftist foreign cultures that Anglo Australian's feel that they aren't accepted within the community. This can become an excuse for employers to demand higher immigration and to talk about a skills shortage. Smart politicians will create a skills shortage or other crises in order to justify certain actions.

We need to target equal opportunity laws more- because they are a communist attempt to divide and conquer the Australian and the World community. DIE Diversity, Inclusiveness, Equality so called "anti-privilege propaganda"- as they say the harder you work as a culture the luckier you get. I don't see a problem with Anglos being privileged in their own country. DIE is a bigoted anti-culture ideology that will make people dependent on the dictator- and specifically targets Anglo ethnicity- classic big brother-ism- disenfranchising people from their own communities. If other cultures and ethnicities say that Anglo ethnicity is bad is one thing- when those of Anglo ethnicity commit ethnic suicide this is another thing. And puts our cultures children on the pyre of sacrifice. Who says who is the protected culture or identity group? It isn't you- it isn't achieved from a vote- it isn't democratic! Everyone has a right to protect their own interest, their own culture, their own ethnicity. But now this can get you marginalized but if you don't you'll be marginalized anyway. Now is the time to stand up for yourself. Whether you are young or old, man or woman, rich or poor, mother or father, smart or good with your hands- now is the time to stand up to the communist woke forces in your community- to protect your children from pedophile library and school sessions, protect yourself from political correctness, etc.

It's been said that communists use the shock troops of narcissism to destroy the fabric of society- in a similar way to the use of shock troops are used against armies battle lines.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 8 June 2023 12:20:27 PM
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The video by Mark Latham- Australia's Population Ponzi is good.
We can't compete against nations fifty times bigger than us such as India and China by big population strategies, free trade, and free immigration.

But we are capable of producing what we need to survive and prosper.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 8 June 2023 12:27:39 PM
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Of all the voices in the big Australia mosaic it's the woke that most infuriates.
After all Triguboff and Willcox just do what their ilk does: stick out their hands and demand more.
Entirely predictable.
But the Greens,The Guardian and their ilk (ignoring the hopelessly conflicted higher education sector) are in an ideal position to push back.
High octane population growth drives inequality and environmental decay to the moon-causes that should arouse their ire.
But no.
For some unfathomable reason progressives in this country draw the line at protecting the poor, the young and the disenfranchised if it comes at the cost of de facto open borders.
For an old codger like me it doesn't matter much in any direct sense but the implications for my kids, and their kids, are horrendous.
I shall not forgive.
Posted by Kimba07, Thursday, 8 June 2023 3:02:31 PM
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Well said ! When common sense still was still present in isolated pockets of humanity, the intellectuals got jittery & joined forces & successfully sent common sense packing & now look where we got to !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 9 June 2023 10:48:42 PM
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'Over 2005-06, John Howard near-doubled net migration. His opponent Kim Beazley caved.'

Missed statistical inflation in 2006, as did media etc. when the ABS UNPD defined NOM Net Overseas Migration was expanded to 12/16+ month residency sweeping up more students and backpackers then spiking population; explains post Covid spikes while now fastest (long term) growth is permanent population 70 years+, bravo?.

Tanton & Ehrlich's Malthusian fossil fuel supported ZPG ie. Rockefeller Bros. Fund (Exxon) of late '70s, also promoted the 'degrowth' or steady state economy movement, masquerading as environmental, to deflect from fossil fuels; greenwashing eugenics and fossil fuels.

Further, now increasingly rapid transition to renewables is allowing allowing economic growth and decline in emissions, breaking the link, if there ever was one?
Posted by Andras Smith, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 6:03:26 AM
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The solution to pollution is less people not new technology according to Professor Patrick Deneen in his book "Why Liberalism Failed".
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 11:20:15 AM
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There is such a desperate push for more immigration, that I recommend
you all look at the wide open door that Angelier Merkal held open
and now look at the crime rate especially in Sweden and Germany.
The majority of those in prison came in that wave of a few years back.
They are mostly of two particular ethnic groups, but of the same
religious calling.
Malmo in Sweden is a good example of the use of explosives.
The Swedish government had to build a "castle" to replace the police
station that was blown up by the immigrants.
Stockholm had around 200 explosives in 2022, I think it was.

So you need to be very careful where you get your immigrants.
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 2:06:50 PM
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