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The Forum > Article Comments > Barry Humphries: misunderstood anarchist of culture > Comments

Barry Humphries: misunderstood anarchist of culture : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 4/5/2023

He was always a step ahead, his mind geared not only for the next move, but the next sequence. He also smelt it, anticipated the audience reaction, shaped the prejudice in context for consumption.

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Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 4 May 2023 8:13:44 AM
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He was a good mirror that made some folks look at themselves and they did not like what they saw. Puritanical hypocrites. Blue lighted nudity was accepted as 18+ as long as we didn't see pubic hair.

The man was a genius and needed to go to Britian to work as he would not get a go here. Too far ahead of his time and no bloody-minded hypocrite.

I mean we came into this world as naked as jay birds. And pubic hair is just a sign of maturity.

Natives don't get so hung up on nudity and just don't get western hypocritic culture.

Barry Humphries put the S into satire.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 4 May 2023 11:30:20 AM
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Sir Les Patterson struts his stuff

The following are QUOTES from "Barry McKenzie Holds His Own" (1974) at

"Barry McKenzie : I hope your balls turn to bicycle wheels and backpedal up your ass!

Barry McKenzie : I'm that randy I could root the hair on a barber shop floor.

[Barry is in an English jail]
Barry McKenzie : Look, let me out of here. I mean, there'd be no Mother England if it wasn't for Australia. Our fighting men came over here when you Poms were ready to throw in the towel. Musso and them slimy yellow nips would've flattened this dump if it hadn't been for me uncles and their superlative fighting spirit. I mean the game was nearly up for youse poms, no risk. And if it hadn't been for Australia, Musso and them slant-eyed pricks would've strung every white kiddie up by the pills and gone chocka-block with all the nurses and bus conductresses. Oh look, let me outta here you ungrateful Pommy bastard!

Auntie Edna Everage : Did you know, Barry, that the Prime Minister and I once slept together?

Barry McKenzie : Aw come off it Auntie, aw I don't believe it.

Auntie Edna Everage : Yes, Barry. It was at the Sydney Opera House, during the second act of War and Peace.

Indian Girl : I am studying Kant.
Barry McKenzie : Same here, but I keep failing the practical.

Hugo Cretin : How would you like your steak, sir?
Barry McKenzie : Just knock off its horns, wipe its arse and bung it on a plate.

Barry McKenzie : I'm that thirsty I could drink out of a Japanese wrestler's jockstrap.

Auntie Edna Everage : Oh Barry don't make such crude remarks about our dear little stunted slant-eyed yellow friends."
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 4 May 2023 7:30:18 PM
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