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Comedy is cancelled, what does that say about us? : Comments

By Graham Young, published 3/5/2023

If ANZAC Day is secular Australia's one day of 'religious observance', Barry Humphries might have been one of our only secular patron saints.

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A fish rots from the head down, and Australians no longer bother listening to the very fishy characters supposed to be running the country. What's the point, when we have a government two thirds of the population didn't vote for.

Perhaps if Barry Humphries had lived in his own country, he wouldn't have been "out of favour". But, as Australians have always had it in for 'tall poppies', particularly their own, he wouldn't have had much success here. And that brings us to Australia's big problem: we hate ourselves; or at least anyone after generation X does; and they are the ones who would normally "fight to defend their country". Now, we have the silly Opposition bleating about letting foreigners into the military because the useless locals don't want to be paid, even, to learn how to defend us.

This year, I didn't see anyone bothering to rubbish Anzac Day as they usually do. A sure sign that the evil bastards now in charge are satisfied that they have successfully undone everything that people supposed to be honoured by the Day fought and died for.

Taking the piss WAS a "national pastime"; now it will get you cancelled - or worse.

Thanks for this article, Graham. A tribute to a great Australian and what used to be Australia - a country that is no longer the 'best country in the world', as a few naive and nostalgic conservative commentators are still calling it.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 3 May 2023 9:28:09 AM
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I have taken a special interest in this for a very long time. As someone obviously not reared here, I get asked at times ‘What do you think of Australians?’
I always try to make my point without trying to offend & most of the time I get agreement.
When asked how I would describe an Australian I simply say what I feel & my honest description without any put-down whatsoever is ‘coarse’. Older people used to say about someone in this category ‘a rough Diamond’.
Now, these are the Australians I knew when I first arrived. The modern version has ousted the rough Diamonds many years ago when given the green light by Goaf &Co. The new version is an opportunistic, money hungry selfish, unpatriotic git !
The decent , unselfish is a dying breed being unceremoniously dumped by those who get paid massive salaries to manage this society !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 3 May 2023 9:49:05 AM
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I don't know how many young Australians would volunteer to fight for this country. What would they be fighting for?

Now if you included soldier settlements, education opps as mature students and so on, you might get a fair few.

That said I think conscription is the way to go to build better more patriotic citizens able to work in teams.

The old Australian who fought in WW11 is no more but replaced by a migrant sourced community that is all me, me, me and show me the money!

So, let's bring back conscription and a million-dollar prize for the conscript of the year.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 3 May 2023 10:59:00 AM
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Today's comics by and large are "crude, rude and unattractive". They have lost the ability to be funny without resorting to Language which would make a sailor blush.

Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 3 May 2023 11:04:18 AM
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We need a form of National Service before common sense is lost for good. Any unemployed say 18-20 should be given the opportunity to flush out education indoctrination & get exposure to common sense & real realty, not the gimme, gimme my entitlements version.
That way teachers could be guided back to being real teachers instead of Leftist indoctrinators ruining our young.
Those with their eyes on this country are laughing their heads off at the mentality of our school leavers who are already seen as not even a hurdle to take over this Nation. Just show them $$$ & they’ll sell their freedom for a few drugs & some liqueur at an idiot party !
The Left has a lot to answer for here !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 3 May 2023 12:36:14 PM
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I forced myself to watch that Melbourne Comedy show on TV & I lasted about 2 minutes before changing Channels.
They tell the audience up front how funny the performers are so they all clap as soon as there’s a pause.
It really is soul destroying what they now consider as funny .
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 3 May 2023 6:19:12 PM
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