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Coercive control con job : Comments

By Bettina Arndt, published 17/3/2023

The latest weapon aimed at destroying men is thought crime.

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Disagree almost entirely with this con job article. There is coercive control and it's rife in some communities.

There's only one way to prove this is happening and via new, space age, unbeatable lie detection.

Because as admirably demonstrated, he said, she said, ain't gonna cut it.

Not for nothing is it writ large, know the truth and the truth will set you free!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 17 March 2023 10:26:03 AM
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That there is "mounting evidence that men and women are equally violent" is hardly surprising, given that they want everything men have (without the bad bits) and they now "drink and fight like men" (another quote noticed recently). And, while male violence against physically less robust women cannot be condoned, a lot of that violence is brought on by female nastiness and mental torture.

Coercion, slyness, cunning - all the psychological tricks women use - can be just as damaging as physical violence.

This Evan Stark, with his "pin up" status, is probably a victim of female bullying and threats.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 17 March 2023 11:25:21 AM
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Over the years I've seen many articles on this site that I disagreed with. But

Coercive control is a serious problem. Nobody should be living in fear, and even if the name has only recently been applied, that doesn't make it any less worthy of being a criminal offence. If its identification was a product of feminism, that proves the worth of feminism.

The fake ad, claiming lots of things to be coercive control even though none of them are, is morally repugnant, for its purpose is not to entertain but to hoodwink people into opposing desperately needed legislation by fooling them into thinking it criminalises trivialities that are (and should always be) perfectly legal.

What proportion of the perpetrators are women matters not, nor what proportion of the victims are men (though I expect it's far lower, as men are more likely to be able to leave if it happens to them). The law applies to everyone. But urging people to use it in protest (rather then in genuinely needed) is perilously close to urging people to make false allegations.
Posted by Aidan, Friday, 17 March 2023 4:04:06 PM
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I think some of the arguments for the existence of coercive control are certainly valid, but I'm not sure that coercive control should in any way be considered a crime in the same way that physical violence is.

If you're in a relationship and you don't talk to your partner about things, and don't find a way to leave that relationship if you feel the differences are irreconcilable, then choosing to stay in that situation is just as much your own fault any more as it is anyone else's.

There's plenty of laws to protect people against harm, and organisations to provide support for people.

I'd rather see them focus on means of support for both men and women if they're in bad situations, so they have the tools to reconcile their problems or leave those situations they're in.
- Rather than focusing on criminalising bad situations after things have ended, that both parties were willing to tolerate at the time.

Preventing these situations from continuing is much better for both parties, rather than punishing people after one party finds the courage to end it when they themselves put up with it for so long.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 March 2023 10:29:26 AM
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