The Forum > Article Comments > Chalmers offers Australia a New Deal > Comments
Chalmers offers Australia a New Deal : Comments
By Peter Fenwick, published 13/2/2023The good people are now in charge. Young, handsome, wise, thoughtful, caring Jim Chalmers is here to reassure you.
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Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 13 February 2023 4:44:55 AM
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I presume that the opening paragraph is tongue in cheek.
Unfortunately there are too many people who will take it seriously, such is the numbness since the Socialists got in, with 32.6% of the vote plus ignorant, thoughtless preferences. Be frightened Australia; be very frightened. We are in the hands of the resentful and the vengeful. Australia is well and truly rooted, without even a hint of opposition to the Neo-Marxist lunacy. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 13 February 2023 7:07:54 AM
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So it’s Laissez-faire Capitalism or Communism. Hold fast to the pendulum suckers!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 13 February 2023 7:58:12 AM
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Chalmers-Love is nearly compulsory, in my leafy suburb. But Australian capitalism is more Donors-Based than Values-Based.
The donors want record levels of population growth, rivers of cash-cow students in corporatised rental accommodation, light touch on real-estate speculation, even lighter touch on fossil-fuel extraction. Too easy Posted by Steve S, Monday, 13 February 2023 8:59:32 AM
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Thank you Steve S and Diver Dan.
Posted by Chek, Monday, 13 February 2023 9:59:31 AM
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Australia is in debt. More than a Trillion dollars and growing.
Are we in debt to Blackrock and / or Vangard? Otherwise who are our creditors? Posted by elizabeth4, Monday, 13 February 2023 11:08:49 AM
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If my history is correct, then FRD was a republican, wasn't he?
Some of the new deal policies were popular and put thousands to work. The whole object of the new deal was to put money into a stalled economy and put food on tables. Some of the other stuff like farm subsidies and jettisoning gold was stupid and designed to shore up political support. Throughout the course of recent history, it was the republicans that created the biggest debt and budget deficits and the democrats that reduced them. History doesn't lie even if some extreme right-wing activists do. The new deal preceded the most profitable post war period American has known. And has most gone backwards since as the republicans tried to unwind ever bit of progressive social advance that came with that post war economic upswing! I mean the basic wage stayed the same for thirty solid years. Selectively deaf and selectively blind Chalmers says much but promises nothing real. And could probably sell refrigerators to Eskimos. It's all so much political rhetoric. And avoids the elephant in the room, cheaper than coal, nuclear energy. AS long as that is off the table, Australians are going to pay through the nose for energy transport and all the stables of life. Defence spending will need to be supressed to meet needed budget constraints at a time when it needs to be massively increased and manufacturing needs to get up off of its knees and resuscitated instead of being forced offshore by massive/terminal energy price hikes and energy created, inflation/wage price spiral out of control. The clear tenor of flawed Labor policies is to protect coal, gas and renewable energy, and through them, possibly political family trusts? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 13 February 2023 11:24:59 AM
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The globalists must love Australia,
No need to overthrow the country, put in a puppet ruler or threaten us. Our leaders lead the march themselves and even make them look timid. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 11:32:04 AM
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"Throughout the course of recent history, it was the republicans that created the biggest debt and budget deficits and the democrats that reduced them."
US debt went from 5 trillion to 32 trillion under the last 4 Presidents, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden. - Seems about equal to me. The deep state ensures presidents do as they're told and continue the US foreign policy no matter who's in charge. Both sides of politics need each other, or else their game would be up. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 11:36:34 AM
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Through a post war period our economic growth here in Oz was unprecedented. And created by some so called socialist policies. Like the public ownership of all our power generation/domestic and industrial supply. Banks, insurance companies. And all the cash cow public utilities, plus a couple of airlines.
One of which was claimed as the safest airline in the world and also the most profitable! And beside them were competing and complaining private airlines. A duel, public and private economy, that worked. That economic progress and sanity progressively would back by as thick as two planks, conservatives/idiot ideologues. And still they (ttbn and co) bray against what once worked and made Australia the third wealthiest nation on the planet and a creditor one at that! Recorded history doesn't lie! If we are to have a new deal, let it be one that includes the worlds cheapest energy (walk away safe MSR thorium/MSR nuclear waste burners) and through that a completely rejuvenated manufacturing sector and the high-tech manufacturing companies beating a path to our doorstep! And industrial power prices that could be as low or lower than 1 cent PKWH! Forget that nuclear energy is also carbon free! After all, it's the economy stupid. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 13 February 2023 11:54:01 AM
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America owes 32 Trillion. Who to? Can they foreclose?
Posted by elizabeth4, Monday, 13 February 2023 11:55:31 AM
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"America owes 32 Trillion. Who to? Can they foreclose?"
America’s national debt has now surpassed $31 trillion CNN - Published 6:31 PM EDT, Tue October 4, 2022 Who does the United States owe nearly $31 trillion in debt? - Foreign governments as well as banks and private investors, state and local governments and the Federal Reserve own most of this debt, and it's held in Treasury securities, bills and bonds. Foreign governments and private investors are one of the biggest holders of the public debt, owning around $7.7 trillion. - This number does not includes state and local debt. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 5:44:06 PM
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More than a Trillion dollars and growing.
Elizabeth4, That's a pittance of what the Woke will cost us ! Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 13 February 2023 10:42:20 PM
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Also, The US has a trade deficit nearing 1 trillion
America’s Trade Deficit Surged in 2022, Nearing $1 Trillion The gap between what the United States imports and what it exports hit a record as more foreign goods came into the country. >>WASHINGTON — The overall U.S. trade deficit rose 12.2 percent last year, nearing $1 trillion as Americans purchased large volumes of foreign machinery, medicines, industrial supplies and car parts, according to data released Tuesday by the Commerce Department. The goods and services deficit reached $948.1 billion, its largest total on record, after rising $103 billion from the previous year.<< Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 12:18:20 AM
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Chalmers called it the new capitalism. However, the old adage seems to apply here. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and takes away your money, it is in fact a communist duck. What has communism ever done for us?
Posted by Pliny of Perth, Monday, 20 February 2023 10:48:45 AM
Yet the idiot Chalmers wants us to step in this dog crap again?