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Will we be good ancestors? : Comments

By Steven Schwartz, published 12/1/2023

When we pass on, will we be revered as 'good ancestors'? Or, will we hand the next generation a poorer, riskier, and more troubled world than the one our parents left us?

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"Each generation has been better off than the last".

No more. The best is in the past. It's all downhill from here. This is patently obvious every day, all day, non-stop in the media: threats to world peace; truly bad politicians; unaffordable housing; soaring prices; constant threats to energy and employment; rapid, often unnecessary change; lack of respect for experience, and youth worship; lack of historical knowledge and contempt for anything not new; loss of Christianity, the basis of Western culture.

The list is long and depressing. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.

If "Young people are getting a raw deal", it is because they have no respect for their elders and their experience, and sneer at lessons from history. Well, they are the ones who are going to 'cop it', and they won't get any sympathy from the 'old farts' they haven't listened to.

The "we" that Mr. Schwartz are past it, and future generations will have to live with their own ignorance and arrogance
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 12 January 2023 8:21:41 AM
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As the most destructive species of animal to ever be fortunate enough to have evolved on this, potentially, beautiful planet the answer must be a resounding NO.
We have not come far in the last 4.5 million years. We have not realized and accepted that we do not own this globe but must share it with ALL other animal species.
A great symbiotic relationship squandered.
Posted by ateday, Thursday, 12 January 2023 9:36:27 AM
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Children learn what they live! And the example they've seen is, up yours, I'm alright Jack. And if it ain't nailed down sell it and monetize everything, price gouge, avoid tax, repatriate profits, hide wealth in tax shelters, (greed is good) as if there were, no tomorrow. Palm off the oldies, jam them in to nursing homes ASAP.

Maximise rent returns and profit margins, charge what the market can bare for energy, make hay while the sun shines, avoid vaccines, climate change action and taking care of the environment.

No, I don't see us as good ancestors like our parents before us were, but, arguably the most selfish self-centred self-serving, rip it down, rip it out, tear it down, "aspirational" generation in recorded history.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 12 January 2023 9:52:15 AM
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Crap ancestors, Steven. About 10 minutes after the COVID immigration freeze started, LibLab had already decided on the biggest immigration program ever. Destination, another 10 million punters by 2050.

Most are uni students, using it as a back door to residence. You and your uni sector are rapt. Wiser Every Day - give us a break.
Posted by Steve S, Thursday, 12 January 2023 10:12:27 AM
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One reason we haven't been contacted by sentient beings from other galaxies could be that they snuffed themselves out. At one stage they may have had steak eating, frequent flying and home owning denizens but they couldn't sustain it. For Earth creatures I think crunch time could be soon, maybe around 2030.

Albanese and co. seem inordinately pleased about bringing in new migrants to build new wind farms and the like. That was the trademark of the Stone Age... people spent half their time gathering firewood another inferior energy source. Humans are fast exhausting high yielding resources and the alternatives will require much greater effort. The party is losing steam.
Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 12 January 2023 11:14:34 AM
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Our generation will go down as the one that bred the most useless future ancestors !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 12 January 2023 4:34:40 PM
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All this negativity doesn't sound right to me.
Fortunately too, 'generations' are not clearly defined.
They 'overlap'.
In practical terms, they are one continuous line.
There is one long column of people, moving forward.
Some drop out as they 'drop off'.
There are plenty of replacements.
And change is gradual, and the responsibility of all.
Destructive outcomes are many, due largely to the very great number of persons alive.
There are so many of us in the garden, that we haven't been able to avoid trampling over the flower beds.
As we move forward, we must learn to be motivated more by reason than emotion.
If we could establish that as a working principle, future citizens might admire the positive results.
Logical thought can solve many contentious issues.
If we are willing to abide by its logic.
That is where the problem lies.
I am sure those who fly spacecraft to the moon and back are very aware of the need to be logical.
They simply cannot afford to have their emotions interfere with good procedure.
And if we do the same, we might stay on the path, instead of spilling over in to the gardens.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Friday, 13 January 2023 6:35:45 PM
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Never before has there been so much information bequeathed to the next generation to learn from. Somehow though they manage to twist, warp & right-out falsify the information to suit their agenda rather than make full use of it for the common good. It looks as though each ancestor is literally more destructive then their predecessor.
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 17 January 2023 7:10:40 AM
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