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The Forum > Article Comments > Reasons why Albanese's immigration deluge is virtually unstoppable > Comments

Reasons why Albanese's immigration deluge is virtually unstoppable : Comments

By Stephen Saunders, published 16/12/2022

Big Australia 1.0 vaulted the GFC and was only stopped by COVID-19. Big Australia 2.0 looks unstoppable. Xmas delight, for political donors and stakeholders. Nobody asks voters.

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Rather than celebrate improved health, education and longevity (hence, sustain higher population for now), just Malthusian population demography and Galtonesque eugenics ideology masquerading as environmental concern which has been around for centuries, especially since the end of the white Australia policy.

Further, we are all immigrants apart from Aboriginals, but what has changed about 'immigrants' in the past two generations that they are now, often viewed, with disgust and induce 'stochastic terrorism' and thy must be stopped?

Quite ironic that Germany is now becoming one of the preeminent immigrant nations in the world, along with EU, while the former champions in the Anglosphere represented by the US, UK and Australia try to turn their backs on the world, giving entrenched inside and outside players advantage.

Demographic fact, Australia's working age passed the demographic sweet spot pre Covid to be followed by lower fertility but via PAYE taxation have to support budgets for more seniors; what do you want exactly tax all pensioners?

More generally, if immigration and population are accepted as causes of environmental 'hygiene' issues, what is your 'solution'; no one from SPA ever reveals this secret?
Posted by Andras Smith, Monday, 19 December 2022 8:36:40 PM
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More of your baseless accusations of racism, Andras, as if the real issue about immigration weren't the excessively high numbers, dwarfing those of virtually every other developed country and causing serious environmental and social problems. Apart from a relatively few people on the far right, no one objects to a moderate rate of immigration or cares about the race or religion of the migrants, so long as they are good people.

You ignore the damage that us humans are doing to our life support systems on a global level.

Every State of the Environment Report here in Australia has shown deterioration, largely due to the demands of more and more people, and the last one was so bad that the government refused to release it before the last election. What do you have against koalas that you want them to be endangered and replaced by wall-to-wall housing? Australia's Genuine Progress Indicator actually peaked in the 1970s, when there were about 15 million of us.

We have the high immigration, not because it is of any benefit to most people here, but because the politicians and their donors benefit from a bigger economic pie, giving them more to skim, inflated property prices, and a cheap, compliant work force that will put up with exploitation. The rest of us get overloaded infrastructure and more competition for jobs, housing, public services, and amenities. Real wages have been stagnant for a long time, while the profit share keeps increasing and sucking up virtually all the gain from greater productivity. How can we possibly be suffering from skill shortages when we have had record high immigration for decades?
Posted by Divergence, Tuesday, 20 December 2022 7:34:45 PM
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Divergence, try harder on credibility inc. sources and presentation, fail; otherwise you are simply promoting your own opinions.

The first source is irrelevant as the article does not make any reference nor correlation with immigration or population, let alone Australia.

The second is a news article from AFR or 9Fairfax (behind paywall), but apparently speaks about decline in real wages (again no correlation made with immigration), hence, does not pass the 'CRAAP' test used for credibility.

Learning tricks from MacroBusiness, NewsCorp, SPA or 'Australia's best demographer' (who in fact was the late Jack Caldwell).
Posted by Andras Smith, Tuesday, 20 December 2022 7:53:10 PM
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<The first source is irrelevant as the article does not make any reference nor correlation with immigration or population, let alone Australia.>

So why have we passed those planetary boundaries if not for humans and their activities? Who else did it, the Tooth Fairy? Believe it or not, we are affected by what happens on the global level.

I am actually concerned about population growth, not immigration as such, except as a source of population growth. The problems caused by immigration are almost entirely due to the sheer numbers, not because the migrants are bad people.

From the Overview in the latest (2021) State of the Environment Report here in Australia: "Population, climate change and industry each put pressure on our environment. When combined, the threat increases and our environment is damaged, sometimes destroyed."

From the University of Sydney summary: "Nationally, land clearing remains high. Extensive areas were cleared in Queensland and New South Wales over the last five years. Clearing native vegetation is a major cause of habitat loss and fragmentation, and has been implicated in the national listing of most Australia’s threatened species." Why is the land clearing going on, if not to meet human needs? Think of the koalas wiped out for housing estates.

In terms of mass migration suppressing wages, you might consider Philip Lowe, the RBA Governor, a credible source:
Posted by Divergence, Wednesday, 21 December 2022 7:01:45 PM
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Divergence: A 'credible source' is not a non expert person from another field or discipline offering narratives and opinions.

An expert source is generally a peer reviewed article according to the 'CRAAP' test, then broad/deep reading/understanding of multiple sources then presented as a synthesis for credibility.

Demanding or offering a person as a source, without them using any clear evidence, is not credible, especially when credible demographic sources are avoided.... bit like climate and Covid science?
Posted by Andras Smith, Wednesday, 21 December 2022 7:30:22 PM
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Here is a link to the original paper from Nature on planetary boundaries:

Do you seriously want to claim that the authors of the government's
State of the Environment Reports are unqualified? If you look at the downloads, you will see a great many references from peer reviewed journals.

Dr. Philip Lowe has a PhD in Economics from MIT and has served as Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia. Hardly unqualified.

Do you mean demographers like Bob Birrell or Katharine Betts? Or the ones whose findings just happen to serve the interests of Big Business, the property developers, the migration industry, and the growth mad politicians?

"Whose bread I eat, his song I sing."
Posted by Divergence, Thursday, 22 December 2022 2:26:23 PM
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