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The Fed gets more aggressive : Comments

By Michael Knox, published 1/12/2022

We think the RBA is following the Fed. It is following the Fed at a slower rate of 25 basis points every month.

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Don’t you love casual…predictions from the loons in their cocoons inside the fiery dragon of high finance.
The legal disclaimer following the article tells all. No responsibility taken for damages from such unreliable advice from those who should be trusted.

I sit and wonder at the outcomes of those who may have borrowed 750k for a roof over their head, from the loan sharks that make the whole nightmare complete.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 1 December 2022 8:31:37 AM
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The writer, the fed the government and the RBA all miss the point. This inflation is fueled exclusively by (oil shock) fuel shortages, the result of the war/OPEC screwing down supply. Compounded by foreigner firms,' price gouging electricity supply.

All goods, service provision/public amenity has an energy component. As that energy component increases in price so also does all the aforementioned. We call this inflation/attempt to control it with increasing capital costs, inherent in ever increasing rate rise to damp down demand.

Most of which impacts most severely, on those with the least, among us! But hardly at all on those (I'm all right Jacky) better off.

It's not as if we were powerless to change this here at home where we own our gas/coal! Control all export licenses. Which could be rescinded by a government with ticker.

If we had not stupidly placed a self-imposed embargo on nuclear power, we could with cheap MSR thorium, make all the fuel, fertilizer/plastics we could ever need from inexhaustible seawater!

As for how we pay for the new reactors. We could remove all the fossil fuel subsidies currently given to various entities/allow ourselves to become a repository for nuclear waste. Which is mostly unspent fuel in walk away safe, MSR technology.

Given we replace all imported fuel with that sourced from seawater by proven technology, liberate a further 26 billion PA as well

Just using economic levers to control inflation in too many cases adds to that which we seek to control or even introduce a recession.

Every western style economy rests solely on just two pillars, energy and capital.

Reacting as we are to rising energy prices by increasing capital costs (driving economic tacks with an economic sledgehammer) is a recipe for economic disaster.

We need to build stuff. Rapid rail would be the first candidate given it could be paid for in full by the subsequent sale of resumed/rezoned land. We also need to guarantee local supply which needs a cap on the price to reasonably reflect the cost of production/modest profit.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 1 December 2022 9:44:07 AM
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It's simply a case of incompetent economic 'experts' being caught-out at their failings.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 1 December 2022 10:12:58 AM
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Ah, get over it! Everyone wants something for nothing.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 1 December 2022 10:22:02 AM
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