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The Forum > Article Comments > National, state responses must be included in any COVID-19 pandemic royal commission > Comments

National, state responses must be included in any COVID-19 pandemic royal commission : Comments

By Scott Prasser, published 31/8/2022

Coming after four months in office the Albanese government should have resolved by now what sort of inquiry we should be having into the pandemic that raged for over two years.

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It will be interesting to compare the number of deaths caused by Covid with those caused by the political class's mismanagement of the affair at the time, and now. Unnecessary lockdowns, regular health check ups missed, mental torture - the whole shebang caused by elected and unelected dictators.

One thing is for sure: none of the guilty politicians and bureaucrats will be locked up as they deserve to be.

Morrison’s piddling little 'multi-minister' stupidity is nothing compared to his general oversight of the Covid action atrocity.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 31 August 2022 9:15:38 AM
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Learning to live with COVID-19 is a nonsense! As is the idea that this pandemic is over or that we are protected by vaccination! And the stupidity of opening up and allowing a host of newer more virulent and contagious variants in with increased migration. Forcing more and more people into already confined living spaces!

Our politicians are stuck in a fifties time warp in their (stupidity personified) cart before the horse thinking, believing as they do all we need do for economic growth is more and more people!

Bring them in as the cost of energy doubles then in all likelihood doubles again with the cost of living and housing, also problematic?

If we would "fix" the economy, we need to seriously reduce the cost of energy! And not doable with fossil fuels or backed renewables!

What we need and still don't have, due solely to very stupid politicians, is, island quarantine! And access to antivirals is an utter shambles due to the requirement of needing a Drs script first! When they should be available over the counter, given people may have to wait a fortnight or more just to see a Dr.

If we would eliminate COVID-19? Then we need to shut down solid for a fortnight. Given this virus is spread via contact with the infected.

Should the current infection curve continue? It will become the leading cause of death by Christmas. And symbolic of Nero fiddling as Rome burned by our useless tin eared recalcitrant (I'm ok
Jack) politicians!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 31 August 2022 10:55:20 AM
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An article by Paul Collits, 'Australia's pandemic facism', gives Barnaby Joyce the award for introducing of the legislation that ushered in "public health totalitarianism".

The Biosecurity Act of 2015 gave the health minister virtually unlimited powers, "probably greater than (those of) a war minister". Hunt and A-G Porter were "gobsmacked", wondering how the bill ever got past parliament.

Sweeping powers were granted to a single person!

This all goes back to the 2014 Abbott government.

There are lots of villians to be investigated.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 31 August 2022 11:22:53 AM
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