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Albanese's open door : Comments

By Alex Walsh, published 29/8/2022

Albanese and Chalmers would have us believe that the mass importation of overseas workers has absolutely no effect on the earnings of the people already here.

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On the other hand, a primary reason for the last few decades of economic growth was due to a steady population increase, creating a demand for domestic goods and services.

The increase in Real Estate was more due to low interest rates and taxation rorts for existing dwellings than immigration levels. Immigration cutbacks due to COVID had no effect on house prices.

The median age of new arrivals was 26.5 while the median age of the population was 37 so we have an ageing population and workforce.
For example, Japan is reaching levels where the available workforce will soon be unable to support their ageing population.

Fewer people working means higher taxes because people coming in add to the workforce which means more available funds to help support infrastructure and government.

However the economy generally has always been like a Ponzi Scheme and cannot keep growing forever when available resources are limited but that's what we're stuck with. Slashing immigration will simple speed up the inevitable.
Posted by rache, Tuesday, 30 August 2022 1:37:51 AM
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All very academic rache, but more interesting is a study of the winners and losers of high immigration levels.
With the anticipated rise in real estate values and rents, the winners outnumber the losers marginally.

But when the current winners are forced to study their navel and consider the reality of impact to family members of obvious negatives attributed to high immigration numbers, the mood will swing in the opposite direction.

The big losers are growing numbers of all generations, disenfranchised from affordable accommodation by Government policy. To them the Governing classes are the enemy.

The ever increasing swathes of losers are ignored and silenced as policy.
News of this impact on society is thin on the ground in Au, but more obvious in places like UK and US. I don’t need to repeat it.

Instead of sitting on the fence and waffling on, try taking a stand on the issue.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 30 August 2022 5:57:25 AM
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Australia is a net-importer of water.

The business class are deranged.
They jump up and down about climate change, and at the same time they want more people.
How on earth does one hold these two conflicting positions at the same time.
They are openly promoting that the poorest amongst us will eat house crickets, flies and mealworms.

What do they care about?
Climate change or profits via growth?
- We can't have both.

There's not enough water to sustain a reasonable standard for the people already here.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 30 August 2022 6:25:59 AM
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If I were an Aboriginal, I’d be real scared…very scared!
Here is a glimpse of the next Orwellian nightmare to be foisted on them!

Your link to the article featuring the glories of insect ingestion, In Management Speak from the “Lilliput Daily”, is a credit to you.

You’ve educated me in the spending habits of the Aboriginal industry and it’s $60b annual budget.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 30 August 2022 7:03:32 AM
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One can only hope that if nothing else any future migration will stir up the stale Gene pool here !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 30 August 2022 7:59:05 AM
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The only policy that makes any sense at all to me is 'Unity in self sufficiency'
- And the rest is all just complete rubbish.

All brought to you by idiots with green and purple hair that scream at you and demand we recognise their sexual identity and feelings.

It feels like were living in an alternate universe run by nutcases.
- And maybe we actually are.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 30 August 2022 8:25:11 AM
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