The Forum > Article Comments > The Scott Morrison ministerial appointment saga: A case of political theatrics > Comments
The Scott Morrison ministerial appointment saga: A case of political theatrics : Comments
By Scott Prasser, published 22/8/2022Of course, arguing about Westminster ‘conventions’ is always a bit tricky as they are neither statutorily defined, static nor disconnected from the politics of the day.
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Posted by diver dan, Monday, 22 August 2022 10:13:22 AM
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So, nothing illegal here! But why then the need for so much secrecy? And was the GG mislead in his role as the presiding official?
None of this though not illegal passes the pub test and during the next election the minister for Cooke may find the electors have cooked his (tricky Dicky) goose for him? Moreover, I believe the GG should consider his position? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 22 August 2022 10:17:17 AM
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Of course. The only odd thing about this classic party politics-driven pile-on is the possibility that the leak came from Morrison's side of politics. Otherwise it's all just boring ho-hum party politicking.
Posted by TomBie, Monday, 22 August 2022 10:17:42 AM
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If Labor has made political capital from this, it is because Morrison has handed the opportunity to them on a platter.
Whatever the legality, it is a serious breach of good governance and accountability to have two people exercising ministerial responsibility for the same thing at the same time. If Morrison’s actions were indeed justified by the covid crisis at the time, there was no good reason to keep them secret from the public, let alone from the people who legitimately held those positions. And the only occasion on which Morrison actually exercised his secret powers had nothing to do with covid but was pure political expediency. This is most certainly not “a minor issue”, as Scott Prasser asserts. Posted by Rhian, Monday, 22 August 2022 3:23:49 PM
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It won't be all that long before Albo will be forced to also do a Scomo with appointing himself to some Departments. Why ? For exactly the same reason as Scomo found himself needing to do that, just look at some of the ministers Scomo had & the ones Albo has.
A tiny bit dictatoring is required to keep things moving despite the duds ! Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 22 August 2022 3:45:24 PM
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What a miserable piece of apologist clap trap.
A huge reason for some people when going into politics is the power. Morrison just got even greedier than most and decided to grab what he could. It should be roundly condemned. In truth it is borderline fascistic and should be of concern to any thinking Australian who is protective of our democracy. Australians rightly judged this bloke as untrustworthy and turfed him out. The odd welded on sycophant still backing him not withstanding. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 22 August 2022 4:26:18 PM
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Get over Morrison. The bloke you need to worry about now is his replacement, Albadosey. If he is taking time critise a bloke who can no longer hurt the the country from the opposition back bench, he has something more to hide from us than the details of the Voice and how much his 43% emissions reductions are going to cost.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 22 August 2022 5:34:12 PM
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The mommy’s boy leader of the green swamp, is Julia Gillard on steroids. Be very afraid, he’s psychopathic!
Dan Posted by diver dan, Monday, 22 August 2022 9:30:56 PM
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It won't be all the long before Labor will make you eat your words ! Anyway, interested in buying some islands ? Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 22 August 2022 9:35:30 PM
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I hear Scotty is hyping this issue to stay in the public eye to sell a book.
Any publicity is good publicity for Scotty the cynic. Oh and Scotty's $multi million dollar jobs and directorships once he leaves Parliament, soon. Posted by Maverick, Monday, 22 August 2022 10:34:14 PM
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This was just another example of Morrison's shady character and borderline megalomania. He distrusts his colleagues enough to override their decisions but not trusting enough to be honest with them - or the public.
It's also another example of his tendency to lie and obfuscate, from the secret holiday in Hawaii, the "gossip"around getting Brian Houston onto the White House guest list and many examples since. Overall it's about the ego behind the incessant self-promotion and live-in photographer used to groom his public image but also part of the Pentecostal Seven Mountains Mandate philosophy that drives him. History will make this scandal his legacy because he did little else. Posted by rache, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 1:07:07 AM
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This is just another example of left-whinge hyperbole and bollocks.
What Morrison did was neither illegal nor unconstitutional nor against any written procedures or recommendations. How can Morrison be accused of trashing any traditions when the assumption of multiple powers is standard practice but probably not quite in the way he did. When Albozo pops into Australia maybe he could actually try doing his job. Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 5:33:43 AM
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Under Globalism, all our leaders have been reduced to the level of 4yo's in the back seat turning fake steering wheels, and we the nations citizens are treated like idiots and expected to believe that they're actually driving the car.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 11:10:21 AM
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Albo, half an hour ago, just publicised the Solicitor General's advice which is highly legalistic and underwhelming . It is not yet at There appears to be no smoking gun, so far. SOLICITOR GENERAL'S ADVICE: Morrison was legally appointed to the extra 5 Ministerial Positions but the non-announcemenet ran counter to political conventions. As expected (from day one) Albo has announced an inquiry will be held - but that risks this criticism of ScoMo losing momentum. Meanwhile ScoMo will continue on the $1,000s per speech lecture circuit and defending his record as PM rather than fully representing his electorate of Cook. Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 12:52:45 PM
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A load of cobblers from a Liberal Party toady. If you simply rely on legality, then everything the NAZI's did was legal under 'The Nuremberg Laws'.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 24 August 2022 10:11:09 AM
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Labor and the gangreens like the Nazis don't give a crap about the rules except as to how it applies to others. Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 26 August 2022 11:11:56 AM
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Albozo and Paul have eggs on their faces since Morrison was exonerated.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 26 August 2022 11:14:44 AM
Your not wrong on that one!
The latest keeper of the lake of green slime Australia has become, mommy’s good little boy Tony, is simply keeping up with his petty and childish schoolyard sniping, while ignoring the issues concerning his debt trapped middle class, rising interest rates and an inflation rate not seen since the early eighties.
The huge damage this is and will continue to have, on his aspirational followers from the inner city and points Eastwards, will hopefully see him turfed out on his smartarse ear sooner than later, one would hope.