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The Forum > Article Comments > AUKUS, technology and militarising Australia > Comments

AUKUS, technology and militarising Australia : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 26/7/2022

The United States Studies Centre, a loudspeaker for Washington's opinions based at the University of Sydney, has added its bit to the militarising fun with a report on what AUKUS will be able to do.

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What's left of Ukraine will end up a completely wrecked country just like Libya.
The US and NATO will take no responsibility for it.
Russia and China have already started a new reserve global currency.
Not too many countries currently stand with the West.

The US is in its death throes, and like a desperate man drowning that never learned how to swim,
- Is trying to drag others down with it.
It's acted the bully and treated many peoples and nations horribly.
The perpetrator tries to play down his actions.
- But the victims NEVER FORGET, and will strike back at a time of their own choosing.
The US deserves what it gets for the way its acted towards others.
We should sever ties with them and maintain what's left of our self-respect and decency.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 26 July 2022 7:36:04 PM
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Some people like Klaus Schwab seem to think that democracies can be treated like businesses,
Merely companies, ripe for takeover and consolidation into one larger global entity.
Many are sellouts, in that they think our nations sovereignty is up for sale.
- Or that they don't understand what it actually is.

How many of you have heard of the Lima Declaration?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 26 July 2022 7:44:50 PM
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Yes AC. Ukraine should never have attacked a peaceful Russia as she did! or better yet her citizens should have volunteerly laid under the tracks of the advancing Russian tanks! It's such a wonder that you are always right AC. And Russia with a little help from the CCP, should rule the world. They should make you PM.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 26 July 2022 11:38:17 PM
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Post WWII Australia built a reputation as a subservient American client state in the Pacific, willing to involve ourselves in assisting US expansionism whenever and wherever ordered to do so by our masters in Washington, externally noted by our stupid worthless involvement in Korea, followed by Vietnam. Post the defeat of US imperialism in Vietnam we had the opportunity to break away from that lap dog status, tear up the ANZUS Treaty, close down US bases on our soil, which held us hog tied to the US, and chart an independent non-aligned course, something the Whitlam government was edging towards. Unfortunate events were put in train by Washington, and in Australia, which prevented non-alignment becoming a reality. Successive conservative and Labor governments have reinforced our lap dog status with the Americans to the point where we have become a prime target in the Pacific for anyone powerful enough to dare to oppose US authority in the region.

Good article by Binoy.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 27 July 2022 6:02:23 AM
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Paul. You may have a point, but not a good one when most of our forward defense posture is provided by the yanks. Given we rely on their nuclear umbrella as part of our defense.

That said, our real problem as I see it is what we have sold to them and other foreigners to ensure they defend their assets.

To the point where our economic sovereignty is more myth and legend than reality and adds 30% to our bill at the checkout due to the price gouging that comes with this senario, as the first consequence.

Others being quite massive tax avoidance and profit repatriation. And a lose, lose, lose senario for us!
Alan B
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 27 July 2022 10:11:59 AM
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Sometimes I wonder whether the bollocks in Paul's posts are due to brain damage.

Australia is neither economically nor politically dependent on the US and the ANZUS is one of mutual defence, not deference. For example, the NATO treaty is far more prescriptive and Paul's idiotic hyperbole would have most of Europe as client states.

Secondly given that Russia would not have dared to attack Ukraine if it was a NATO member shows how important the ANZUS treaty is to Aus and NZ in the face of naked Chinese belligerence.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 28 July 2022 8:33:32 AM
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