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The Forum > Article Comments > Our closest neighbour on the brink of being a 'failed state' after deeply flawed national elections > Comments

Our closest neighbour on the brink of being a 'failed state' after deeply flawed national elections : Comments

By Jeffrey Wall, published 22/7/2022

China has an obvious interest in political instability and a lack of confidence in leaders among the people of PNG.

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When run by Australians, PNG made Australia a profit. Now under black leadership, not only is it dependent upon Australia, it is a failed state.

Makes you wonder why colonialism had such a bad name?
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 22 July 2022 8:14:50 AM
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Not sure how PNG can be a "normally robust democracy" when there have been "flaws" in the system for 47 years; rolls not updated; ballot boxes destroyed; candidates killed.

We are having something primitive and lawless described to us here.

"Sadly, there is very little if anything Australia can do about it." Yes. So leave it alone. Get some suitable missiles pointed at it in preparation for when it falls to Communist China. It's a bit late to stick pins into an effigy of Gough Whitlam, who decided that PNG was good to go it alone.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 22 July 2022 9:13:25 AM
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Ha Ha, voting with a bullet at work. The positive side of voting with a gun barrel is the outcome for the voting class is closer to the realism of voting intentions.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 22 July 2022 9:31:29 AM
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Another Ha Ha.

Poor timid Lego:

*…Makes you wonder why colonialism had such a bad name?…*

Yes, and there were always handsome profits to be made from a flourishing slave trade in blacks and the other assortment of losers.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 22 July 2022 9:47:07 AM
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This is what happens when a primitive stone age culture is given its head!

In danger of becoming a failed state? I think that there is no danger there given this is already the reality and shared with every cargo cult (failed state) in the Pacific?

I agree with ttbn and believe our best response to this, voting with a bullet, election is to get some nuclear missiles and aim them at PNG. Given, they soon will be another Chinese possession? That this is a very real possibility means, we absolutely must have a robust manufacturing sector!

Clearly, this is what we must have to support us in any future conflict!

[Can't happen and to us, is something the Ukraine used to believe!]

To ensure this is how we proceed, we need to transition away from hugely expensive coal and to 1 cent PKWH MSR thorium.

And not going to happen, given we will never be given permission by our real political masters! Our parliaments are mostly just theatres for hacks and not places of bold decisive vision. And places that progressively remove our rights! Not sure we'd be much worse off as the southern most state of imperial china?

Suggest we all learn Mandarin and kowtow butt licking?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 22 July 2022 10:22:02 AM
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Alan, can you PM me please.
Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 22 July 2022 10:32:02 AM
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Another sneery one liner, Diver Dan? Is that the best you can do? Perhaps you should find a "hecklers" site or a "trolls" site instead of a "debate" site or an "opinion" site?
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 22 July 2022 11:57:19 AM
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David, not sure what you want? Can you advise, given for me, PM is the afternoon.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 22 July 2022 11:03:03 PM
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PNG's woes are in no small part due to Australian bureaucrats, one can even see some mirror images here & there !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 23 July 2022 12:26:17 AM
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Alan PM = Private message. Concerning MSR Thorium
Posted by VK3AUU, Saturday, 23 July 2022 3:40:35 PM
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It's a bit late to stick pins into an effigy of Gough Whitlam,
Even though it wouldn't be the wrong thing to do. The fallout from that failed outfit is now felt more than ever.
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 24 July 2022 1:17:31 AM
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PNG made Australia a profit.
Yes but, what did the people of PNG get out of it ! Australian profiteers simply paid off PNG pollies & that's about it !
Those same Australian bureaucrats & 'businessmen' are writing essays on the problems of PNG without mentioning their doings there !
Why don't they tell us how the $1.2 million/day from Australia to PNG since the 1975 "Independence' have been divvied up through the years ? I mean they're "experts" so they shouldn't have any difficulty explaining.
Perhaps they could show some parallels with the guilt industry here ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 24 July 2022 9:12:51 AM
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David. More than happy to oblige. Look at LFTR in five minutes and come back to me if you need more.
Regards, Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 24 July 2022 11:16:12 AM
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You are right. History looks to be repeating itself. Sadly, there is no chance of Albo getting the G-G treatment that Gough got. Three long years to go and, even then, no guarantee that the Liberals will have learned a lesson.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 24 July 2022 12:06:02 PM
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For me they failed the first night of independence. They had fireworks display in every major town/city, & had sent a team from each to Oz to be trained in handling their display.

I was in Rabaul for the celebration, where the team got something wrong. After just a few sky rockets they somehow fired the entire stock almost simultaneously. Not only that, but they didn't go up, but went shooting everywhere around the ground on the top of the volcano used for the display.

I gather there were no serious injuries, but from the yacht club lawn, where a celebratory dinner was being held, you could see the chaos ensuing up there quite clearly. At least we were better off than the crew of HMAS Derwent, sent to Rabaul to fire a 21 gun salute to the new country. They couldn't see anything.

They used their small signaling cannon & in the normal totally still tropical night it took only 10 shots of the thing for the smoke to totally envelop the ship. She disappeared from sight, with the flash of the gun lighting up the smoke cloud with each shot. Evidently after 15 shots breathing became nearly impossible, & they had to up anchor to emerge from their smoke cloud, & steam around to continue the salute, & breath at the same time.

The whole thing was rather funny, & set the tone for PNG after independence quite well.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 24 July 2022 2:23:12 PM
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David. Note these names and their lectures on U tube.
Kirk Sorensen. Former NASA scientist and nuclear technologist.
Thomas Jam Pedersen Engineer.
Rusty Towel. Professor.
Richard Martin. Prize winning investigative journalist and science writer.

There are a number of detractors/special vested interests, who will tell you that there's a corrosion problem. And there was.

Sorted I believe with traditional metallurgy. The metal parts in the reactor are heated to the colour of straw, then plunged into an oil bath. This puts a protective layer of carbon on the metal.

The other problem was the production of tritium. This has been sorted by using nitrate salt as the heat transfer medium. Where the tritium is mostly absorbed.

Others talk about nuclear radiation and absolute nonsense, as if anybody would ever consider running an unshielded reactor

Thorium was dumped in favour uranium, given the extreme difficulty of weaponizing thorium. Hope I've helped?
Cheers, Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 25 July 2022 12:09:29 AM
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