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The brave new woke world. : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 4/7/2022

Long gone are the leaders and administrations governing from a vision. Visionary politicians have been replaced with those who seek power only to manage.

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Politicians these days seek power, and a well paid job that they couldn't get on merit. They are also chosen by political parties to stand, not by the voters. We need to have a primary voting like America’s, to at least sieve out the trash we are having forced on us by people like Morrison and Hawke in NSW.

Qualifications? University brainwashing is no substitute for life experience, which is something the goons we get don't have.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 4 July 2022 9:04:47 AM
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Without thought out opposition to the new world order, so effectively alienating the majority along the lines of wealth, influence and power, there can be no stopping the train wreck of the West.

It is encouraging though to see Europe digging in its heals in opposition to a mad and out of control US, hell bent on creating World War 111 in Ukraine.

We no longer need to send our children to fight their fruitless wars. The chooks have come home to roost with faltering Western economies as a consequence of them.

Australia (outside of UAE), has the highest global immigration of millionaires.
Does that indicate the panic of the elite towards stability and escape from their failed causes?

Many questions can only be answered by history; and the lessons from history abound with our own unstable historical moment in time.

Give up voting as a solution, and support a coup d'état against the usurpers of Democracy, starting with a peasant’s revolt.
Sack universities and burn their books for a good start!

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 4 July 2022 9:29:47 AM
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We need to return to pragmatism not wokism. Apparently Queenslanders will be able to change their gender every year on birth certificates. Victoria is to change suburb names with supposed phonetic versions of indigenous titles. That's as well as an aboriginal voice to parliament and compensation for stolen generations. All well and good but can Victoria keep the lights on a decade from now? Since these gestures are irrelevant to most people unlike keeping the lights on let's hope the politicians pay a heavy price when it goes badly.
Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 4 July 2022 9:30:55 AM
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Taswegian. I fear that it will be less than a decade before the lights go out. Also no one has yet woken up to the imminent world wide famine caused by the reduction in the pH of our oceans.
Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 4 July 2022 10:21:16 AM
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With a couple of exceptions, I think I agree with most of this. Mandatory vaccines are not new and have seen off killer diseases like smallpox and crippling polio. And where whooping cough vaccines are given to expectant mums, their babes are also protected.

On climate change the best solution is off the table, i.e., a transition to carbon-free MSR thorium nuclear power! And allow the vastly lower energy costs to create a turbo-charged economy on steroids! The current outcome, the consequence of unelected public servants backing in asinine decisions?

I mean a wind turbine needs to turn for thirty years just to offset the carbon created in its manufacture. And solar voltaic come with a mountain of extremely toxic waste.

Nuclear waste is not the problem it's made out to be. It can be burned in MSR technology where it's mostly unspent fuel and as it's burnt and re-burnt the half life is reduced to 300 years, what remains eminently suitable as long life space batteries.

Further, some very nasty waste can be canned/contained then used to preserve cryovaced food indefinately. Carbon 40 can be sliced wafer thin then coated with cheap manmade diamonds, that then convert rads into electricity! NO RADS, JUST ELECTRIC POWER!

When man made carbon his slave, humans were released from bondage. With every new source of energy mankind has made dramatic forward steps. And given the war and it's deleterious economic effects, safe, clean, ultra cheap nuclear power needed now more than ever. Only prevented by unelected officials with manure for brains or brain dead? And if the cap fits?
Without bias, Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 4 July 2022 10:52:08 AM
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ttbn, hear, hear and well said Sir!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 4 July 2022 10:54:03 AM
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Politicians and policy makers used to have vision and a sense of service and purpose.

Then the rot set in, election commitments could be made off such visions and never fulfilled. By the next election cycle it would be forgotten what was promised and not done, the cycle began again. No consequence of magnitude, they all still had a well paid job and perks..

We get what we vote for nowadays, there are not enough voters to look back past what they saw on farcebook 3 mins ago to make an informed decision on who they vote for and why.
Accountability is thus largely gone for our politicians and they know it.
Posted by ViolentEntropy, Monday, 4 July 2022 6:55:03 PM
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How much real political power does the "woke" phenomenon actually have?

What kind of "brave new world" vision did the aggressively unwoke Tony Abbott (aka mister NO) promote.
And the mister NO Mitch McConnell in the US who only policy was to oppose everything that Barack Obama promoted, and any kind of progressive policy.
What kind of vision did Scotty from marketing promote? And John Howard too who openly confessed that he was not in to the "vision thing?

What kind of life-positive "vision" does the Trumpen-fuhrer promote? And the benighted "religious" crazies who now dominate the Republican party in the US?

But in the meantime what very un-woke forces actually pattern and control every aspect of Western culture in the now-time of the "21st century?

This essay argues that we are now controlled and patterned by the very un-woke nightmare visions of both Huxley's Brave New World, and Orwell's 1984

And what if we are now also patterned and controlled by the very un-woke Wetiko Mind Virus Plague as argued by Paul Levy in his book Wetiko Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Monday, 4 July 2022 7:14:04 PM
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Alan B.,

>I mean a wind turbine needs to turn for thirty years just to offset the carbon created in its manufacture

What gave you that ridiculous idea? It's over an order of magnitude less!

>Carbon 40 can be sliced wafer thin then coated with cheap manmade diamonds, that then convert rads into electricity!

WTF are you on about? Did you mishear the radioactive isotope carbon 14? Or do you mean molecules of forty carbon atoms?
Converting radiation directly into electricity is useful for powering space probes, but it isn't cheap,and I very much doubt the energy returned will ever match the energy inputted.
Posted by Aidan, Monday, 4 July 2022 8:51:02 PM
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UFO's are real.

A spaceship has come down to earth and abducted Murray Hunter, and replaced him with a much more sensible clone.

This will be the first time ever that I agree with Murray Hunter over anything. Maybe it's me? I must be going mad?

Well done, Murray. Or, whoever you really are? But please return the real Murray to Earth because he normally provides us with a lot of political perspectives that give us plenty of ammunition to hurl back at him.

Missing him already.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 5 July 2022 6:20:10 AM
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Whats the point, all our decision makers are stupid.
Why else would they blow up power stations instead of mothballing
them just in case we needed them ?

They are hopeless and until we can put some sort of test on them they
should all be locked up where they can do no harm.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 9 July 2022 5:27:25 PM
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Thanks Murray Hunter- I think I agree with your article.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 11 July 2022 12:21:36 AM
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