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Saving the planet from climate change by simplifying money : Comments
By Shann Turnbull, published 22/6/2022Stern concluded that Climate Change is 'The biggest market failure the world has ever seen'.This failure could be removed by a simplified form of 'ecological' money.
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Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 22 June 2022 8:13:48 AM
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It doesn`t matter what we do, as just another animal species, to stop climate change. This planet is a dynamic system and is, and will continue to, undergoing constant change, one of which is climate.
We can make life easier, though, if we embark upon a systematic and humane population reduction to a SUSTAINABLE level and reduce, to eventually stop, continually burning fossil fuels and polluting the only atmosphere and life support system we have. As this requires a general agreement and commitment from ALL people on this planet it is very unlikely to take place. So brace yourselves people and enjoy the ride. ' Posted by ateday, Wednesday, 22 June 2022 9:21:56 AM
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The Australian Reserve Bank, or its Governor, has certainly got it wrong, telling borrowers there wouldn't be interest rises until 2024. There should have been interest rises long ago, and fewer people would have been caught. Some people are calling for Lowe's sacking. Others want to know why he got the job in the first place.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 22 June 2022 9:29:01 AM
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Yes can be done as social credit. Which is an official interest free IOU we issue against future planned for income. And invested in income generating projects, such as power generators, i.e., MSR thorium with some re-tasked to burn nuclear waste others pay us millions to store.
The income earned as a storage facility paying much of the build costs over time. At 3 cents per kilowatt hour, income returns could be around 200% and must stay in public hands for all time! So we can underwrite more income earning projects until the current debt burden removes itself dint of the income and tax earned! Think, we were once the third wealthiest nation on the planet and a creditor one at that! Before we bought the BS we needed foreign investment/capital! Another project worthy of consideration is superconductor graphene cored cables we use to export massive gigawatts to an energy starved world! Earning trillions per as we do so! And all with clean green, carbon-free electrical energy! Yes we can! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 22 June 2022 10:58:23 AM
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ateday, the only humane population reduction stratergy that has worked to date has come with advancing economic outcomes and the education of the female populations. And with that advance, the knowledge that that demographic has the right to say no!
Any other alleged humane reduction stratergy is non existent unless you like the Ukraine model, in current vogue. Or maybe you'd prefer a nuclear winter and mass starvation? If you have any other ideas other than your usual empty head utterances, but come up with a workable implementation, on how to, love to hear them. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 22 June 2022 11:28:39 AM
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This Planet will save itself, it may just be without stupid humans !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 22 June 2022 7:01:23 PM
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>Market failure has arisen because the price of money is not pegged or defined to anything real.
This idiotic claim by Shann Turnbull shows him to be totally clueless in the subject he's writing about. It's quite worrying that someone with such an extreme lack of understanding has the credentials he does. Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 22 June 2022 7:19:30 PM
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Excellent essay including the statement re how our out of control money system (casino "capitalism") is not in any sense based on anything that is real - and as such is inevitably destroying all forms of living-breathing-feeling life both human and non-human.
A related reference re our sub-humanity Posted by Daffy Duck, Wednesday, 22 June 2022 7:41:18 PM
The Romans dreamt on, relying on foreign gold mines until the remaining gold was too deep to mine…and then the collapse of the Empire.
Sit back and enjoy the ride Doc.