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The Forum > Article Comments > Reconciliation: a worthy and achievable cause or a political idea before its time? > Comments

Reconciliation: a worthy and achievable cause or a political idea before its time? : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 10/6/2022

Official policy suggests that reconciliation between Indigenous and other Australians needs to live in the hearts, minds and actions of all, for the nation to move forward.

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If this change is the will of the people, then let's do the referendum and equality.

I for one own my own behavior not that of generations past. And given neither I or my forbears did any harm to any aborigine, but rather the opposite.

We fed them from time to time and then taught them to shear, so they could earn money like other Australians. They gave my white forbears bush medicine and bush tucker. We lived alongside a local northern rivers tribe.

Yes, there was conflict and some very bad people and the new settlers brought small pox, typhoid and other diseases the natives had no immunity from. Including STD's.

That was not all whites, but those with power like the redcoats and some squatters. Early settlers were dragged here in chains! Like Alexander Piece a maternal forebear who went native for many years after escaping from that hell hole, Sara Island. For the crime of stealing several pairs of shoes for a shoeless family in the dead of an Irish winter. That he was penniless didn't count nor that he had his small farm annexed by the crown for not tithing to a church he was not a member of!

Others for the crime of stealing bread when they were starving. None I'm sure wanted to be ripped from their homelands and transported to these foreign shores, half dead, then if they survived subjected to years of unpaid slave labour.

My paternal forbears came much later as free settlers and father and son Doctors, who settled in Adelaide. Their offspring making it to the northern rivers and bought and paid for farms. Where by all accounts, lived in relative peace with the local tribe.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 11 June 2022 10:49:13 PM
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The white British Christian monarchy has still got seven Australian governors reporting to its Palace. How does that line up with an Indigenous voice?
Posted by Steve S, Sunday, 12 June 2022 7:23:52 AM
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How will reconciliation work once most Aborigines are as white as the many who are already ? People should really think ahead a little more !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 12 June 2022 9:17:24 AM
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Watched an ABC doco the other day about an indigenous cattle farmer & ringers working on his station.
Now, these blokes were hard working, resourceful & without a single ounce of bleating racism. They gave me the impression that they appreciated their adventurous way of life & did no blame everyone else for whatever problems the encounter AND solve ! I particularly liked when the station owner remarked on taking in youngsters & gives them a sensible, practical start to develop a healthy mentality far removed from the urban professional blame seekers' mentality !
It's clear to see what people can achieve when not interfered with by self-interest academic do-gooders !
I know Islanders who are from the same kind of mould.
Good on them !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 14 June 2022 8:14:13 AM
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