The Forum > Article Comments > It’s time for Australia to vote for change > Comments
It’s time for Australia to vote for change : Comments
By Viv Forbes, published 6/5/2022Starting with Gough Whitlam, Malcolm Fraser, Don Chipp and Bob Brown, there has developed a monotonous uniformity in main-stream Australian politics.
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Posted by diver dan, Friday, 6 May 2022 8:14:53 AM
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Nationals ain't Nationals either Viv. Matt Canavan is great. Barnaby caved into to Morrison instead of standing up for constituents who gave them the 'climate election'.
Posted by Little, Friday, 6 May 2022 8:44:27 AM
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We know this. We have known this for a long time. But we have done nothing, and we are going down hill fast. Only last night, I saw a clip of barking mad, fake independent, Monique Ryan, saying we need to stop offshore processing and bring in more "refugees"; despite all the strife, turmoil and death caused in the past by Labor, the party she belonged to, but forgot reveal in her 'independent' lie.
Both the Coalition and Labor are swimming in Viv's "green slime"; the Coalition even has half a dozen sitting members who are further left than many Labor politicians, and they are looking more like Greens the closer we get to the election, as they try to fight off loony-left fake independents like the one mentioned above. All Australian politicians are prostituting themselves to whatever nutty fad they think will get them elected. Never before has it been so important for voters to think for themselves, ignore the party how-to-vote cards, and do what YOU want. And ignore the media tripe about the 'dangers' of a hung parliament. This time, there are real conservative options as well as neo-Marxists. The more precarious the bastards 'careers' are, the harder they will work. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 6 May 2022 9:52:49 AM
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Climate change? Extreme bush fires followed by record rain events suggest something has changed including 100 year events occurring every ten years or so. That said, our real concern at this point is, it's the economy stupid. Ghat means several thing need to occur.
First of all, we need to transition to nuclear power, namely MSR thorium with its promise of power prices as low as 1 cent PKWH! As publicly provided power. Second is the embrace of cooperative capitalism. Co-ops were the only free market, private enterprise business model to survive the great depression largely intact, even as the giant corporations etc., folded! Finally we need to switch to social credit as a way to finance anything without foreign investment or crippling interest payments. And that means long overdue projects like rapid rail are built rather than endlessly spruiked. If we would reduce the carbon load in the atmosphere we need to transition to carbon-free or carbon neutral fuels. Nuclear is carbon free and cheaper than any other energy source. Moreover, nuclear power comes with the lowest death toll per gigawatt of power than all the others, including renewables. Co-ops cannot grow to big to fail and social credit uses the finished project and it value as a means to turn a debit into a credit on the ledger! Not new given all the banks use that method to leverage ever increasing finance and interest earning loans. All social credit does is eliminate the private banks from the model, does not charge itself interest, just the required admin fees. What is required for social credit is a ralatively low population base and resources we the people keep as our income sources. Co-ops with the necessary expertise can form an amalgamated union of co-ops to undertake large and costly projects, that require large workforces to complete. An example would be the snowy mountains project of yesteryear done today. What kills most projects are the paper shuffling, profit demanding middlemen and delays caused by prevaricating public servants and or, the tendering entities biting off more projects than they can chew! Posted by Alan B., Friday, 6 May 2022 10:55:16 AM
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Dan I don't believe the rainbow or the aboriginal flag has caused climate change nor the end of the morning salute of the national flag.
I see you believe democracy and tolerance of difference as causes and need a baby butchering Ukrainian solution to fix! Truth is, it is entirely intolerant folk like you that poison social inclusion and the cooperation that we need to progress social inclusion and social wellbeing for all! Divisive division never ever solved anything, least of all poverty and social exemption, affordable housing, transport, etc., etc.! Take care of your own shortcomings and predilection to unwarranted violence first, before you worry what folks do in private that is none of your business really. Stop pointing to the sty in others eyes while ignoring the plank in yours! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 6 May 2022 11:12:42 AM
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Alan B
I love a sunburnt country, of droughts and flooding rains For flood and fire and famine, she pays us back threefold All you who have not loved her, you will not understand Megafires are nothing to do with climate. Green bureaucrats and fire chiefs don't love our country they abuse her. Posted by Little, Friday, 6 May 2022 11:17:05 AM
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Isn't it curious how the term 'Global warming' is gradually being phased out ?
Climate Change is the new Catch-cry from those who are so out of touch that it hurts to just listen to them. I recall water temperature of 29-33 degrees up here in the deep North but over the past few years 28-30 Degrees is about the highest. Why won't the pushers for Climate Change funding accept that it is acidity that's causing coral bleaching ? Tell you why, because it's caused by the very bleaters ! Curb pollution & the Planet will recover ! No billions of Dollars needed for 'Studies". Of course, that'd mean accepting that the Govt is doing exactly what it can do & that's not much at all until people i.e. voters curb their excesses ! So, stop blaming Govt & start blaming yourselves ! Posted by individual, Friday, 6 May 2022 1:35:54 PM
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Alan you are old enough to know dam well we had much bigger & "better" floods & bush fires way back in the 1800s, & again in the early & mid 1900s. Hell it was even much hotter in the first half of the 1900s, before the BOM started to rewrite history. It is foolish to hitch your wagon to what you must know is a scan, simply because it partially supports your love of thorium.
Aiding & abetting shysters will not promote your dream, when the best scam in town by a long way is windmills. I am not against any nuclear system that proves economic. However anyone with school boy math knows that the cheapest power comes from a coal fired power house built on top of a coal deposit, & honest people know that CO2 is the life force of the planet. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 6 May 2022 1:58:04 PM
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You are getting yourself into a lather about nothing, Viv.
Here is what LibLab stands for environmentally: 1. Endless mass immigration, for a 40% population hike by 2050. Permissive logging and land-clearing indefinitely. 3. Fossil fuels forever. 4. A Murray-Darling un-plan for irrigators. 5. Permissive species crashes for koalas, and anything else that impedes development. What more do you actually want? Bulldozing the bush, just to punish it for being there at all? As WA did, right up until the late 1960s Posted by Steve S, Saturday, 7 May 2022 7:11:55 AM
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It is time to vote for change rather than more of the same or the business as usual BS that describes politics today by the major parties.
If climate change is your concern and if you feel that carbon concentrations are the cause? Then know that nuclear power is carbon free. And given we Choose thorium as our safe clean and cheapest power source. then we need to vote for that, or choose candidates who will usher that in as our reality. Energy and what it costs impact every which way on the cost of living or doing business or making stuff here and the flow on costs to the consumer. Yes there were big floods in the past as one in one hundred years, events. Now-a-days, those same events happen every decade or so. Meaning, building on flood plans cannot continue. And we need to understand, doing what we've always done is little more than a recipe for the ushering in of another great depression! And that will not improve anything for anyone, least of all the less well off. I've offered a series of positive solutions that alone will allow us to avoid another Great Depression. We need to choose our future, not have it chosen for us by foreign vested special interests! Be it what we produce here or who we allow to finance our best possible projects, so we never ever get to own or control our own income producing projects, mines or manufacturing etc. It is time to vote for change, just not the kind of change envisioned by Viv. Bury your head somewhere warm and comfortable and pretend nothing has changed if you will? but don't expect others not blind to reality to emulate that blatant stupidity! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 7 May 2022 10:58:22 AM
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Hasbeen, Your claim that the cheapest power is a power station built on top of a coal mine just doesn't add up. Even with ROM coal and with the situation you describe, the lowest cost for the above is at best 3 cents PKWH!
Moreover, no bank or financier is going to back any new coal mine or coal-fired power station in! I get you are not against nuclear just the God's honest truth? Mainly because you can't change because your old brain has fossilized and isn't capable of supporting rational logic. Just impregnated false beliefs like climate change denial!? Which is a very much an extreme minority view by a selfish few who don't give a rats for anyone else, their neighbour or humanity!? It's the economy, stupid! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 7 May 2022 11:14:02 AM
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What a synical piece of crap from a flunky of the mining industry. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but once one has prostituted themselves to vested interests as this person has done, their opinion is less than worthless.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 8 May 2022 7:48:31 AM
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To address our “sniding” resident Koala Bears recent post, He/She should read the authors contributed OLO article, (link here: ), exposing the love affair between the Green Chikdrens Party and the big mining industry.
Dan Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 8 May 2022 8:58:35 AM
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It seems to me that essay is calling for a resurgence of the neanderthals!
Which is quite strange because when I was in school 60 years ago I was taught that our neanderthal ancestors had died out a very long time ago. Seems as though that What I was taught was wrong! Perhaps they were just biding their time by hiding out in their primitive man-caves! Posted by Daffy Duck, Sunday, 8 May 2022 10:25:11 AM
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Hey D.D. The Neanderthals didn't really disappear, they morphed and joined the coalition and became folk like the "highly intelligent" Neanderthals supporting folk, like Viv? Gotta look after da cousins brudda.
Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 8 May 2022 10:51:42 AM
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More of the lunatic fringe from the hard right in this country. No wonder the teal independents are surging in the polls. Look at Monique Ryan who may well unset Frydenberg.
A pretty simple message of being prepared to stand for "decency, honesty and integrity" and it is getting serious cut through. Can we really claim "decency, honesty and integrity" has been shown by Newman, by Joyce, by Christenson or by any of the other ratbags listed in this article. Sorry but it really is time to expect better from those who would rule over us Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 8 May 2022 11:28:24 AM
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I just spotted an Ad sponsored by Getup Australia in which someone is actually telling lies in order to get people to stop supporting the incumbent Member for an electorate.
I wonder if Getup is aware it is being hood-winked or if they are in need of integrity ? Has anyone any info on their doings ? Posted by individual, Sunday, 8 May 2022 4:53:46 PM
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Sorry but it really is time to expect better from those who would rule over us
SteeleRedux, Going by your posts I don't think we can expect you to ever be co-operative with them ! To get good authority we must first have decent citizens ! Posted by individual, Sunday, 8 May 2022 7:43:34 PM
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What you want is compliant citizens controlled by a totalitarian government. Several past examples spring to mind. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 9 May 2022 6:13:41 AM
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Having talked to the LDP President and checked their policies, I decided to vote LDP. Then along came Campbell Newman and an alliance with Clive Palmer. No thanks, you've completely lost me there.
Posted by Faustino, Monday, 9 May 2022 8:21:30 AM
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Be careful of the Liberal Democratic Party, they are not as they appear. Their name is a misnomer, they are neither liberal or democratic, more Fascists than anything. From the outset they used the name to fool moderate conservatives into supporting them.
I may not like Hanson, but at least she's never made a secret of her extremist views. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 9 May 2022 8:57:53 AM
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her extremist views
Paul1405, What are the views that are so 'extremist' ? I find it far more extreme to bleat about unacceptable housing at $800,000-1.000,000 a pop, free schooling & literally everything else free as 'appalling conditions'. Posted by individual, Monday, 9 May 2022 2:36:51 PM
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Dear individual,
You write: "Going by your posts I don't think we can expect you to ever be co-operative with them ! To get good authority we must first have decent citizens !" Indeed, but while you have a long way to go we aren't giving up on you. You will one day renounce your unAustralian views and look to your fellow countrymen rather than defend the billionaire class and the ratbag right as you so often do. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 9 May 2022 3:26:03 PM
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Are you sure you're not conflating our LDP with the Russian party of the same name? Australia's LDP are about as far from fascist as you can get. They're American style libertarians (the kind that believe all taxation is theft and all duty is slavery) though fortunately they've proven themselves willing to compromise in parliament. I wouldn't want them in charge of anything, but their having a small presence in parliament is generally a good thing. Posted by Aidan, Monday, 9 May 2022 3:40:18 PM
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unAustralian views
SteelRedux, You're obviously too young to know what being Australian meant. It didn't mean holding out your hand & demand support just because you felt you were too good for any work available. Nor did it mean denouncing the authorities which gave you a safe & comfortable place to live in. Neither did it mean being overly generous to those who want to see you under their yoke. Being Australian meant doing as much as you can to help make improvements to the Nation & not selling it to those who have no interest in Australia to prosper. Sadly, you seem to be of the misled & indoctrinated group introduced by that Goaf in the 70's ! Posted by individual, Monday, 9 May 2022 6:03:04 PM
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That's right Indy!
When you got off the boat, you were given a free house, cash in your pocket, a cushy well paid job, and a free ticket to Centrelink, for your welfare for life. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 9 May 2022 6:31:39 PM
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it's actually quite amusing to read your ever increasing frustration in your words ! If only you knew what your problem is, we all know ! Posted by individual, Monday, 9 May 2022 7:21:50 PM
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Dear Individual,
Which translates to 'I have mining shares so leave my billionaire mates and multinationals alone why don't cha'. Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:33:41 AM
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That may well be the case many others but my take on this is, no negative gearing, National Service, $400,000/annum salary ceiling for bureaucrats, get rid of the Peter Principle in the Public Service, Flat Tax-Transaction Tax, Foreign Aid in Australian made goods only, Govt Housing rental for people on less than the average wage, migration only for professionals such as Dentists & other medical people & the technology field, only people who have served National Service can join the Public Service, tighten the lax filter system for Govt funding of the Arts etc. Perhaps you could add to that list. What is needed is reward for effort not reward for just being there ! stop encouraging Uni studying just because people think it is an entitlement ! Merit is what we need to focus on ! Posted by individual, Tuesday, 10 May 2022 2:24:56 PM
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Seniors National Service for Old Farts. NO SNS, NO PENSION! Right Indy.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 10 May 2022 4:15:05 PM
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Individual- Getup seemed initially to be a genuine attempt to create an online plebiscite but appears to have devolved into wokeness and communism. The US sister site is MoveOn.
On the Getup site it says "GetUp! is an independent progressive Australian political activist group." Not sure how a site can be both independent and progressive but there you go- the double speak of Trotskyites. Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 11 May 2022 2:00:03 PM
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>Not sure how a site can be both independent and progressive but there you go- the double speak of Trotskyites. There's no contradiction between GetUp being independent and progressive. They have their own agenda that's not aligned to, and not swayed by, any political party. But what makes you think they're Trotskyites? Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 11 May 2022 4:12:43 PM
History is brimming with example and warnings in how to deal with the mentality and their propensity towards dictatorship, and that is by physical force, at the 3nd of a gun barrel and bayonet. And until the the afflicted silent majority rise from their padded life styles to do that, the Green madness will continue to envelop sane and sensible society to the sunset of its end!