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The Forum > Article Comments > The deceased leaders of Southern Africa: heroes, populists or villains? > Comments

The deceased leaders of Southern Africa: heroes, populists or villains? : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 15/2/2022

In particular there is the issue of whether the changes they helped make will bring a lasting improvement in the living conditions of their fellow citizens.

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Nelson Mandella and Desmond Tutu were heroic statesmen who should be remembered for their positive contributions. De clerk on the other hand, a fool to hand over SA's nuclear weapons!

And a lesson for us to arm ourselves ASAP with a nuclear capacity to retaliate. And transition to nuclear power ASAP and electrify our economy. So no matter what happens elsewhere we can carry on as a truly independent sovereign nation in any future circumstance.

That electrification could include aircraft and all shipping with new, solar powered, solid state drives. That could have an upper speed limit just a tad under the speed of light if used in space.

And create enough friction in the atmosphere to avoid icing up of leading edges. And ensure that this friction caused heat could be transferred for passenger and pilot comfort and the safe disposal of heat sanitized human waste.

Albeit, Brisbane to London without stops in just under an hour? Would limit that need?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 15 February 2022 10:07:30 AM
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Soviet Communist Party attempts to disrupt Western society carried on through much of the last century, with activists trained in and supported by Russia. Marxist weapons of choice are revolution, violence and terror, followed by disinformation, as manifested so dreadfully in Kenya and described so vividly in a well-researched and meticulously referenced book. Mau Mau Whitewash - Britain Slandered, by Dr Lee Boldeman <>.
Mau Mau Whitewash has recently been reviewed in Quadrant <>, and in The Epoch Times <>.
Jomo Kenyata was a ruthless opportunist who came to power after a dreadful campaign which was whitewashed in the subsequent propaganda which attempted to legitimise the terror. As President of the 'liberated' country, he lived a life of luxury while his country slipped into decay and poverty. The son of Jomo Kenyatta, Uhuru Kenyatta featured recently in a 4 Corners program on the Pandora Papers, as having some $30 m or so in an offshore tax haven - undoubtedly our foreign aid at work.
The story of premature independence of Papua New Guinea has yet to be told, and the ludicrous attempts at making treaties with Australian Aboriginal tribes (THE first nation on this continent was declared fortuitously on 1 January 1901) are a threat to the future prospects of everybody in the country, regardless of ethnic roots.The divisive Aboriginal 'flag' was invented at the height of the cold war and the story of land rights claims is told in the book Red over Black by Geoff McDonald <>
Posted by John McRobert, Tuesday, 15 February 2022 5:20:31 PM
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Western society is largely stuffed ! There's no longer any discipline or respect. None of the ingredients for a functioning society have disappeared.
Russia & China have overtaken the West so far as mentality goes & India won't be far behind.
The excesses of the West's undeserved wealth are its downfall.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 15 February 2022 6:46:47 PM
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Just as the mainstream media mis-reported Trump, they also mis-reported Southern Africa. The reporting of white-ruled Africa and of decolonization was consistently a variety of fake news. The way the media hyped-up people like Mandela and Tutu into “saints” while turning white leaders into villains bore no relationship to the complexity that was the reality of these societies. Because of decades of poor news reporting most people in places like Australia, USA and Europe have many misunderstandings about Southern Africa. Frankly the results of African decolonization have been disastrous and South Africa and Zimbabwe are now basket-cases. I lived in both Rhodesia and South Africa and consider myself lucky to have escaped the poor governance, corruption and socio-economic collapse that now characterize these countries.
Posted by PEL, Tuesday, 15 February 2022 9:32:51 PM
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I agree with John McRobert and PEL. The entire African continent is a basket case.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 15 February 2022 10:31:10 PM
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The African History organisation is displaying a lot of their history lately. They have a great history that rivals any other equally.
Why though have they succumbed to the European considering they already had their foot in the door, particularly Spain. Could it just be that their presence there wasn't seen as benevolent as it is now portrayed ? Is it possible that the turn-around against Africa was a retaliation at first which then got out of hand ?
History, or rather real history which unfortunately, is rather scantily recorded, is both fascinating & horrific. I saw a carving recently depicting an Egyptian (African) Queen standing symbolically on a slave. This gives the impression that slavery such as we're now told now did indeed have its beginnings with the people who ended up suffering from their own practices. The West is going through this phase now !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 19 February 2022 10:07:17 AM
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The question that should be asked is what is the result of this new freedom?

28 years after "freedom" the ANC elite has effectively looted the state and private enterprises of just about everything. There is not a state enterprise or company that is not bankrupt. The post office has disappeared, SAA has disappeared leaving $bns in debt. Eskom (the state power company with nuclear reactors) cannot even keep the lights on and government debt has dropped below junk status. Poverty and crime are rampant and the life of the poorest has if anything worsened.

The $bn lent by the IMF to help fight covid was siphoned off into private bank accounts within days. Schools and hospitals are falling apart, roads are potholed and most government services have evaporated.

That this has followed the path set by just about every African country begs the question what did these heroes achieve?
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 26 February 2022 9:36:28 AM
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Yes shadowminister decolonization and “freedom” has not delivered great outcomes for Africa. Decolonization delivers rich corrupt African elites. For white-Africans and non-elite black Africans it delivered a mess. It also delivered a problem for Europe in the form of mass migration by Africans fleeing the mess. A new book examines this mess:
Louw, P.E. Decolonization and white-Africans. The ‘winds of change’, resistance and beyond (Washington/London: Academica Press).
Posted by PEL, Saturday, 26 February 2022 10:26:53 AM
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