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What have we learnt over the last two years? : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 11/2/2022

It's time for humanity to develop some humility. The human species doesn't have the power over nature that has been assumed.

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I refuse to believe people who chose vaccines as a hedge against disease are at fault.

Vaccines have an impeccable history. Only the foolish dismiss their benefits.

As for mandates for the objectionists, I have little sympathy.

As for those that caused this calamity, the Chinese, the Politicians who sucked along to China over the past four decades and put us in our current vulnerable position, they should not now be given the responsibility to dig us out!

There is a desperate need to reconstitute our political system altogether, it’s an abysmal failure on too many fronts; especially on the front of trust in individual Politicians and their obvious attachments to vested interests, and their own personal interests.

Firstly it’s not unreasonable to subject them to drug and alcohol testing during their working hours in parliamentary duties.
We could eliminate alcoholic miss fits like Barnaby Joyce from any position of responsibility as an example, and work out from there.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 11 February 2022 8:16:20 AM
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While our scaremongering media yaps about a fourth jab against Covid (a third is not officially required for any activity, and overseas visitors who have just been double-vaxxed will soon be allowed back into Australia), they haven't bothered to report on Israel's Professor Yaakov Jerris's statement that: " … the the vaccine has no significance in regard to severe illness, which is why just 20-25 percent of our patients are unvaccinated".

70-80% of the cases in Israel, which was supposed to be the "showpiece" for vaccination, were TRIPLE vaccinated. Online 20-25% were not vaccinated at all.

I am triple vaxxed, and that's that. But, will we ever get the truth? Will we ever be rid of the shackles of government and allowed to run our own lives?
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 February 2022 9:12:03 AM
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What have we learned? Well, that incompetence and complacency reigned supreme through most of the pandemic. And the wealthy and powerful were going bananas over the economic consequences with many wanting anything but what we got. But wanted a let it rip outcome that made the dollar far more important than human life. And reminiscent of the depression era were that mindset reigned supreme also. We also learned that the energy barons want to keep the status quo, as does big nuclear and big pharma. All of who would be threatened of made extinct, by the widespread uptake of MSR thorium and its daughter nuclear medicine byproducts, like the miracle cancer cure, alpha particle, bismuth 213.

We have a pandemic that has claimed millions of lives world wide! And as bad as that is, cancer has taken as many as 2 million lives a year for the last thirty years.

That's 60 million lives lost to a disease that needn't have been sacrificed at the altar of big pharma's profit curve? We pay through the nose for everything, given the energy component in all production and service delivery!

All while the most energy dense material on the planet, thorium, is deliberately withheld!

When will the puppet masters and their owned and operated pollies be brought to justice and their power to enslave the vox populi, ended?

We've also learned that this pandemic could have claimed far fewer lives had island quarantine been made mandatory across the globe for all international relocations, for any reason. Given the antivirals now in development, this measure and the treatment of all citizens with the best of these new antivirals. that kill 99.99 of all conaviruses. we still could eliminate this virus by depriving it of any viable host!

And a far superior than just let er rip Boris that is par for the course in too many juristrictions.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 11 February 2022 9:39:50 AM
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By far your best piece yet Murray. Now do the same on the global warming fraud.

I don't think he said "people who chose vaccines as a hedge against disease are at fault" Dan, quite the opposite. He is blaming bureaucrats for the disaster, absolving even the politicians as merely useful idiots.

This is even worse than the Global Warming scam, where tens of thousands have enough math to know it is bulldust, but won't speak out. Here so few of us have enough knowledge to even evaluate what we are being told, let alone understand the possibility. We can only rely on blogs to give us the "facts" of vaccine success & dangers, or the same with alternate treatments. Who knows what agenda some blogists may have, making them as doubtful as an information source as the MSM.

We can only hope the truth will come out, & we can give the conmen the treatment they deserve.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 11 February 2022 2:15:07 PM
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This is so true.

"Computer modelling and forecasts appeared to take on an 'aura' of fact. Most forecasts governments acted upon were wide off the mark in what actually happened. Yet decisions were based upon a belief in the forecasts rather than factual data at hand. Model predictions are illusions, not facts. A model prediction is just one of numerous potential scenarios. Modelling natural complex systems is flaunt with issues that make them inaccurate."

Modelling and forecasts are an educated guess at best, or, a contrived cherry picked data set to "prove" a wanted narrative or outcome.

In the future the ability to factually call out confirmation bias or divergent agendas will be critical
Posted by ViolentEntropy, Friday, 11 February 2022 4:32:31 PM
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Hasbeen. So you think climate change is a fraud!? I don't agree!

That said, let us put aside that disagreement momentarily and focus exclusively on economic outcomes! Ok?

Energy is the key to economic outcomes and the cheapest energy is not coal-fired, but nuclear. That nuclear is not conventional nuclear but MSR thorium. Just 8 grams of thorium costing around $100.00 to mine and refine, enough to power your house and car for a century, without refueling!

Coal on the other hand, tasked with same outcome, costing you thousands. Moreover, energy cost always perculates up through the economy, doubling in cost with every transition from generation to wholesale, then again from wholesale to retail. From 6 cents PKWH to 24! Whereas, with thorium, co-op ownership and control, the starting point 1 cent PKWH and 3 cents retail! That's throughout the entire economy, from transport, service delivery, manufacture and pumping farm water etc.

I cannot see why we need all these steps when an energy co-op could supply direct to their consumer base! The only thing eliminated is the profit demanding, paper shuffling middlemen!

An outcome that would more than halve the cost of manufacture, doing business and the cost of living. Thus eliminating the pressure in the, dog chasing tail, that is the cost/wages spiral!

Wages being just 16% of the cost of labour. Whereas energy currently adds at least 30% to the cost of everything

Furthermore, what comes out of coal-fired smokestacks is more than just Carbon as CO2! There are things like carcenogenic cadmium, asenic, lead, mercury and radioactive uranium, to name some.

MSR thorium, has none of these problems! Is also carbon-free! Forget climate change! Just focus exclusively on best possible economic outcome! Climate change, real or imagined will take complete care of itself! And without anybody getting their knickers in a knot!

Let me remind you that some time ago I advised all who had shares in coal or coal-fired power to get out and invest in Lithium! A good businessman knows when to cut his losses and move on!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 12 February 2022 10:08:44 AM
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My goodness what an ordinary article.

A clapped together series of thought bubbles, none of which amount to anything but trite observations, while studiously downplaying the fact that our premiers did a great job of staving off the virus until the vast majority of Australians were vaccinated and a less virulent strain muscled out Delta.

A bit more effort next time please.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 12 February 2022 8:38:13 PM
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SR. While there is no disagreement in what you claim. The job they did would not have been as difficult if we but had island quarantine for all inbound and rap testing at all border crossings internally.

Some of the better control solutions as envisaged may have inconvenience a few fat cat privileged minority. And I contend, the reason they were not rolled out from the get go.

As for learning to live with this virus, we can and should eliminate from these shores then keep it out permantently, with mandatory island quarantine, antivirals and mandated vaccinations. Then deprive this virus of any viable host, without which, it dies out!

Know this, it mutates in unvaccinated hosts! Who knows what the next variant will do or infect? What happens if the next variant starts to kill masses of children?

I'll leave that with you and the solutions I've promoted as someone who graduated from military medical school with honours. And majoring in trauma management and infectious diseases!

AS opposed to this or that hasbeen who know SFA about infectious diseases and their control. Many of who have MD shingles above their surgeries? And rely on DR Google for their info and treatment options?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 13 February 2022 10:38:51 AM
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I may "know SFA about infectious diseases and their control" Alan, but it appears I know a whole lot more than you.

It is non performing vaccines that force, & aid virus to mutate. As with incomplete kills when antibiotic treatments are stopped early causing the development of resistant strains, faulty "vaccines" do the same with a virus. I am amazed that even you don't know that. Perhaps it is simply what you don't want to know, not basic stupidity at all.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 13 February 2022 10:50:18 AM
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Climate change is real, it's always been real same as Global warming. Sadly, also real is the scamming of uncontrollable natural phenomena. Many argue that 'something' can & should be done about it. The evidence to-date shows that nothing has nor could be done by humans, why else has nothing been achieved to that effect ?
The planet can handle pollution, what it can't handle are the excesses ! From recreational fishing to frivolous motor sport, excessive breeding in fact just about everything humans do is excessive.
Environmental issues have become massive money schemes nothing to do with saving the environment. Remember the $444 Million Turnbull gave to the Great Barrier Reef outfit ? What effect has that money had on the state of the Reef ? In their defence, they didn't ask for that much I believe but still, what has been done and, what are the results ?
Posted by individual, Sunday, 13 February 2022 11:01:36 AM
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While we don't have power over nature! we have some power to make positive change! We could, if we could ignore the energy barons, use MSR thorium to power the poorest of the poor and reverse desertification!

And we could if we embraced cooperative capitalism and MSR thorium. Just these two solutions would deprive the energy barons of most of their damaging power and control.

A very wealthy Canadian businessman tells what he experienced when clinically dead for 11 minutes. And supported in that claim by hospital records. While clinically dead he saw both heaven and hell! And knew without redeemtion he was headed for the terrifying latter.

Today, he is a completely different man who uses his personal wealth for good deed activities. I can relate as someone who arrived in hospital twice as DOA! And saw what he saw. And terrified beyound description by it.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 13 February 2022 11:01:58 AM
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Climate change is not a fraud. It is a mistake.
They confused the temperature rise due to the sun's complex cycle
with the temperature rise caused by CO2.
So they allocated a too high a sensitivity to CO2.
It now looks like CO2 has been responsible for a rise of 0.1 deg C
since the mid 1800s. The rest of the rise, which now appears that it
might be slowing, was due to the sun, sunspots and Cosmic Rays driving
cloud formations.
The cycle that is responsible has been known for centuries.
The problem now is that so many political, scientific, activists,
school teachers, media peoples reputations are now at stake that they
simply cannot say "err we have a problem Houston".

Can you imagine the impact if the IPCC said, "We had it all wrong !"
Just think of the trauma at the ABC, oh they would have to call for ambulances.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 13 February 2022 3:59:04 PM
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The GOVT'S END GAME almost there

I wonder if the Journalists realise they will be caught in the Govt CITIZEN CONTROL APP-TRAP too.
That the government and the Banks and Woolworths have been busy working
behind the scenes, since they had that meeting about 5-6 months ago
to link everyone's Eftpos Bank account details to the Government Covid Citizen Approval App

People are already being told they can use their GOVT App to pay for their Groceries

Once they get enough people used to doing that
they will then have in place a Govt Citizen Approval App, that can BLOCK your ability to pay for your groceries on the checkout scanners
if you haven't had your 12th Covid App.

A Chinese journalist found out China, has this set up on his Citizen Credit Phone App.when he recently spoke out against
the CCP. He couldn't buy a train ticket because the bank declined his payment request.

They can't bring in a Govt Citizen Control App in Australia by stealth, unless
they can get everyone vaccinated so they can them issue them with a
Govt Approval Ap
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 13 February 2022 4:07:36 PM
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As far as the covid19 problem is concerned, I do not think any politician
or medical people have done anything wrong.
The problem is no one has a clue as to the best way to handle it.
After is has died down somewhat an international commission with the
powers of a Royal Commission should be assembled with epidemiologists
statisticians and experts in data analysists must obtain all the data
on what measures were taken and what the daily cases were recorded
and with all that they might be able work out what worked best.
I think that is the best we can do.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 13 February 2022 4:11:57 PM
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Diver Dan
Every vaccine must prove itself on its own
Record. Just because one was safe doesn't mean new experimental ones are.

I recently saw data on VAERS,the Fluvax has killed 150,000 over 30years.
Lucky I was unaware of that, because I've had a Fluvax for the last 30years

The trouble with these Covid vaccines and the medical information surrounding them, is:- we really don't have true "PUBLIC' Health
Authorities anymore.

Over the last few decades government's have handed most of the funding of these "
Public? Health Authorities over to Phizer and big Pharma.
The doctors and scientists in these Bureaucratic Authorities, advising Govts and the public,have their wages and
funding being paid by Phizer and Big Pharma companies.

Do you really think then,
the Drs at the FDA,CDC,TGA,NHS
are going to come out and say the vaccines are ineffective against Covid.
That everyone's encounter with Covid would have turned out the same whether they were vaccinated or not.

Reports coming from sources getting past the main news channels are saying they are seeing more of the vaccinated coming into hospitals in other countries than the unvaccinated.Not according to the CDC though.

This also happened about a year ago,when Israel who received their vaccines before other countries had an 85%
Double vaccinated population.
Do you even know that Israel,has already given their population a 3rd booster nearly a year ago because of this?

I've seen video after video come through online of people showing their injuries.

Facebook takes these videos down as soon as they become aware of them.

Also over 160 fit sportsmen around the world have just died on the
field while playing.
The New York Times ran one story on it, putting up the suggestion that it is probably because sportsmen today are smoking more cannibis

Yeah right! You could stretch to maybe 10dying from Cannibis but 167 in 5 months.
in the room. Mandated vaccines for the players to be allowed to play.
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 13 February 2022 5:14:44 PM
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one thing you forgot to mention in particular CHERFUL, is the matching of the variants to an appropriately designed vaccine.
A good comparison is the flue jab. Every year that must happen or you’ll be rolled by a new variant of the flue virus.
So it would figure that the original Covid vaccine was appropriate to the original strain of the virus, but not so to the Omicron.

I have skin in the game as a candidate for catching Covid, and as a consequence I’ll take the punt on available information applicable to the vaccine.
There are risks to the vaccine which I consider are small ones.

Also, I have no idea how many people globally have been vaccinated, but I would guess that those numbers would be close to a world record, so the downside to it would be stark. And it is. There are failures, that’s part of the risk factor.

The research for a Covid vaccine has been on going way before the arrival of Covid. That’s a long story, but the facts are out there.

I’m also a believer that the authorities responsible for guiding responses to Covid were on the whole, well meaning. I don’t see any conspiracy with it; but I do see obvious stuff ups that were preventable. ( I’m not going down that trail with examples).

So all in all, I’m pretty happy with it all. Except I’m not looking forward to catching Covid which is natural.

Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 13 February 2022 7:31:46 PM
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I wonder how many of the anti vaxers have had their children vaccinated
against the polio virus ?
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 13 February 2022 9:48:38 PM
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They could have treated Covid like they would if you arrived at the Drs office with a bad flu.

If they didn't treat the flu in the unvaccinated
or (vaccinated) it would kill many more people than it already does.
900 dead in Australia some years. 30,000 to 80,000 in America.

Now multiply by 10times as many if they didn't treat anyone.It would jump to 800,000 dead from flu in a bad flu season in America.
The flu would also take over your lungs and stop you breathing.
Funny how the flu seemed to disappear in the two years of covid.

I heard the Fauci lot say,they could combine the Fluvax with the Covid Vaccine about 6 months ago.

Just last week I heard it declared, the Flu was going to be extra bad this year. Funny that!
It didn't surprise me. I've learnt to put the pieces together to understand what their next move will be.

We won't know having just had a 3rd booster, if they are not sneaking another one in with the Flu Jab.
Who trusts anything these
much fined for deaths over the years
criminal Big Pharma Companies do.

Fauci should be in Prison for at least manslaughter of millions.
Not have politicians taking his advice on treatments for Covid
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 14 February 2022 11:26:53 PM
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They never offered people
diagnosed with a possibly fatal illness, one bit of early treatment to try to
stop the virus from multiplying in the first few days. With all the possible medications they have at their disposal in the Western medicine cabinets.

No!they just sent them home for two weeks while the virus had free reign to take over every inch of their bodies.

They only treated them after they were nearly dead, when they took them into hospital and finished them off,by using the ventilators the wrong way.

Meanwhile a very few top heart and lung Specialist were actually treating Covid patients at their surgeries. Because these Drs had had Covid themselves and wanted to help patients.
They found treatments that worked and were having a 95% cure rate compared to the hospitals at that time who were only having about a 20% success rate.

Big Pharma funding our Public Health didn't want to know about other treatments.

A lot of people died because of that.
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 14 February 2022 11:46:58 PM
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Are these the heart issues you are talking about?

"Almost 5,000 more people in England have died from heart problems than would be expected since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, a charity has said."

"The British Heart Foundation (BHF) said there had been 4,622 “excess deaths” from heart and circulatory diseases between the start of the pandemic and mid-October."

"It has previously called for action after noticing that hundreds of relatively younger adults had been dying of heart problems in higher numbers than expected."
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 15 February 2022 6:18:05 AM
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Yeah right ! What these rags don't want to tell us is what drug abuse these people have engaged in by the time COVID catches up with them. More sober assessments would be well advised !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 15 February 2022 9:33:19 AM
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Only yesterday I was told by a devout anti-vaxxer that they have a copy a screenshot of the green tick on their phone which they flash at someone who asks for proof ! As most Bar staff etc only glance at the green tick these unvaxxinated people then mill around among those who did get vaxxinated. The vaxxination status should really be linked to credit cards as well.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 16 February 2022 7:54:11 AM
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A perfect outline of the shambles and the need to face it honestly to ensure it never happens again The idea that democratic governance could be suspended for two years and they still will not give up their power despite the very clear evidence with Omicron that the virus is no longer a major threat is depressing
Posted by Truth Seeker, Wednesday, 16 February 2022 9:25:25 AM
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Congratulations on an excellent, critical analysis of the management of corona virus infections.
Posted by James17, Wednesday, 16 February 2022 1:14:49 PM
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