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The Forum > Article Comments > We used to think it noble to sacrifice our lives to preserve our freedom. Now we sacrifice our freedom to preserve lives > Comments

We used to think it noble to sacrifice our lives to preserve our freedom. Now we sacrifice our freedom to preserve lives : Comments

By Dave Smith, published 22/10/2021

I have never accepted, and I do not accept now, that what is driving our government’s response to this ‘great pandemic’ is purely a concern for public health.

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Dear Smithy,

You didn’t mention the exemptions given to property investors who effectively travelled around and across the countryside unhindered by the banality of applicable rules of the commoners. snapping up RE deals of the century, and creating an unprecedented property boom.

Or the one rule for the rich in the Eastern suburbs, and an entirely different standard of rules and treatment, dished out to the poor in the Western suburbs of Sydney.
The forced entry into private residences by police and the military, searching for unauthorised visitors: The protests to this action ignored or worse.

The frequency of power bills reduced from three months to six weeks, with a constant barrage of threatening letters of demand as an accompaniment.

And a very good riddance to the land developers mole from Macquarie street who oversaw those injustices and more, while complaining of the inconvenience of an ICAC enquiry into her own personal actions aimed at improving the lives of herself and those close by.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 22 October 2021 6:22:38 AM
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"I no longer believe in conscription because I don’t trust the government".

People did still trust the government back then, but the likes of Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison have crushed any trust Australians had in government.

State premiers have also demonstrated that they are totally undeserving of our trust, but the current big, bad villain - the person who is supposed to be leading the country, but is not - is Scott Morrison. He has to take the blame for everything.

Smith is right. Australian politicians have gone mad on power.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 22 October 2021 7:37:53 AM
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If the longed-for freedom was accompanied by scenes like we saw in NY? Or a death toll, that totally overwhelmed the health system! Took out many senior health workers and resulted in the mountains of bodies, needing to be buried in mass graves!

Then F freedom! Besides, our loss of unrestricted freedom was only a temporary and absolutely essential, health-related provision!

Given this garbage in garbage out propaganda! One can understand why this particular and obviously biased, pulpit pounding preacher was defrocked?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 22 October 2021 10:13:35 AM
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Alan B there were no mountains of bodies. Victorian ALP taking on dodgy security cost most of the aged care deaths. You wanted the army out murdering fellow citizens who had the temerity to go outside their homes. Steelredux whined about Sweden not locking down and now they are best off in the world. Your fascist tendencies are a worry Alan. I should slide back under your bed old son this is the place for adults not whiney abusive kids. Oh and the lock downs achieved nothing and I cannot wait for the pandemic to roar through Queensland and WA!
Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 22 October 2021 7:57:13 PM
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Yes of course it is impossible to trust a government that would deny us Ivermectin, the little pill that saved both Indians & Indonesians & others in the hundreds of thousands, while using every threat & coercion to force us to "get the jab", with an unproven chemical concoction.

There must be some reason for governments following this path, & it can't be for our benefit.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 22 October 2021 10:54:50 PM
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Well, When those who disagree, have to resort to barely veiled abuse and inappropriate labelling! They've lost the debate and any element of credibility! Freedoms are limited by commonsense rules. Thus we have mandatory seat belts, motorcycle helmets, cyclist helmits! There were mountains of bodies in NY and the accompanying mass graves! Only liars and BS artists would claim otherwise!

I'm looking forward to mandatory vaccinations if only to hear more of this belligerent bellowing nonsense coming from mostly new Australians and foreign posters only here to divide and make as much mischief as they can!?

If our rules etc don't suit? Then go back to where you came from or Sweden, if you think it was so great!?

One notes that those Premiers that locked and bolted their borders did extremely well in their virtual landslide election polls!

That being so, one has to argue, those who would let it rip are an extremely small incredibly vocal minority!?

I mean I'd sooner be an old bloke living in W.A. than Sweden! Moreover, most normal human beings with normal human empathy would agree!

Aids kills! Nobody who is infected has a right to spread it with gay abandon! While it can be controlled with antivirals, that perpetual loss of personal FREEDOM still applies! I ask how many in NY were killed by Aids as compared with victims of covid 19?

In time we will have some very effective covid antivirals that can be proscribed as injections in many venues or as over the counter pills!

Those who believe in natural immunity? need to understand, most folks are not born that way and there are fewer survivor rates than those who succumb! I ask, what freedom do they have?

As somebody who is housebound and confined to a wheelchair, I have little sympathy for those whining princess personalities, who think a few months of restricted freedoms are the end of the world! Who is responsible? Those who were incredibly slow getting a supply of effective vaccines and appropriate, fit for purpose, quarantine!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 23 October 2021 11:09:23 AM
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Alan B, only thirty per cent of the population is liable to suffer covid infection. The rest of us shrug it off with no symptoms or few symptoms. It only kills 0.03% of the population and that is very old or with co-morbidities.
Guard these people which Andrews didn't in Victoria and Cuomo didn't in New York. Cuomo in fact sent Covid sick people back into care homes which is why there were so many deaths. Mass graves just showed incompetence in local government.
Bad news is vaccines are not fit for purpose and Covid will still go through Australia. Good news is that it is nothing to be overly concerned about.
Worse news is the now long, long lists of people on waiting lists and the thousands killed by suicide, mental problems and all those not diagnosed with cancer.
I suppose that is the fault of the unvaccinated too?
Posted by JBowyer, Saturday, 23 October 2021 11:25:12 AM
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Hasbeen. I can not confirm your assertions! However, what we were denied was island quarantine! And island quarantine would have meant, no shutdowns or border closures would have been necessary or even warranted! Ditto adversely impacted local economies!

Our government seemingly put far more value on a few foreign lives, than that of the entire Australian population!?

Moreover, the complacency and incompetence that allowed a twelve-month delay in getting adequate supplies of safe effective vaccines, beggars belief!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 23 October 2021 11:30:27 AM
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Alan B, we are an island but have you any idea how much interaction goes on with the rest of the world? A lot! A real very big lot. I would go as far as to say more than you can ever imagine.
Now the Covid corona virus i.e. the common cold virus will spread no matter what, as all our local King Knut's have found out and/or will find out. Lovely to always think you can blame others and you can but I for one could not care a less about all your fear. That is all it is "YOUR FEAR" not rational and not even common sense. Calm down Alan, stay inside and stay safe.
Bad news is we all die eventually but do not obsess about it, it is not healthy.
Posted by JBowyer, Saturday, 23 October 2021 11:38:05 AM
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Yes JB, it is the fault of the unvaccinated! And the ultimate responsibility for an adequate supply of safe effective vaccines, I believe, is and was the responsibility of a complacent and incompetent federal government.

Y'll have a nice day now y'hear.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 23 October 2021 11:44:20 AM
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Fair enough Alan B 10% of the population, unvaccinated, is causing the disease in 90% vaccinated people, makes sense lol.
Those vaccines were developed in one year and neither stop infection or passing it on although you are still blaming people who did not get vaccinated?
Alan you are upset and being foolish, I do not care who you blame and you should realise you are still in the natural world and subject to its laws. You love your ALP branch stackers and hate the rest of us. You can do that in our democracy but god help us if your ilk get in.
Spare me your attempts at sarcasm or bile because as I said I do not care.
Posted by JBowyer, Saturday, 23 October 2021 11:57:17 AM
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