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Then they came for the libertarians : Comments

By Peter Fenwick, published 27/9/2021

But we are not safe if we politicise the police force. We are not safe if those who wish to criticise government are met with violent confrontation. We are not safe if journalists are dissuaded from reporting protests accurately.

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Police in groups of six: the number required to throw little old ladies to the ground. Victorians need someone to keep them safe from police.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 September 2021 8:34:52 AM
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We would all be safe if the protesters didn't resort to violence and just went and got their jabs and wore their masks as most responsible citizens are doing when they are able.
Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 27 September 2021 9:37:54 AM
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Hey VK3AUU, should they chant "Yes Sir, No sir, What ever you say sir" as they do it?
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 27 September 2021 10:47:18 AM
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Unfortunately, in Victoria at least, the violence comes from the police. I saw a video last night of po-faced senior VicPol officers pontificating on violence against women, while the video showed Victorian police throwing women to the ground, pepper spraying them, and strangling one of them. Disgusting hypocrites.

Yes, it's possible if we do as we told, dump democracy, there might not be as much violence against people of both sexes.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 September 2021 12:15:17 PM
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Disagree. We are not safe if a tiny minority of nut jobs are allowed to riot over health orders they refuse to comply with during a pandemic! Or with anarchists who think the laws of the land don't apply to them! Ditto, extreme right-wing, left-wing garbage!

And as a combination of the population, only able to represent less than 20% of the vox pop, at best!? And then throw petrol on to the flame by refusing to get vaccinated?

This group, if they shared a brain between them? It would still rattle in a thimble?

Personally, if they refuse to comply? I believe their BS protests ought to be met with live rounds from masked law enforcement? But hey, that would require AWOL testicular fortitude!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 27 September 2021 12:48:40 PM
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Hasbeen, There's a time and a place for, up yours, Sir! Not when asked to drive on the left and not to shout fire, fire in a crowded theatre.
Or comply with sensible, public health orders! Like, please don't spit while infected with tuberculosis, least you unwittingly spread your infection to otherwise healthy individuals.

That goes quadruple for pathogens that are more virulent and lethal and can be spread from the vapour of your breath in a mere 15 seconds! Vapour that's ever-present, if only visible during cold periods!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 27 September 2021 1:04:02 PM
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Narcissistic rants are enjoyable to watch.

However concept of narcissism seems to be ill defined in psychology.

"People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are characterized by the personality traits of persistent grandiosity, an excessive need for admiration and recognition, and a personal disdain and lack of empathy for other people.[12][13] As such, the person with NPD usually displays arrogance and a distorted sense of personal superiority, and seeks to establish abusive power and control over others.[14] Self-confidence (a strong sense of self) is a personality trait different from the traits of NPD; thus, people with NPD typically value themselves over others, to the extent of openly disregarding the wishes and feelings of anyone else, and expect to be treated as superior, regardless of their actual status or achievements.[12][15] Socially, the person with NPD usually exhibits a fragile ego (self-concept), intolerance of criticism, and a tendency to belittle other people, in order to validate their own feelings of superiority.[15]"
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 27 September 2021 1:17:17 PM
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It wouldn't take any "testicular fortitude" to fire "live rounds" at unarmed demonstrators. VicPol could do it.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 September 2021 1:23:05 PM
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Radical right libertarians crying into their keyboards claiming US 'freedom and liberty' when their fellow travellers create anti-science social disruption for media content, to which police are obliged to respond.

Interesting how noisy libertarians are when they are preoccupied with telling society, other groups or individuals how to behave and tying them up in regulation and threats of defamation suits e.g. independent media, journalism and commentary, on behalf of corporate power.

Simultaneously playing the old conservative trick of playing the victim or martyr card directly to friendly media..... while also claiming they are being shut down and have no freedom of speech; very Orwellian.
Posted by Andras Smith, Monday, 27 September 2021 9:05:01 PM
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Ah Good old Alan B suggesting mass murder and also his fear at getting a bad cold. I am unsure which is more depressing?
XR rebellion and BLM both demonstrated with Vicpol essentially aiding and abetting against the general population of Melbourne. Now we disagree with the Dear Leader and we should be killed! Wow I hope you remember this Alan because I shall. The numbers killed by Covid are just an initial burst and now it is waning. No amount of scheming CCP politicians like Andrews can change this fact and it will soon be a dead story. However we still have to see Covid run through all the so-called clean states which will be great. They have ramped this nonsense up to the Zombie Apocalypse so I will have a great laugh at shut downs, screaming and lots of 80 plus year olds dying. Your silly jabs will not stop you getting Covid or passing it on. The only hope is the corrupt medico's calling it a cold or flu and saying Covid is over. I hope Vicpol attack dogs are eventually used against all the usual suspects too.
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 27 September 2021 9:18:16 PM
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I agreed with the suspension of civil liberties during a time of extreme danger to the entire population. I looked on in wonder at why the BLM protesters, made up of the usual "anti everything" brigade were not forcibly removed from the streets.

But then I was confronted by a scene showing Victorian police armed with automatic shotguns, armalite rifles, and MP3 submachine guns opening fire on construction workers who were protesting the arbitrary closure of construction projects in Victoria. I think that the tradies had a fair point. Lockdowns seemed to be the only tactic that Dan Andrews had to control the spread of the Chinese invented virus. But the Victorian population was simply at the end of their tether and could not take another extension of the lockdowns any more.

All the Victorians had to do was look over the border at NSW's more successful approach, where Delta variant numbers were coming down while Victoria's were going up, and see NSW residents now being allowed to go to parks and beaches, and even invite friends to their homes. The real problem appeared to be, the lack of Victorian testing faculties as compared to NSW. NSW had twice the number of testing facilities as Victoria.

The sight of Victorian Police moving en masse through a park, should to shoulder, driving kids on scooters and skateboards out of the park was too much. So too, the massive police presence on Saint Kilda beach threatening ordinary people and arresting grandmothers made me wonder if I was still living in Australia?

I always thought that the proportion of people who do not want to be vaccinated was a small and insignificant minority, but I now acknowledge that I was probably wrong. Around 10% of the Queensland Police have refused vaccination and are now in danger of losing their jobs. Many more people are fully vaccinated but want an end to these damned lockdowns and border closures, right now. Heavy handed police measures on ordinary people opposing or protesting government policies must have a detrimental effect upon incumbent politicians at the next election.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 28 September 2021 8:20:15 AM
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