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The Forum > Article Comments > Liberal secularism is the answer to combatting terrorism > Comments

Liberal secularism is the answer to combatting terrorism : Comments

By Cameron Riley, published 2/9/2005

Cameron Riley argues given a choice, Muslim states will choose a liberal secular government.

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Dear Cameron: Voters will generally vote for a party that seems to deliver them a better life and this may well be a religious party irrespective of our prejudices.Yes, I also thought that Wahabism was behind the intolerance of Saudi Arabia until I learned that the small emirdom of Qatar is also Wahabist and Qatar is the most liberal of all Gulf states, the Emir finances Al Jazeera on which U.S and Israelis are often presented.And Algerians certainly voted for a religious party but the vote was anulled by the government hence the civil war. Most of the poor people in Iran vote for the conservative muslims because they feel that they would do more for the poor people.
But I would agree that theocracies or democracies who govern with an appeal to God are not a good thing and that applies to Christian theocracies - De Valeras Ireland,Franco's Spain- Jewish theocracy _Israel- and Muslim theocracies- Saudi Arabia. But perhaps we better start by putting our own house in order first before we criticise others?
Posted by Pluto, Sunday, 4 September 2005 4:39:25 PM
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Hope this fits in,

The German philosopher, Immanuel Kant declared when he became unhappy with the tactics of Napoleon, that there is now revealing proof that not one man, nor one nation, should ever again be trusted to rule the future world. Better a Federation of Nations, selected by all peoples of the globe.

We have instead, a unipolar nation with all the weaknesses that Kant had stressed. One nation, which declares it has the power to forbid all other nations opposing this power, revealing itself only as a reborn Rome which destroyed Carthage, and every person, and every building and everything the culture represented, states like Israel allowed to keep their puppet monarchs. How much the future Iraq, will be like those Roman subject states, though with US troops withdrawn, and a Dyarky democracy managed from the White House, with Israeli nuclear rockets right close by Iraq and ready.

We note the present White-House lineup, with Dick Cheney, not George Bush, much first in line - Cheney with Paul Wolfowitz masterminding the whole shebang since Gulf-War One.

Along with other neo-cons, American Zionists and ex-oil-executives like Condoleeza Rice, and to add again that the presence of corporation man, Dick Cheney, means that all the US slaughter, from up high, has been mostly for Iraqi oil.

And if it proves that the Iraqis will be double-crossed, our sons and daughters will inherit a world not ruled by British gunboat colonial diplomacy, but by US missiles all nuclear tipped, said by Pax Americana, the only way an angry world will be kept in order.

But world problems have reached the stage that they cannot be fixed by modern missiles, but by moral understanding. For our classic English grammar has become all mixed up - terms like “liberalism and rationalism”, when applied to freedom, do not mean a unipolar Americana corporatistic global takeover, but a “moderation in all things”, followed by the “freedom for the peoples of our world to share and share alike.”

George C, WA, Bushbred
Posted by bushbred, Saturday, 10 September 2005 5:38:51 PM
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