The Forum > Article Comments > What sort of Australia do I want? > Comments
What sort of Australia do I want? : Comments
By Don Aitkin, published 11/6/2021Actually, the Australia I live in is pretty good, if I compare it to other countries in which I've lived and/or worked.
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Navel gazing, over analysis, brought about by boredom.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 June 2021 9:11:53 AM
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However, if we must contemplate, there is one thing very obvious about 21st. Century Australia, and that is the loss of freedom inflicted on us by politicians' mishandling of the WuFlu. The debacle has put paid to all the myths about Australians being independent, self-reliant anti-authoritarians. These days, we could easily be subjects of Xi Jinping. We accept rule by unelected public servants without so much as a squeak.
Democracy has had the Richard in Australia, and it's our own fault. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 June 2021 9:33:32 AM
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I read the article and could identify with a great
deal that the author wrote. Homelessness and poverty is becoming a problem in this country and the sooner we tackle it the better. Communities seem to exist more in regional areas where people still know and support each other. However for young people jobs are a problem there - that's why the move to city areas, friends, and apartments. Families are so very important. They are the life blood of this nation. Still as the author points out we are lucky in so many ways in this country. Yes, we do have our problems, but we are working on them. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 11 June 2021 10:17:01 AM
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cont'd ...
Perhaps a more diverse Parliament might also help in bridging the gap in policy making and debate, and especially action? Posted by Foxy, Friday, 11 June 2021 10:18:48 AM
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What sort of Australia do I want? Not one that compares apples with oranges and concludes that the privileged elite aren't doing too bad!
Not one that like Don just turns a blind eye to social inequities, homelessness, postcode poverty etc? And concludes, in willfully blind conclusion, it ain't too bad when you compare us with the slums of Calcutta or the bloodsoaked streets of Myanmar or patently corrupt banana republics the world over? That said, we could do so much better if w were governed by semi-intelligent leadership rather than dummy spitting juvenile delinquents who just never matured? Just look as if they were adults rather than demented fools with tin ears and focused on just occupying the treasury benches? And spend as much of the taxpayers' dollars as they can get away with, to pork-barrel their way to that result? And refer to the population outside the halls of power as numbers? That can be sacrificed to satisfy the penny-wise bean counters. Word limitations mean I shall need to continue in TBC commentary just to say half of what could be done to make Australia the fairest most egalitarian society anybody has ever seen and the envy of every other nation, where poverty and unmet need are just painful memories? And where there are no losers! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 11 June 2021 11:30:36 AM
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Dear Alan B,
Your posts make mine look (what's the word I'm looking fpr - naive?). I'm not one of those "elites." My parents worked hard for everything they were able to achieve. And they passed those values onto us. I'm still grateful that we could achieve through hard work, honesty, and hopefully - merit. I'm not saying that Australia is perfect - but having lived and worked in the United States - I would not trade this country for America. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 11 June 2021 11:56:26 AM
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Cont. The Australia I want is one that just doesn't export its best people and their better ideas! Doesn't export its manufacturing sector to the biggest coercive bullies on the block and instead accepts foreign investment/ownership/control, in return for peanuts or an allegorical, forty pieces of silver?
The Australia I want is one where reticulated energy costs the consumer a cent PKWH or less! And where the most tax we any o us pay above a generous tax-free threshold is never ever more than 15%! And where water is supplied at actual cost from space-age desal. And pumped wherever need with new solar-powered inline innovation! That reduces the cost of pumping to cents rather than the dollars now committed. The Australia I want is predicated on the principles of cooperative capitalism. Given the future already visible is one where automation takes care of all distribution and all but eliminates the paper shuffling, profit demanding middleman from the distribution chain. And as with all automation, to be successful relies on the lowest costing energy! As for, can't be done? Can't died in a cornfield over a century ago. It's just his cousin, Nosir I Won't, that is alive and kicking, in spite of extreme old age and dribbling dementia. And we know when he's on the level, given he invariably dribbles equally from both sides. TBC. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 11 June 2021 11:59:17 AM
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Dear Foxy.
I also worked hard from dawn to dusk! And often in return for pitiful pennies. And was often too tired to even eat the evening meal. But fell asleep in it I didn't complete a single year of high school yet managed as graduating Medic, a result that broke a long-standing 70-year record and part of a validating public record. I've earned a living as a self-taught chemical engineer where I was praised as the best they'd had! And as an assayer who was used as the referee between waring chemists as to percentages of supplied mineral. And on the day I gave my notice, had the plant superintendent asked me, under what terms and conditions I would reverse that decision! And lastly, employed as a (my dream job) science assistant for a power authority. I never suggested that you or your family didn't earn their income. It's your kind that I truly respect! And people like the legendary Helen Keller who overcame the disability of profound deafness and blindness to advocate for the poor and downtrodden and those afflicted with disability! These are the people I identify with and speak for, given the talent that's there and currently spurned/wasted! People need to be judged on what they're still capable of, not what they can't do! I am currently confined to a wheelchair but I believe, my greatest and, I believe, world-changing achievement beckons. And given I survive long enough to see it done, will have done more for my fellow man than just about anyone you can name. And I assure you that I'm not simply big-noting. All that prevents, is current severe lack of capital. TBC. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 11 June 2021 12:40:05 PM
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What are we doing wrong, too much bleeding heart stuff is the problem. In the 50s you were expected to get on with it. There weren't all these people telling you you were hardly done by, you were told to suck it up & get on with it.
Tell people they are poor downtrodden folk, who should be given more help will only have them believing it, & accepting the role. What they need is a kick up the backside, & be told to go work for a living. This did happen in the 50s. We have hundreds or perhaps thousands of farmers & fruit growers plowing in crops & fallen fruit for the want of pickers. It is time to tell the bludgers & no hopers to go pick fruit, or the dole will be cut off. This is what happened even into the 60s. There should be no unemployment payments while there are jobs crying out for workers. Hell it might be time to lift the pension age a year or two, at least while there is work not being done. I was there in there 50s. There wasn't much money. Some kids still didn't have shoes even in cold Bathurst, but there was opportunity. It must have been a better place, there was never any worry, or danger, with me & other kids doing paper deliveries at 6.00 AM on our bikes, or riding off to town to our cleaning jobs at night. I was eleven when I turned up at home one afternoon with the pony I had bought with my earnings. It must have been a shock to my poor folks, but they helped me find somewhere to keep her. I never could afford a saddle, but mum made a rug for her out of flower sacks. Yes it was a much tougher world, but to my mind, a better world, where people did what was needed, rather than feel sorry for themselves & demand more handouts. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 11 June 2021 1:40:57 PM
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Hi ttbn:- both of your first two comments are spot on.
Hi Foxy:- I couldn't identify with anything the author wrote apart from the homelessness & poverty. The loss of community, destruction of the family, homelessness & poverty was caused by diversity, multiculturalism & marxist femi-nazism. Please explain to me how we can export jobs, import more workers, put women into the workforce at the same time, without creating more unemployment with more poverty & more homelessness? More diversity = More of the Same = More Poverty & More Homelessness. Hi Alan B:- You do realise that EVERYTHING you complained about is Labor, Liberal, Green & National party policy don't you? Hi Hasbeen:- An excellent, accurate comment as usual. Here is a thought everybody... ABS stats AND international stats CLEARLY shows that Australia has been getting sadder, sicker, angrier & poorer EVERY year since 1972. We have had MACRO economic growth with MICRO economic shrinkage. On a per capita basis, individual poverty has been increasing as the economy has grown. The ruling, left wing elitists have been getting richer & EVERYBODY else has been getting poorer. Changes in law & policy have made EVERYTHING get progressively worse for decades. The good ship Australia & all who sailed in her were getting happier, healthier & wealthier in 1951. The sinking ship Australia & most of us who sail in her are getting sadder, sicker, angrier & poorer in 2021. The science on this is settled. Posted by imacentristmoderate, Friday, 11 June 2021 4:16:08 PM
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I'm more optimistic about Australia than some of
you guys. I have to be. I write children's and young adult stories. I believe in their futures. And in this country. Life would be miserable otherwise. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 11 June 2021 5:19:38 PM
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Ah so, whatever improvement there is, is the result of superior right-wing management? And all the increases in poverty and poverty growth etc, are down to left-wing mismanagement?
Sorry but some of you dummies need to fact check before you put your moribund comments on paper. And instead of have the world merely suspect you are fools, open your mouths to remove all doubt. It's Polly want a cracker stuff that makes the parrot look like the intelligent adult in the room and explains why a nation once third wealthiest nation on earth and a debt-free creditor one at that had already slipped down to below thirty, already with record foreign and domestic debt and before the pandemic! Simply put, around thirty per cent of us understand economics. Another thirty per cent who understand politics. With the remaining forty per cent who understand neither. The latter cohort is the one that decides all elections. But, are an aging demographic being replaced by more thoughtful younger better educated demographic and the only hope this country has of not being mired in unrepayable debt until the twelfth of never. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 11 June 2021 5:59:59 PM
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You want to talk about homelessness, Don Aitkin? OK boy.
My unwed mother who worked for a living and I came damn near to "homelessness" in the early 60's and we lived mainly bedrooms rented by pensioners. Although assessed by the government as "most in need" of accomadotaion, we waited 6 years for a government flat in a block of 84 units. We moved in with all of our furniture. A folding card table, an ironing board, and a small black and white TV. The flat echoed because we had nothing to break up the sound. We slept on the concrete wrapped up in blankets. Our next door neighbors were well off British migrants who had lovely furniture which they had imported from Britain. They had waited two years for their government supplied flat. I will never forget my mother saying "The bloody government thinks more about foreigners than they do their own people." And that is the charge I level at you, Don. as another pro "refugee" bleeding heart, you think more about foreigners than you do your own people. Which is why I despise people like you so much. When the Sudanese "refugees" starting flooding Australia, people who seem to always be a problem and a burden, the Australian government went around Sydney suburbs buying houses for them. And then they gave them $15,000 per family to buy furniture. I'll be you supported that to the hilt because it made you feel good. And I will bet that most of them are still on the dole and will remain that way forever. And then you want to feel good about homeless people so you suggest that Australians are heartless because they are so many of them? Screw you. Money does not grow on trees and our welfare budget is already the biggest slice out of our economy. It will keep increasing until it is unsustainable. Shut down the "refugee" program almost entirely and only give refuge to those people who will not become an endemic burden on us. The money saved can be spent on our own homeless Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 12 June 2021 4:36:30 AM
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A sad situation you experienced, but one that should bring people like Don Aitkin and quite a few OLO posters down to earth, but probably won't, because they have spent their lives wrapped in cotton wool. Born during the war, I had a relatively lucky childhood. My father came from a poor family, but my mother was able to to build a brand new house for 700 pounds. One of my school friends was envious because I had two pairs of shoes. There was real poverty those days. The 'poorest' live like kings in comparison these days - on welfare, that didn't exist then. The whiners and whingers now wouldn't know if their arses were on fire. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 12 June 2021 9:27:26 AM
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I thought Don's short piece was pretty good.
We have been fortunate to benefit greatly the last 70 years, but the cosy days are over. increasing poverty and homelessness will explode should the current reliance upon debt ever end. Our govts are pretty impotent. We rightfully side with the US, but we merely hope the US knows what it is doing with the rightful backlash against the CCP Posted by Chris Lewis, Saturday, 12 June 2021 10:20:37 AM
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My parents along with mum's parents, fled the
Stalinist terror that occupied their native land of Lithuania and found themselves in the United Nation's refugee camps of displaced people after World War II in Germany. They joined the first wave of displaced Baltic people who were invited by then Labor Prime Minister Arthur Calwell to come and settle in Australia to help solve the acute labour shortage at the time. My parents like so many refugees at the time had to sign 2 year contracts with the government and had to go wherever they were sent. These were difficult times for everybody. My parents lost family members, their country, everything they valued. However, they worked hard for everything. And did not ask for anything from anyone. I was born in Bathurst, NSW and grew up in the Western suburbs of Sydney. Although I also had roots in the country from Bathurst, to Windsor, the Hawkesbury, the Hunter, Wagga Wagga, Albury, Wodonga. I loved the early days of life in Wentworthville/ Parramatta. Growing up I did not realise we were poor. Family was everything. I managed to work full time, raise a family, and finish uni - with the love and support of my husband and family. I firmly believe that the present is linked to the past. I believe in the importance of culture, education, and hard work. That was instilled in me by my parents. And it's something I have passed on to my children. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 12 June 2021 10:36:30 AM
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The sort of poverty that modern generations cannot even imagine was alleviated by cheap power, generated by fossil fuels. Hence, even the poorest, and those unable or unwilling to work can live a respectable life.
But the virtue signallers and posers want to put a stop to that; and when there is no wind and the sun isn't shining, there will be no expensive power, let alone cheap power. Most of the population will then be poverty stricken and really have something to moan about. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 12 June 2021 11:01:36 AM
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If your family were made refugees by Stalin and his Marxist comrades, Foxy, one wonders why you are so enamoured of policies the neo Marxist are now using to white ant out the country you fled too? Here is a Chinese woman in the USA indignantly ticking off her school board who want to introduce "critical race theory" to the kids at her kid's school. "Critical race theory" is what you support, don't you? You sent me a link to this anti white propaganda and I read it. Now it is your turn. The Chinese woman survived the Chinese "cultural revolution" and she sees "critical race theory as being the same thing. The only difference was that in China it was the middle class which was demonised as "the enemies of the people" Today the neo Marxists demonize white people, especially old white males. It is happening again and you can't see it. When the neo Marxists take over Australia in the same way that they have taken over the USA, using incoming waves of third world immigrants as their ever growing electorate, where are you and your family going to run too next? Don't think the neo Marxists want to demonise white people? Well just keep your eyes wired shut and don't look at these youtube video's. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 12 June 2021 11:10:34 AM
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Firstly, I was born, raised and educated in this country. My ancestry is Lithuanian. My family fled from Stalinist terror. I can't make it any clearer for you. As for me or my family members "running elsewhere?" how rude. Australia is our country, which we love and we would not live anywhere else. The bones of my family members are buried here. Why would you even ask such a thing? We have paid our dues. One final point - if you want me to continue with this discussion - please stop throwing labels around. Especially outmoded ones that to me bear no relevance. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 12 June 2021 11:34:28 AM
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The only good thing for me about living in Australia was i could come and go as I pleased. I could go when I had enough of my fellow Australians, come back i f a family member was near death etc. Now I can't to do that and Australia has no saving graces for me anymore.
As Clive James said on why he left, it's not that Australians are descended from criminals that is the problem, it's that they're descended from jailers. I never understood that, now it's so painfully obvious. More people in Australia are likely to die this year from Cat caused diseases (about 600 per annum) then will die from Covid. Posted by Valley Guy, Saturday, 12 June 2021 12:00:20 PM
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@ttbn "We accept rule by unelected public servants without so much as a squeak."
I don't blame the politicians at all, when Australians had a say they overwhelming supported the jailers. The Feds have to pay attention or they will lose severely. I use the term Australians but are we ? We've balkanised and even the Courts when asked, have supported this. Were not really a nation but a bunch of little fiefdoms. A repugnant situation, Posted by Valley Guy, Saturday, 12 June 2021 12:06:33 PM
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Foxy:- What do you think life in Australia will be like after the Stalinists take over?
The Stalinist plan involves colonising the entire planet by 2049. Australia could be colonised between 2021 & 2027. Or they could follow the Apostle Paul Keating's advice & "do us slowly". Or leave Australia's colonisation until last. Why do you support policies that are encouraging Stalinism, assisting Stalinism & protecting Australian Stalinists from prosecution for their treasonous crimes? Hi Alan B:- Did you read my comment? There have been NO improvements in ANYTHING from ANYWHERE on the political spectrum. Only deliberate, premeditated sabotage from the ruling, left wing elitists who "serve foreign powers". BTW:- Australia wasn't the 3rd wealthiest nation on earth. Australia was #1, or had the highest standard of living on planet earth before 1972. Hi Chris Lewis:- NOBODY on Australain soil has benefitted from ANYTHING other than the 100% evil, ruling, left wing elitists, but you already knew that didn't you. #SSITSA #SueSocialistsIntoTheStoneAge Posted by imacentristmoderate, Saturday, 12 June 2021 12:08:54 PM
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I like what Billy Graham once said:
"I'm not for the Right Wing or the Left Wing - I'm for the whole bird." " The culture war that so defines current debates between the right and the left sides of politics has its history in the barmy theory of "cultural Marxism." A uniting theory for right wingers who love to play the victim. " Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 12 June 2021 12:46:05 PM
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"Hi Chris Lewis:- NOBODY on Australain soil has benefitted from ANYTHING other than the 100% evil, ruling, left wing elitists, but you already knew that didn't you".
Ok you sound like a genius, but I am ….ed knowing what u r on about. Good work. Posted by Chris Lewis, Saturday, 12 June 2021 1:34:43 PM
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Pretty sure Liberal are in power, but I may be wrong.
Pretty sure that Coalition has governed at the federal level for most of last 70 years. Did not realise that Coalition is socialist. Posted by Chris Lewis, Saturday, 12 June 2021 1:49:03 PM
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Hi Foxy:- Cultural Marxism isn't a theory. It's a well documented, scientifically proven fact.
BTW:- What makes you think I'm playing the victim? You are, that's what cultural marxists do. Q, Please explain why the Stalinist Party of Russia was anti-feminism & the Stalinist Party of Australia was pro-feminism at exactly the same time in history, if both parties are supporting the same INTERNATIONAL socialist ideology? A-1, The Stalinist Party of Russia was being patriotic, because they knew that feminism is anti-social, anti-community & anti-family. A-2, The Stalinist Party of Australia was being anti-patriotic, because they knew that feminism is anti-social, anti-community & anti-family. But you already knew that didn't you? Hi Chris Lewis:- It's very simple. Before 1972 Australia was the richest nation on earth, on a per capita basis. There was much LESS poverty than there is today. The stats CLEARLY show this. The gap between rich & poor was narrowing between 1788 & 1972. The gap between rich & poor was widening after 1972 & still is. Thanks to the ruling, left wing elitists. Posted by imacentristmoderate, Saturday, 12 June 2021 2:05:34 PM
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Dear Foxy, just ignore those who just label everything not in their lunatic fringe/ extreme right-wing camp as being leftie or Marxist! Why some even think that the national socialists of wartime Germany were actual socialists! Or that the Liberal government, are actual Liberals or true to label!
You're never going to win this argument, when those you are debating are misguided, brainwashed fools who decide that black is white and white is black! If it supports their rationale. And I use the word advisably, given rational is for them, an oxymoron if ever there was one. Take a bopeep at the other thread where I've mistakenly commented as if it were this thread. Take care, Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 12 June 2021 5:56:29 PM
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Dear Alan B,
Good advice. See you on another discussion. Stay safe. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 12 June 2021 7:45:16 PM
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Dear Foxy & Alan B:- You do realise that after Communist China takes over, that leftists like you will be the first people put up against the wall, don't you?
There will be no safe space for you, after Australia is part of the UCSR. Posted by imacentristmoderate, Saturday, 12 June 2021 8:01:23 PM
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To Alan B.
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." Adolph Hitler. (Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by John Toland, "Adolf Hitler", 1977, p. 306) " I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist to councillor Ensler." Adolph Hitler. "We were dying by our millions to destroy a system of government almost identical to our own."From the book "The Forgotten Soldier", by Guy Sajer, a personal account of a German soldier fighting in the Soviet Union. To Foxy. It absolutely staggers me to realise that your family escaped from Marxism in Lithuania to Australia, and now that the Marxists are resurgent throughout the western world, you can't even see it? Not only that, you support their policies because you have been conditioned by your university peer group to think that their policies are "progressive", and that progressive humanitarians support these policies? There are more than one way to take over a country, Foxy. You don't always need the Red Army. All you need is a population with too many idealistic useful fools who can be coerced through peer group pressure to think that utopia is achievable, if only you support policies meant to destroy your own dominant and superior democratic culture. Make democracy unworkable through changing population demographics and civil war will result. Look at the USA right now to see a portent of Australia's future. Once again I ask. Where the hell are you going to run too when the neo Marxists use multiculturalism to destroy democracy in this country? Which kind of socialist totalitarianism do you prefer? Right wing or left wing? Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 13 June 2021 2:45:15 AM
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Hi LEGO:- Lying "for the good of the party" is "in their DNA".
Leftists are beyond any hope of redemption or rehabilitation. A better title for this article might have been... "What sort of nation does Australia NEED to become or return to being, in order to have some hope of surviving both radical, extreme leftism & radical, extreme islamism? : Comments" Posted by imacentristmoderate, Sunday, 13 June 2021 8:09:56 AM
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ttbn, makes a very good point. Our most prosperous period came when we had cheap energy! And is the way forward today! And given w can reticulate MSR thorium at around a cent PKWH! Always providing it isn't asked to carry unproductive elements or incompetent governments. And if privatised? The only privatised model that cannot carry profit demanding passengers, is the cooperative capitalism model or energy co-ops!
Co-ops that will need to be financed and facilitated by Government! And as the preferred paradigm, would be the template for all other social amenity and utilities, reticulated water gas etc! And a rejuvenated manufacturing sector! And the only way to guarantee an economic recovery on steroids along with full employment and another period of unprecedented prosperity. Given this economic model make every one dollar in the domestic economy do the work of at least seven! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 13 June 2021 11:23:18 AM
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Hasbeen. Handouts mate, like welfare for the rich, negative gearing and reduced capital gains, all paid for one way or another by the taxpayer.
And let's not forget those who land bank then wait for until rezoning to provide an entirely unearnt bonanza that they acquire will sitting on their broad backsides. What are any of the above handouts by another name, to folk already very comfortable thank you! And have the nerve to critique abandoned single mums and the poor and downtrodden as if they chose that lifestyle!? I mean would you chose to swap with any of the aforementioned! None of who would necessarily be poor or even need government handouts, if we but adopted win/win, cooperative capitalism as this nation's (fair go mate) economic template going forward! You're pretty good at kicking them while they're down, ain't you pal!? Victim blaming gets your rocks off for you, does it? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 13 June 2021 12:32:19 PM
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For a change of pace, what I want is an homogeneous country, like the one we had in the 50s. One where almost everyone wanted the same thing, an opportunity to make good from their own efforts. But not only make good, but to feel part of something, part of the whole.
After years in the Pacific islands I was planning to go to Tahiti. I had not been that far east, & many I met who had come from that direction said it was great, & & the people nothing like the French of New Caledonia, a place I found unpleasant. I had spent months researching the best route for a yacht sailing very much to windward in the trades, & arranging the availability of cash in the places I was likely to stop off. But a growing need to go home changed all that. I had developed a need to walk down a street where I disappeared, where everyone looked, acted, & probably thought basically like me. I did not want to stand out in the crowd, as I did in island communities, I wanted to be part of that homogeneous community that was my Oz. I came back into Cairns, & it felt like home. And for a while it was. Townsville, Gladstone, Bundaberg OK, but Brisbane had changed, & Sydney was much worse. Sydney was as much a foreign place Suva. A train in Sydney could be a train anywhere in Asia. How anyone can think such a disparate mob of people can be good for the future of a nation state I can't believe. It suits only those who was to change Oz for ever into a conglomerate pile of god knows what. At least my country town is not too much effected, yet. I can still find the old Australian spirit, but for how much longer, is a nasty question. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 13 June 2021 12:44:45 PM
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I'm with you. Multiculturalism, diversity, same sex marriage, indecipherable foreign accents on the 'phone, anti-white racism, the climate change scam, people telling me I shouldn't be saying any of these things. Bugger the lot of them. Glad I'm on the way out. The only thing I regret is not being around to see them all getting screwed for their stupidity and freezing in the dark. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 13 June 2021 1:25:03 PM
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Alan B,
The Nazi's or national socialists were true socialists in the very definition of the word. The main reason they and the Soviets didn't get along was because they were competing in the same pool. Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 14 June 2021 4:52:53 AM
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I'll merely comment that I was friendly with two men who lived (separately) on the riverside at Brisbane's West End for many years. One of them was one of the most contented people I've ever met. The other one preferred dossing to alternatives, although after maybe 6-7 years he did accept an offer of a flat.
Posted by Faustino, Monday, 14 June 2021 12:33:52 PM
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One lesson I have learned in my life (which included 16 years in Singapore/Malaysia) is to ask a simple question when people talk about Australia:
"Compared to where are we more/less (insert topic du jour)." There is a kind of parochialism in Australia that avoids comparisons. Our discussions are poorer for that. Posted by Anthony Bishop, Monday, 14 June 2021 2:46:30 PM
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I'd like the sort of Australia we had before the Labor Party dismantled it !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 16 June 2021 6:55:43 AM
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An Australia where merit is rewarded instead of the other way round !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 16 June 2021 7:26:59 AM
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Thanks for your contributions Don really important that we are looking at alternatives to the foreign policy we are stuck with and all the associated risks and repercussions. Currently a national Inquiry into these issues is underway and your articles especially the one on an alternative foreign policy of armed neutrality would be a great addition. I hope you will have a look at the website and enter a submission.
Posted by annb, Monday, 21 June 2021 9:34:17 AM