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Is Christianity a cult? : Comments

By Peter Bowden, published 10/6/2021

The US is the most religious of all developed countries, with a widespread belief in the existence of god, yet it has created these crazy cults.

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Ok, thanks for the history lesson, but that doesn't mean you're correct when you say Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medical Science was invented by the Presbyterian Churches of Scotland & Holland.
Clearly human beings had progressed their knowledge in many of these fields a lot earlier than 1536.

You could probably argue that the Presbyterian Church was instrumental in helping bring these thing into modernity, but you can't argue they invented it.

And what of it?
What are you saying the Presbyterian church holds the patent on doing nice things?

John Calvin's theology was derived from Saint Augustine's theology 1000 years earlier anyway.

Furthermore I think it should be put it into perspective.
And that is that they didn't even have books other than hand written ones until just a few decades earlier.
Metal movable-type printing press was introduced to Europe from China around 1450.
The whole era was the Renaissance, which itself came about from the rediscovery of classical Greek philosophy.
Later we got modern banking, then the French Revolution.

And I don't even know why any of this even matters to be honest...
What does this STEMM have to do with anything anyway?
Why did you even bring it up?
What's your point?

>>The "CLASSICS" which was "Greco-Roman" history. These PROTEST-ant Christians wanted to understand how these societies rose up & then fell. What mistakes did the Greeks & Romans make?<<
- Go read Plato's 'The Republic' and find out.

I'm not sure I'm in the mood right now for Communists and Jacobins
- But you go right ahead.

What You're Not Supposed to Know About America's Founding
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 15 June 2021 9:46:37 PM
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The bottom line is that Calvinism still supported Predestination.

And that's the thing that annoys me about Christians.
"Predestination, in Christian theology, is the doctrine that all events have been willed by God, usually with reference to the eventual fate of the individual soul."

What does that mean to me?

Lets go back to Christians saying 'Jesus will protect me from Covid'.
Believing that 'If I do get COVID then that's God's will' so it doesn't matter what I do.
And 'If I get COVID and spread it to others and they die, then that's God's will too.'
These people are in heaven now - Lets celebrate!

This whole 'Pray and let God do the worrying' crap.
This whole idea that it doesn't matter what happens, it's all Gods will.

This whole ignorant selfish attitude, that has no concern of the harm you may do to others.

That's what I hate and the part that shows me your religious ideology is flawed and therefore also a cult.

- And nothing you've blabbered on with changes that.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 15 June 2021 9:58:53 PM
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Hi Armchair Critic, in your zeal to attack a perceived enemy & continue clinging to leftist theology, you have forgotten some things.

1, The "Dark Ages", which followed the "Fall of Rome". Q, I wonder where that came from, or who did it? A, Islamic Jihad is the primary culprit.

2, The Presbyterian Church DOES "hold the patent on doing nice things". IF leftists are copying Presbyterian Church morals, ethics, principles word for word, then claiming good deeds done by the Presbyterian Church as something leftists did. Which BTW is exactly what leftism has been doing for hundreds of years.

3, Please show me where i said in any comment "i was currently a member of the Presbyterian Church". I'm not & i don't believe in predestination either. Many conservative christians DON'T believe in predestination. Just giving credit where credit is due.

4, The Chinese have thousands of characters in their language as opposed to english with only 26 letters in the alphabet. The Chinese were using carved blocks of wood to print a character on the page, just like a "rubber stamp" you might have ordered from a stationary store to print your name & address on the back of a snail mail envelope.

It was Gutenberg who invented the printing press, but you already knew that didn't you?

5, The Renaissance or Enlightenment ALL flow on from the PROTEST-ant Christian Reformation. For 1,500 years there where plenty of decent, honest christians who were complaining about corruption in the Roman Catholic Church. But the RC church controlled the education system & "worked with" the "ruling, leftist elites" of their day.

Gutenberg's printing press allowed Martin Luther's critique of Roman Catholicism to get out to the educated, middle classes.

After the Presbyterian Church began educating EVERYBODY & other PROTEST-ant Churches followed suit, the Reformation & Enlightenment went into overdrive.

ALL christianity, NOT leftism.

6, Why aren't you attacking leftists for continuing with sporting events, yartistic events & leftist rallies which have ALL spread the Communist Chinese virus on multiple occasions ALL over the planet + in this country as well?
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Wednesday, 16 June 2021 11:46:03 AM
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"Hi Armchair Critic, in your zeal to attack a perceived enemy & continue clinging to leftist theology, you have forgotten some things."

Do you look at the links I post?

Hey many leftists do you know that post content from The John Birch Society LOL
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 16 June 2021 5:00:09 PM
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Hi Armchair Critic, Do you ever actually read what i type & think about it a bit?

I'm well aware of the John Birch Society & i did watch that YouTube video, which contained good information, i already knew about. Here is some more for you along the same lines. Please consider these questions carefully before answering.

Is communism culturally cancerous, or has EVERY tiny detail of left wing theology been carefully designed to destroy EVERYTHING you & i hold dear?

If you had cancer would you want the surgeon to remove 100% of the tumor, or leave 10% of the tumor behind, so that it can steadily regrow & still kill you prematurely, or severely damage your quality of life?

Have you ever followed the breadcrumbs of history further backwards before 1748 to see where left wing theology or the endarkenment originated?

Consider these dates in history carefully...


Do you see a pattern forming here?

Do you think that 500 years ago the left wing authoritarians or 1% of Britain & Europe wanted to just give up feudalism for PROTEST-ant Christian Democracy or give "power to the people"?

What do you think the response was & is feudalism still with us in the form of leftism?
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Thursday, 17 June 2021 2:17:45 AM
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Thank you all, I am the author..
But you did not answer the request to all who commented to give an explanation for this issue:
The question arises then that if the US has generated a high percentage of the world's cults why has it done so, and is this the reason why a very religious country has such inadequate social practices- more killings, more public executions, inadequate health systems?

Two possible explanations are put forwardin the article but commenters are urged to put their own explanations forward.
Peter Bowden
Posted by PeterBo, Thursday, 17 June 2021 6:30:35 PM
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