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The Forum > Article Comments > The Government's AstraZeneca about face: humble pie but no apology to Craig Kelly > Comments

The Government's AstraZeneca about face: humble pie but no apology to Craig Kelly : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 12/4/2021

He said that 'just because the Australian government may have put most of their eggs in the AstraZeneca basket, this is no reason to continue jabbing Australians with this vaccine'.

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Craig Kelly for PM, I say.

He couldn't do worse that Scottie and far better than Albo.
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 12 April 2021 8:43:05 AM
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Does anyone still believe that Australian governments have done a good job on the China virus and that our relative lack of suffering was due to nothing but small population, geography and good luck? Or that, if the same governments keep up mass immigration and importation of foreign students that all the advantages we had in the China virus crisis will go out the door, and we won't be so lucky next time?
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 12 April 2021 9:06:13 AM
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Will Craig Kelly get the full apology he deserves, it will be a measure of those who attacked him to see if they are man enough, & yes I mean man enough.

It appears the government still want to get rid of their lousy purchase by sticking the stuff into the elderly, those least able to handle cloys at any time. Yep they certainly have no brownie points left, & are rapidly acquiring a burden.

I'm waiting for my apology from SR. He attacked me very strongly when I said I won't be getting the jab with a totally unproven hastily fabricated chemical cocktail.

How long do you reckon it will take?
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 12 April 2021 1:40:15 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

Mate that isn't what you said at all. You were very definitive.

"I'll be only getting the "jab" if they find some way of forcing me too."

Now you lot of buggers have banged on about evidence regarding GW for years. Bu when the data still hadn't landed Kelly was crowing about all kinds of whacky conspiracy theories including using things like zinc as alternative treatments.

There was aleady some concern in Europe about the AstraZeneca virus and Kelly jumped on the bandwagon as part of his anti-vaxx shtick. He wasn't and still isn't any kind of guru and it was the data which has brought about changes.

Th point should be made though Morrison's government went with the cheapest on offer yet you lot won't hold them to account. Why do you think that is?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 12 April 2021 5:44:19 PM
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Can a lefty even lie straight in bed?

It certainly doesn't look like it.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 12 April 2021 6:21:20 PM
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Nobody knows the long term effects of these vaccines.
I’ve seen some disturbing photos of people fitting or having uncontrollable shakes
after getting these vaccines. With one eye dropped like after a stroke.

Because Australia is not experiencing high numbers of deaths from Covid and we don’t have
as much pressure on us to rush to get these vaccines, couldn’t Australia, wait and see what
the longer term effects of the vaccines might be
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 11:57:17 PM
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