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A matter of scale : Comments

By Peter McMahon and Gabriel Trew, published 26/8/2020

The worst of the problems that beset the world currently are essentially due to one cause: a shift in the basic ways of civilization from national to global scale.

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To Individual- I think we are pretty much on the same page on this issue. And I think Hasbeen would be too- but he has seen a lot of failures- and he has probably had a personal stake in some of these. I respect his experience enormously- I feel somewhat inadequate here- but I can't give up on our future.

It's good to go back to the initial statement of the article here..."The worst of the problems that beset the world currently are essentially due to one cause: a shift in the basic ways of civilization from national to global scale."

I like your movie quote.

I often come back to the idea of the traditional parish or village community and think that perhaps we had in some sense more freedom in these traditional villages than we do now- despite our supposed enlightenment. Mass culture by it's nature is repressive and Liberalism despite it's claims is a mass repressive culture.

Going with your movie theme... Sadly as in the Charlton Heston movie Soylent Green- too many people and not enough food required eating people- Liberalism is destroying the people it claims to represent- people need traditions- sadly the more "Mill" freedom we have the more people we have, the more waste we have- the more a mass totalitarian culture is justified. Ironically economic freedom could be the biggest repressor.

In many cases Australia doesn't need other countries- we can look after ourselves and those in our immediate sphere and be self sufficient and independent and strong and free of the influence of others.

If other countries want something we can provide we can come to an arrangement on terms that suit both of us
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 31 August 2020 3:03:37 AM
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In security affairs we look to our kin and "others like us" in concentric circles try to negotiate with our enemies knowing that on some things we will never agree without struggle. Hopefully we can find a way to stay out of each others way. If we have to go to war to protect our way of life then it is our duty to fight courageously for our ancestors and our descendants.

Totalitarianism is a powerful monolithic force- but would you want to live on in such a world- even if you could. Sometimes such as in a military unit dictatorship is necessary to overcome an even greater evil.

On another point-

I was reading about 2nd and 3rd generation solar panels (thin film and organic polymer) that don't need silica- still in development and are of lower efficiency. There is some research going on with Fullerene C60 at Aussie Uni's- sadly and surely- soon to be offshored.

Hasbeen said something about a lot of research being done at Aussie Uni's only to be offshored at the profit stage. So much for open research principles.

Anyway I agree with you point "if you don't want Japan to buy it- don't sell it" and it's application to China- If we don't support China's geo-political activities then we shouldn't sell to them (and enable China Geo-Politics)- but you can be sure many communists in Australia do.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 31 August 2020 3:17:56 AM
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Canem Malum,
I think that unfortunate Australian trait of a 'quick buck' is what stifles any attempts by people not caught up in in that mentality. Of course it's not an Australian only mentality but here it is dominated by its own people.
There appears to be a greater focus on exploitation than grasping genuine opportunities.
Even Govt incentives designed for people in need are invariably hijacked & exploited by some which invariably brings around the failure & collapse of the scheme.
The 'fair Go' catch-cry is something that's constantly proclaimed but hardly practised.
Whatever could be described as Australian has all been killed off by 'successful' multiculturalism ! By people whose allegiance is not to this Nation !
Posted by individual, Monday, 31 August 2020 7:57:53 AM
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To Individual-

I suspect that the view of the insidious immigrant may just be the correct one- history is a list of these battles- the diplomat at court is really just a spy with their own interest. You can really only relate to people that are like you- some cooperation is really coercion- it's all relative- excuse the pun.

As to Australian's- fear does interesting things to people (hence the quick buck)- there are dangers but- they need to be reminded- the greatest fear is fear itself.

Modern government is a blunt instrument- you can't expect it to exercise finesse.

Individual on many issues we have had different views- as is indicated by dialogue on other threads- but I've enjoyed this discussion. Thanks
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 1 September 2020 3:16:58 AM
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