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The Forum > Article Comments > Writing to the Queen > Comments

Writing to the Queen : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 28/7/2020

One side of the dispute, which continues, says that they show how the Queen was deeply involved in the dismissal. The other says that the letters absolve the Palace from any involvement.

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Yes Bronwyn

None other than unionist expert Bob Hawke
Was an alleged contact of Labour Attache, US Embassy, Canberra
An alleged slot for the ___

Check out the 14th/15th paragraph of

"Is Bob Carr a Spy?"

Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 11:37:16 AM
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Steve S,

I was around when all this happened, and I can tell you, you're blinded by your ideologies.
Try to think with a clear mind and you will see that, even if there were other alternatives, it was not illegal or unconstitutional to apply the eventual choice.
In my opinion, did the Queen know what was going on?
Of course she did and rightly so, the red-necks and plebs of this country, can't stand having to be beholding to a "MONARCH".
She inherited all that belonged to her father, the moment he died, and whether YOU like it or not, that included ALL the countries owned by the British Empire, OR, her father The KING, at that moment!
So get over yourself and just accept and be grateful that we have had an independent entity quite within her right to influence the direction and stability of one of her countries.
The thing about The Queen is that she did not really want the job, but being the true mature and responsible person that she is, she took on the job and has been the most lauded and successful at her job compared to every other leader or dictator both current and historically.
The idiots who push for a republic, stupidly, ignorantly, arrogantly, and immaturely think that somehow they are going to pick an honest, considerate, mature and objective person as opposed to all the con-men and charlatans that would apply for the job.
As for your pathetic and petulant attempt at an example, if the tables were turned, well thankfully the libs even though they are still con-men and charlatans, they would have been less bogan about the way they went about skimming/scamming as that buffoon Whitless did!
You and your running mates better hope that Charles is not the buffoon he appears to be.
As long as we have someone like Queen Elizabeth watching over us, we can focus on trying to stop the absolute pigs breakfast created and promoted by our so called leaders and how they are managing to stuff up this country, by treasonous acts.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 11:44:08 AM
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