The Forum > Article Comments > Woked in fright: the brief banning of Fawlty Towers > Comments
Woked in fright: the brief banning of Fawlty Towers : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 15/6/2020Floyd's death has propelled a movement that has capitalised on a publicised event of police brutality in the United States to re-order matters and sort out grievance across the board.
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Thanks Binoy for another news story.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Monday, 15 June 2020 8:29:09 AM
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The new order will live amongst the ruins of their own making. will the rest of us, if anything remains unburned from their riotous behaviour. Dan Posted by diver dan, Monday, 15 June 2020 9:31:57 AM
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History cannot be 'erased' by morons, thugs and vandals. The only people who will suffer from the rewriting of history are the woke idiots themselves, who are going to end up living in a horrible world, dominated by China or Islam, whichever wipes the other out. There will be no Western values left to protect them. Those of us who were part of much of the history these jerks despise will be dead and gone, thankfully.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 15 June 2020 9:35:03 AM
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Exactly what proportion of human populations are susceptible to fanaticism is an interesting question. But one thing is certain, a significant proportion of people who think that way really does exist. Psychologists and psychiatrists classify such people as having "Absolutist" personalities. Morality can only be black and white, 50 shades of grey are anathema.
The most striking thing about Absolutists is their total lack of humour. At one point in history in Imperial France, where right wing Absolutist fanatics held absolute power, Voltaire noted how utterly without wit or intelligence the right wing fanatics were. And how smart and wity were their left wing opponents. Today it is the left wing fanatics who seem to have seized the reins of power and today they are censoring and editing everything in the media which offends them with a relish that the old time right wing fanatics in Imperial France would have grudgingly admired. Remember when those stupid Muslim fanatics running Iran banned "The Muppet Show" because one character in the show was Miss Piggy, and "pigs are haram?" But you would expect those particular morons to think that way. But here we are, 2020 in the enlightened western world, and a new generation of Absolutist idiot fanatics are banning "Gone with the Wind" and "Faulty Towers" for being guilty of today's Absolute Cardinal Sin, Racism. The funniest thing about banning comedies for their unacceptable "racism" is that when shown on Germany TV, the Germans laughed their heads off at "Faulty Towers" and "Hogans Heroes." They especially loved the Faulty Towers episode on the visiting German tourists. Intelligent people don't take themselves too seriously and they know how to laugh at themselves. Despite what today's educated elitists think about themselves, fanaticism about any PC subject is in no way a mark of high intelligence. Quite the opposite. It is refreshing to note that even arch liberal Binoy Kampmark is beginning to figure out just how wacky his politically correct leftist movement has become. Don't mention the war, Binoy. Posted by LEGO, Monday, 15 June 2020 10:15:04 AM
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I actually think laughing at ourselves helps break don racism.
classic shows include Mind Your Language, and Love thy Neighbor. Mind Your Language was my favorite. Absolute classic Posted by Chris Lewis, Monday, 15 June 2020 10:37:56 AM
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"History cannot be 'erased' by morons, thugs and vandals. " Yes, I agree, on the 'Left' or the Right. And what is fascinating about history - as you live it, which we are always doing - is that you never really know what is coming next, and certainly not in terms of the next decades or (I presume, since I won't witness it) centuries. But being a Panglossian, I'd suggest that, apart from the odd hiccup, we are usually living in the best of all possible worlds. We'll get through all these tribulations and come out stronger and smarter. Well, most of us. Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 15 June 2020 11:56:14 AM
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I agree with those who want this stuff gone! It should be in museums and shown to students who want to know, what primitive people we once were?
One recalls how we, the right-minded folk of this land, assisted with the removal in South Africa of Apartied, with the use of sporting boycotts that worked when nothing else had! There's just one race, the human race. All other difference is strickly cultural and learned! Time we stopped racism and attacking/punishing folk for the crime of being poor, downtrodden, different or selectively disadvantaged on political grounds alone! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 15 June 2020 12:31:07 PM
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I see that the article mentions n-ggers.
This has long been a BANNED word for OLO comments, attracting the red comment "Remove the profanity." Is n-ggers IN CONTEXT OK for articles but not, IN CONTEXT, OK for comments? For example, a few weeks ago, I was trying to point out that in the Queensland Parliament Hansard, in 1957, page 877, a Member of Parliament, Mr Jesson asks "I have been trying to discover the n-gger in the woodpile." Find that banned word in full by using Control-F for Hansard document . You will also see that OLO banned n-gger word in full on pages 876 and 878. So, is n-ggers IN CONTEXT OK for today's article. OK for the Queensland Parliamentary Hansard, but not, IN CONTEXT, OK for OLO comments? Just asking. Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 15 June 2020 12:59:01 PM
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You and I have seen the best times. I am very glad about that. But those times are over, and it will be all downhill from here. As I said, I'm even gladder(?) that I won't be around to see what the nutters are bringing down on themselves. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 15 June 2020 1:14:08 PM
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I don't fear the future about race and culture.
in fact, I am writing a piece now about how Australia will flourish, albeit I strongly disagree with those simpletons on the left that would have us rewrite history. We are right to both question the past, and celebrate our historical progress. That is how Australia will remain a great society that comprises many races. Posted by Chris Lewis, Monday, 15 June 2020 1:39:03 PM
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Thanks, Chris, for maintaining an admirable level of bloody sense.
Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 15 June 2020 1:47:15 PM
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Joe, I have to say writing a piece on race and culture will probably be the hardest piece I have ever undertaken.
We will see what reaction I get or provoke Posted by Chris Lewis, Monday, 15 June 2020 2:39:27 PM
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If there is only one race, the human race, Alan B, then I expect you to agree that the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs should be disbanded, saving the Australian taxpayer $30 billion dollars p.a.
But you won't. One of the contradictions of so called "anti racists" is that they claim race does not exist when convenient, and then claim that it does exist when it means giving money to these supposedly non existent races to buy their votes. Posted by LEGO, Monday, 15 June 2020 3:18:20 PM
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Probably because funds are allocated on the basis of need, not 'race'. And, as it happens, people with an Indigenous historical, social, economic and geographical background, are deemed to have greater needs. I wonder how all that $ 30b. compares with the total annual welfare budget. Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 15 June 2020 4:15:49 PM
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allocated on the basis of need, not 'race'.
Loudmouth2, Well, I have seen a lot more 'needy' non-indigenous than indigenous, alas ! Out of those $30billion you'll find more likely than not 15 billion if not more go towards $150,000p/a plus salary bureaucrats, both non-indigenous & indigenous ! Full-on waste is another massive component. The meagre left-overs go to actual projects & infrastructure awarded to out-of-town contractors. It really shouldn't come as a big surprise to anyone when you consider that a basic $200,000 house in the South becomes a million Dollar house in the communities ! Freight costs are out of hand due to the insane registration/insurance costs/fuel taxes imposed by State Govts. I always cringe when I hear people say how much money is spent on the indigenous because the truth is that most funding is sponged away by bureaucracy before it actually gets distributed ! Posted by individual, Monday, 15 June 2020 5:22:38 PM
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Time we stopped racism and attacking/punishing folk for the crime of being poor, downtrodden, different or selectively disadvantaged on political grounds alone!
Alan B., Yeah, tell that to the racists & ask them to stop bleating victim ! Those who are bending ar$e over backwards to try & make things better for all are being attacked left, right & centre & branded racists by the racists ! Posted by individual, Monday, 15 June 2020 11:27:28 PM
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! thank goodness Alf Garnett, Albert Steptoe and Benny Hill are all ok!. Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 15 June 2020 11:49:17 PM
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I've been following things from afar, and have not seen any topic worth wasting time on, and this is just another one of them.
The only reason I decided to lean forward and type in a comment is because I would like to ask all those wise and knowledgeable commentors on OLO, a question. And that is; WHO WAS THE GUY WHO SAID "BLACK LIVES DON"T MATTER"? Hmmmmmm? As for giving consideration to the mantra, I suspect that the very few people who are carrying on like zombies in these protests, have done the cause a major dis-service, as the rest of the population (in any country), is not participating nor are they showing any sympathy or empathy for what is clearly a mindless out of control mob, smashing, burning, looting and generally conducting themselves in a manner which brings into focus, the answer to another question all blacks and their sympathisers ask; WHY IS IT THAT THE NUMBER OF BLACKS IN JAIL ARE MANY TIMES MORE THAN THE WHITES? Just asking. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 1:08:44 AM
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point well taken. Who are the protesters aiming their scorn at? I think the answer is, those wise and sensible not participating in the tantrumonious exhibition of spoilt children. Dan Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 7:56:38 AM
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Altrav asked;
WHY IS IT THAT THE NUMBER OF BLACKS IN JAIL ARE MANY TIMES MORE THAN THE WHITES? There is an answer, but it is too much non PC & "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT !" Watch Sky News tonight at 8PM. It won't provide the answer you are looking for as those that know cannot say and even Sky News after dark are too frightened. Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 5:09:46 PM
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Bazz, I don't know what to believe any more.
Apparently we (the white settlers, past and present) are being attacked and vilified for caring about the welfare and well-being of the blacks. Let's face it, if we were/are the cruel and un-caring villains they accuse us of being, they would not have been given the benefits and assistance, financial and social, that they have been the ungrateful recipients of. They continually spruik about how hard done by they are and how we don't let them rule themselves. Their continual demands only serve to annoy everyone and turn the people against them. Just look at NZ, classic example of PC gone wrong, with the Mauri people rejecting the "white man's" laws and giving everyone a hard time. One of the things that annoy me is that ALL protests, not just the blacks, consist of a poofteenth of the population. If the cause was valid and justified, you would get one hell of a turn-out like 60 or 70% of the population, not 0.0001%. Such numbers mean nothing, only a bunch of out of control noisy entitled and selfish people with a self serving agenda. I hear them say they want self rule, well I for one reject such a completely unjustified demand. This country was taken over by foreigners, many years ago, just like every other country in the world. We are the people that we are, and many years ago it was decided that we were going to be a multicultural country. Personally I think they stuffed it up, but here we are today, and the one thing that the govt's must not cede to is any one group wanting special treatment and privileges over another, as it will incite such violence and acrimony as we have not yet witnessed. So I say to all, this is Australia, not aboriginalia, so you are free to practice your particular lifestyle and religion, as long as you abide by AUSTRALIAN laws. I question the blacks demands for self rule, because they allege they are the only ones who know all about themselves. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 7:22:48 PM
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A thought on this vein, all people originated in a part of Africa,
We all went somewhere else, and some arrived earlier one spot along the way. We then moved onto the next spot on the way, and so on and on. Finally, some arrived in what is now known as Australia. Behind those first ones came a number of others. Why do the 23rd arrivals have such a thing about the 2nd last arrivals? Who gave them the right to object to the second last arrivals ? Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 10:25:59 PM
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Bazz, your comments are so relevant and expose the hypocrisy and lies being promoted by those who would have us feel shame and acrimony in the treatment of the blacks in this country.
As you rightly point out, the blacks were just another mob of transient occupiers of this country. We have evidence, though small, of others coming here either before or during the period of the blacks stewardship of this country. They were obviously few in numbers, and therefore easily removed, so there is little or no evidence of their having been here in the first place. One example is the remains/remnants, of the "round houses" in the East. These are not examples of anything to do with the blacks, as they were nomadic wanderers, and as hunter gatherers they moved in search of food. There was NEVER any intent or evidence of OWNING land, as this idea was completely alien and unfamiliar to them. And so it is that the stupid idea of "giving" land to the blacks, in the false notion that Australia once "belonged" to them is one of the many egregious and dastardly decisions anyone could have been a party to, and they will forever be condemned to anals of the fools of history that failed a nation and it's people. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 11:56:42 PM
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Sorry, ANNALS, not ANALS. Did not proof read until AFTER I posted, getting late and tired.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 17 June 2020 12:02:09 AM
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Yes Altrav we are all transients. When we buy and sell land we are just
trading the right to live on it etc for a period. These aboriginal people should just be called colonialists as they did colonise the country. It is just that the time between the 23thrd fleet and the 24th fleet was longer that usual. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 17 June 2020 7:45:31 AM