The Forum > Article Comments > You suddenly want to protest deaths in custody? Good! But can you be consistent? > Comments
You suddenly want to protest deaths in custody? Good! But can you be consistent? : Comments
By David Pellowe, published 8/6/2020Absolutely no one on any side of politics, at any level of government, or in any law enforcement agency or their trade unions has come out and tried to contextualise or minimalise the evil brutality of the murderer.
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Posted by diver dan, Monday, 8 June 2020 8:50:37 AM
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Black lives matter protestors are either totally ignorant or deceitful. If they care one bit about injustice they would address the huge amount of black on black violence or the black on white violence for that matter. Gutless Governments that have pandered to white lying academics are to blame for the lies.
Posted by runner, Monday, 8 June 2020 9:01:16 AM
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I believe the writer's points are well made after thoughtful consideration! And around an extremely contentious issue.
The mindless violence solved nothing but raised the fear levels through the roof! Peaceful protest should never ever be completely banned or to protect a particular BS political narrative! For example, some leaders wanted to crack down on climate change protestors but were all but the most colour blind pollies in captivity when enraged voters marched against deaths in custody during a pandemic, for goodness sake!? While in the land of the free, the less free had their peaceful marches sabotaged by an opportunist criminal element? Much of this has its roots in inequality and the concentration of mostly unearned wealth, in completely undeserving hands, like folk who have acquired their wealth "legally", but totally immorally leaving a mountain of ruined families and bankruptcies in their wake? And where the minimum wage is less than the real cost of keeping, feeding, clothing, housing and maintaining the health and wellbeing of a bought slave! And where normal Christian inspired social justice is little more than a grotesque joke! Imagine this, we allowed a level of homelessness right here as considered necessary to maintain overheated, overvalued real estate values. Rather than house the homeless! The end result of housing all these folk during a pandemic, has been a saving of not less than 15 million to the public purse! And that's is just one state! TBC. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 8 June 2020 10:35:56 AM
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Runner, I am with you. For years I have been aware of the problem of Blacks killing family members, mostly women, particularly in the NT. The number of blacks who die in custody pales into insignificance by comparison. The problem is that it is not politically correct to mention it and one gets called racist for doing so. This is what the protests should be about otherwise these protests are just humbug.
This problem is the same in the US and they are failing to address it there as well. David Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 8 June 2020 10:58:08 AM
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Yes. Those involved in the killing of George Floyd will receive justice with the rioting, looting and anarchy of violent mobs. The media has acted disgracefully, too, as usual. Racism is one of the few words these morons can spell, so they use it all the time. And it seems that the police officer charged with the Floyd murder has a similar attitude to the law as his victim had. Two unpleasant characters.
Statistics on the numbers of a certain group in the overall population and their disproportional involvement in crime again, and again points to the problem if the groups involvement with police. It’s nothing to do with ‘racism’; it’s to do with the particular group breaking the law more than other groups. The BLM lot, black activists in America, Australia and all over the Western world have been having a loan of us for too long. People who once listened to them and sympathised with them are over them. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 June 2020 10:59:57 AM
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"These devils on our shoulder have been whispering in society's ear for decades that the freest, most inclusive and racially harmonious nation in the world is actually a seething bed of racism."
What nation would that be? It sure ain't the USA! _______________________________________________________________________________ Diver, surely defending police departments is, (like defunding anything else) a rightwing cause? The left recognise that roper funding is essential for effective outcomes, while the right think that cutting the budget will result in greater efficiency. _______________________________________________________________________________ runner, have you considered the possibility that the BLM movement concentrate on what they think they have the most power to change? Posted by Aidan, Monday, 8 June 2020 11:12:21 AM
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Deaths in custody would be less of an issue if there were fewer folk in custody! There'd be fewer if it were not considered a rite of passage?
Imagine how many folks would not have had the police on their case? If they could've kept their habitual obscenities out of their conversation? And yes, the white supremacists, would have had less opportunity to engage in their favourite pastime? Some folk would be unable to make a complete sentence if you removed the obscenities. One can express oneself far more forcibly with language than endlessly repeated verbal vomit! Most of the black crime starts in the shops, were shoplifting is rife in some communities because they are hungry! Been hungry enough to have to survive by raiding garbage bins, so understand what hunger can inspire! Another cause is the theft of other folks motor vehicles! And a major cause of "kids" in custody! Be better served by getting into healthy sport and competition/getting all the subverted rage taken out on a genuine punching bag. Rather than the wives and kids Mindless violence serves nobody and nothing, just begets more of the same and can become part of some cultures, where it can be seen as entertainment for goodness sake! This rubbish serves nobody and contributes to custodial sentencing? If you really want fewer deaths in custody? Then what you need is less offending for whatever is the root cause, social justice, hunger and neglect. Time the problem of substance was addressed, with exile replacing custodial sentences, for incorrigible drunks/the perpetrators of violence. Housing could be addressed with trucked demountables that are usually found in executive housing in some mining communities. And as ready to use trucked in demountables would probably be a lot less expensive than those million-dollar hovels that we see as part of the problem where the elites control the government money and allocations? And I know you know exactly who and what I mean? Are the chief stirrers as well as the law bosses? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 8 June 2020 11:13:33 AM
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One of the pre-requisites for democracy is a
tolerance of dissent. A tolerance of criticism and of dissenting opinions is fundamental to democracy. Governing parties must resist the temptation to equate their own policies with the national good, or they will tend to regard opposition as disloyal or even treasonable. Yes, protests should be peaceful. The damage of property is wrong. As is theft, looting, et cetera. But life happens as they say. Do we really want to go down the track of totalitarian regimes and ban all demonstrations? I think not. Protests have achieved a great deal in the past and hopefully will continue to do so in the future. After all through protesting about their grievances people realise that they're not alone. By protesting they may alter the agenda and start a debate. In an electoral democracy protests provide an essential voice for minority groups. And sometimes they even win. Sometimes they win in ways they had not intended or planned and of course sometimes change doesn't happen over night. It takes a generation or more. Think of the huge turnaround in attitudes towards gay people over a couple of generations. Black lives Matter - and the message needs to be put out there. Even in this country whose record of deaths in custody is not a good one. Read it for yourself: Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 June 2020 11:31:31 AM
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The whole upheaval has nothing to do with black deaths in custody or
any other of the slogans being shouted out loud. It is an example of crowd manipulation. The idea is pick something that happens on any day and you can pump it up into an international frantic hysteria. They key is to get the late teenage to mid twenties girls involved to get the hysteria cranked up and the around 20s boys involved, but you need a sprinkling of 30s + men to provide the muscle and leadership for the younger boys. It has worked a few times now and is being pefected by the antifa groups and is now manipulating governments. This time they have over ruled the covir 19 laws and arranged for the government to change the NSW & Vic laws to suit themselves. It is to be hoped that ASIO etc is examining the communication routes used by these groups as they might well be driven by other powers. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 8 June 2020 11:31:44 AM
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>defies hyperbole in the sheer scale, ferocity and irrationality
What ? No it doesn't its been building since the 60'. maybe you don't understand the word catalyst ? For example, Minneapolis is going to completely disband their police force and start again it's gotten that bad. I say good on 'em for finally having a go :) You have to have a go to get a go :) Eventually Australia's police brutality will blow up similarly as we approach bullying and violence under the cover of law and order similarly. I am sure you would be writing the same thing when George Washington was violently protesting the then law and order autocracy over the same continent ? That aside, like here, the entire thing is a symptom on inequality and deliberate choices made my the true banality of evil, the average voter (paraphrasing Martin Luther King and co-opting Hannah Ardent) Posted by Valley Guy, Monday, 8 June 2020 12:36:58 PM
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Well, it's a case of " be careful what you wish for". All hose white faces demonstrating for the black cause, should reflect. Firstly, and for sure, those black faces will never ever reciprocate a demonstration in favour of a white cause. Evidence South Africa. There is a country that has gone down hill with the wind behind it, following the same stupid. I think Trump is correct, when he itches to quell the lawless crowds. If he doesn't, it will be a bigger loss; especially to whites! Dan Posted by diver dan, Monday, 8 June 2020 1:43:00 PM
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Thank you David Pellow on writing such a well researched and informative article. Racism is not and never has been the problem. The problem is a growing number of dysfunctional minorities within the USA and other western nations who seem to be mindlessly violent, as well as crime prone and welfare depejndent.
Multiculturalism means social self suicide for the west. The US murder rate is five times that of Australia. Mexico's murder rate is three times higher than the USA. It has been noted that as more Hispanic people cross the border into the USA, they begin to form Hispanic only towns through "white flight". These towns then become Hispanic only towns with all of the problems, including official corruption, bankruptcy, suburbs ruled by criminal gangs, and very high homicide rates, as in Mexico itself. All Hispanic immigration is doing is moving Mexico, with all of it's social problems, North into the USA. The western world is probably doomed, we have "toleranced" ourselves to death. Our so called "intellectual" caste, in their compulsive need to think that they are better than everyone else in society, sold out their own people and their own superior culture, just so that they could strut and preen. They remind me of the young Russians who cheered on Lenin's Red Army, and then found themselves facing the firing squads and the gulags. Or the Cambodian university caste who cheered on Pol Pot and found themselves in the killing fields. It is hard to understand how people we expect to be intelligent can be so stupid. And all to pander to their own ego's. It may be 100 years before the university class suddenly realise what a boner they have inflicted upon their own people, and they then will once more rebel against authority to try and undo what their stupid great grandparents did to the greatest, fairest, most inventive, and most prosperous civilisation in history. That is if their own race has not been genetically eradicated by the crazy minorities they now champion who, as in Africa, can only bankrupt their own countries. Posted by LEGO, Monday, 8 June 2020 2:40:07 PM
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Lego, I am afraid you are so right.
There are leaders who are aware of the problem but so far only an odd one or so seem to be able to act on the problem. I think Trump is one of them but he is too incoherent to be able to make a case on this matter. The European situation is getting too late to save it from its immigration. Europe was the fount of the Western Society that gave us everything that we had to celebrate. I think the coming contest between China and Islam would be interesting to watch. However I don't think many here will be here to see it. The forces that have driven the last weeks pantomime will not survive that clash of civilisations. It is easy to forcast the result of that contest. The Chinese will run rings around the moslems. The intelligence difference is too great for it to be a real contest. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 8 June 2020 4:01:01 PM
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Bravo David.. for acknowledging the elephant in the room: "The truly horrendous, genocidal pattern of violence against African-Americans is being swept under the rug, revealing less interest in objective justice and defence of natural human rights than indefensibly incurious subscription to prejudiced agendas.
While African-Americans comprise only 13% of the population, they are more disproportionately affected by deaths in the custody of abortionists than of police. 36% of all abortions in the United States are committed against black women. According to a New York City Health Department report, 136,426 preborn black babies were deliberately killed and 118,127 were born safely between 2012 and 2016. It seems far easier to kill them while they're innocent and defenceless. In just one city more than half the African-Americans were killed before they could take their first breath. There's a word for that, and it's not "health care". Over the span of five years 136,426 mothers had their babies violently crushed, dismembered and removed from their wombs by real, data-evidenced, "systemic racism", oppression and injustice. " And who was an one of the first to expose this hypocrisy ? None other than a black man, the civil rights activist Jesse Jackson who famously replied to those arguing that abortion should be made affordable to poor black women... "If you say a poor woman has as much right to abortion as a rich woman, then see to it that poor women get a mink coat, a cadillac and a trip to Paris every year " ! And who today is one of the strongest advocates for the unborn in the U.S.? Alveda King, a niece of Martin Luther King! All lost on these people who have been sold short by a bunch of Hollywood sycophants who pass for "journalists" and "the media" today... as the result of the "long march through the institutions, universities and media." They have it all tied up in stranglehold on logic and the disseminating of truth...and facts... like you give above. Posted by Denny, Monday, 8 June 2020 4:10:54 PM
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Perhaps we've gotten to that point where the contradictions are becoming too great and numerous to deny.
Posted by jamo, Tuesday, 9 June 2020 6:00:32 AM
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Hey Denny. Jesse Jackson, head of the NAACP (National Association of Coloured People) was also famous for this quote.
"When I walk through Washington at night, I would rather have a white man behind me than a black." Says it all, right? Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 9 June 2020 6:14:31 AM
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It'll be interesting how the Academic Leftists will talk their way out of this !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 9 June 2020 7:11:56 AM
How mad is mad?
At the end of reading this article, I get the feeling, there is now a contest between left wing causes.
Over to the other cause, defunding the police departments will certainly help black populations advance their achievements as being responsible for the police service most afflicted by their crime.
Isn't that the same argument as legalising drugs to achieve a record of lower crimes?
Nobody in the US appears to recognise the problems associated with a "politicised" law enforcement.
Their system was perfected back in the bad days of the Wild West. Gun slingers were hired as private enforcers. Some of the worst were the Democrats from the South, defeated in the civil war.
Middle ground was never a popular residence for Americans.