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Mental health a top priority, spiritual wellbeing ignored : Comments

By Tania Hall, published 21/5/2020

Why are churches being restricted more than other places where people gather? How will this impact religious freedoms into the future?

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"Australians are anxious and fearful about what the future brings as expectations of another great depression are broadcast over mainstream media …..".

The 'anxiety and fear' are assumed in most cases. People who are worried are those who don't think for themselves, but believe everything the media says. Irritation and pure anger with politicians, 'experts' and the media are the more likely emotions. After the highly exaggerated predictions, the deliberate loss of jobs, and wrecking of the economy, the last thing we need from these windbags is interference in, and pontificating on, our 'mental' condition.

And who says the Prime Minister is a Christian. Happy clapping and swaying to music doesn't make anyone a Christian. The clampdown on church attendance was just another attack on genuine Christians and their faith that God, not politicians and 'experts', is watching over them
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 May 2020 9:41:11 AM
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Why are churches especially restricted ?

Large groups of people, sitting close together for a couple of hours, singing, hugging before and after services and as part of some rituals.

The virus is more likely to be passed on at churches than at, say, cinemas, where (except in the back row) people aren't hugging, and most likely not singing either.

Usually people don't sit cheek by jowl at restaurants, or sing there.

Posted by loudmouth2, Thursday, 21 May 2020 10:59:54 AM
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Rather than edicts from the government, the matter of church attendance should have been left to parishioners. I believe that you would find the genuinely faithful would be left plenty of room by the not so faithful.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 May 2020 11:46:27 AM
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The very first Christians had no churches nor all the pageantry, pagan ceremony and ritual. Held their meetings in each other's homes.

And broke bread once a year in remembrance of the Passover!

Hence the terminology!

Today the denominations are learning new tricks and online services others have taken it to drive-in theatres! Given the health risks of packed churches etc!

However, doesn't suit everyone nor the unwanted audience participation/examination of dogma and practise?

Moreover, I do not see the business as usual church services returning anytime soon as folk adapt to online religion etc. Mental health? Can not be reliant on social gathers surely?

Try long walks with a few mates or the dog. Or a jog in the park., in the sunshine. And get the brain busy producing its own endorphins.

Get enough sleep and do not worry over that which you cannot control! Learn Meditation. Try any method that works minus any religious dogma! Got a huge surplus of that already along with a plethora of religious control freaks obsessing over their flock getting a chance to think for themselves or question some of the aspects and teachings of this or that denomination?
Alan B
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 21 May 2020 11:51:29 AM
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As far as I know there is no evidence that people who attend religious gatherings have greater mental health than those who don't. The article just sounds like a plea for more special treatment for churches. I resent my tax money being used to support religious schools which indoctrinate students in a particular faith.

As it is I feel that my taxes used to support religious indoctrination is a violation of the Australian Constitution.


Commonwealth not to legislate in respect of religion

The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 21 May 2020 4:29:24 PM
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thanks for your article Tania. While most reacted reasonably with the unknowns at the beginning of this pandemic, fear and total lack of leadership from Premiers who hide behind their 'expert' of choice now dominate. To form the National cabinet Morrison did deals with Marxist/socialist who were happy to receive truckloads of borrowed money from the Federal Government while grandstanding the number of lives saved which now considering the hopelessly flawed models is very debatable. We now have huge amounts of Government workers who never missed a cent of pay making decisions destroying business's that people have invested their lives into. This whole exercise has been a total farce. Why we did not just look after the vulnerable (unlike Cuomo in New York) one will never know and I suspect Governments who should be totally ashamed don't want to know. Personally I have never been in favour of civil disorder like the fools protesting gw in the cities but am very close to it now. The masses have taken the koolaid thinking that having our freedoms is selfish. What a twisted logic. The freedom to worship should be one of the first to have been restored. Can't wait for tomorrow's announcement with some premier hiding behind a selected medical officer treating you like a 2 year old by allowing you to walk 3 steps from your house instead of 2. The Marxist love this garbage.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 21 May 2020 4:59:40 PM
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That's a new one ! Why do people need places of worship so much ? Can't people worship in solitude ? What's wrong with some solitude anyway ? Many people are forgotten by their own children & relatives, they never get the luxury of people visiting & putting some money into a plate as they do in Churches ?
I think the religious got it all back to front, the quiet sincere worshippers on the other hand are people with sense & compassion who don't go bananas when they can't be seen by others !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 21 May 2020 9:43:57 PM
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//The biopsychosocial model of health is used by allied health professionals alongside clinical practice in the treatment of health and disease. It recognises the interconnection between biological, psychological and socioenvironmental factors and the impact that these interconnections have on people's health and wellbeing. Spiritual wellbeing directly impacts the biological and psychological health of individuals, especially their mental health.//

Viruses have been known to have direct impacts on people's health as well. Sometimes even a bit more drastic than feeling less spiritual. And let's face it, nobody in all of human history has had their cause of death recorded as 'deficiency of church services'. Just practice your faith at home - Jesus doesn't care if you listen to God-awful Christian rock live or recorded, He just wishes you'd listen to good music instead.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 21 May 2020 11:15:49 PM
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